- https://kazhnuz.space
- Joined on
Declarative API for textmenus
Rework data systems
Exemple of validation
return {
id = "number,min=0,integer",
name = "string,optional",
flags = "list,string,optional",
attacks = {
_type = "list,optional",
name =…
Declarative API for scenes
scene definition
Scene.def = {
assets = "assets.plateform",
music = "gameplay.level1",
background = {type = "parallax"},
world = {
type = "fake3D",
actors =…
Univers "steampunkesque", post-révolution avec quelques inspirations horreur cosmique
Déplacer vers le namespace univers.kazhnuz.space ?
Switch to tael to enforce typing ?
Add "extend" api to handle "require+extend" cases
Refactor world/
Maybe that it would be nice to make some aliases to easily create actors, like
local Actor = actor {
-- content of Actor.def
Review stats and battle systems basics
- Remove concept of elemental weakness for characters
- Distpatch elements on every characters and give them one/more attacks that use the element (at least one neutral, and one with side…
Review stats and battle systems basics
Review stats and battle systems basics
Ennemy HP bar looks weird
Some glitchy behaviour on hp bars