Scene backgrounds #75

opened 2022-08-10 12:43:38 +02:00 by kazhnuz · 2 comments

Add a way to intelligently handle Scene's background.

Some stuff we would certainly want

  • Parallax background (which would need to get camera data)
  • Simple color background
  • Background image (tiled ? Centered ? Stretched ?)
  • Custom animated backgrounds
Add a way to intelligently handle Scene's background. Some stuff we would certainly want - Parallax background (which would need to get camera data) - Simple color background - Background image (tiled ? Centered ? Stretched ?) - Custom animated backgrounds
kazhnuz added this to the epervier 0.8.0 (beta 1) milestone 2022-08-10 12:43:38 +02:00
kazhnuz added the
3. Need investigation
1. Feature
2. Deliverable
4. Scenes
4. World
labels 2022-08-10 12:43:38 +02:00

Would be able to be declared as part of the declarative scene API

Would be able to be declared as part of the *declarative scene API*

Will be simply replaced by a function in the new screens

Will be simply replaced by a function in the new screens
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