Review stats and battle systems basics #113

opened 2022-01-12 11:06:08 +01:00 by kazhnuz · 7 comments
  • Reconceptualise all that questions in a small description of what are the goals of the battle system (interactions between heroes and badnics inspired by the games)


  • Are all the stat usefull, especially the hidden one ?


  • Should we handle evasion/accuracy that way (no evasion by default, but it's the effect of some statut/special power ?). Which character/ennemy should use evasion ?
  • Make some special move have no QTE, be stronger but with worse accuracy ?
  • Make QTE attacks have lower accuracy if the QTE is failed ?

Attck types/elements

  • Are the different attack and ennemy types good/interesting ?
  • Is the elemental system usefull, or is he redumbdant with the attack types/elements ? Maybe fuse ennemy types with attacks ?
  • Review what character have what attacks elements/type
- [ ] Reconceptualise all that questions in a small description of what are the goals of the battle system (interactions between heroes and badnics inspired by the games) **Stats** - [ ] Are all the stat usefull, especially the hidden one ? **Accuracy** - [ ] Should we handle evasion/accuracy that way (no evasion by default, but it's the effect of some statut/special power ?). Which character/ennemy should use evasion ? - [ ] Make some special move have no QTE, be stronger but with worse accuracy ? - [ ] Make QTE attacks have lower accuracy if the QTE is failed ? **Attck types/elements** - [ ] Are the different attack and ennemy types good/interesting ? - [ ] Is the elemental system usefull, or is he redumbdant with the attack types/elements ? Maybe fuse ennemy types with attacks ? - [ ] Review what character have what attacks elements/type
kazhnuz added this to the 0 - Rework Design project 2022-01-12 11:06:09 +01:00

Handling together status and ennemy type might be usefull ? It would be an alternative to handling together elements and elemental attacks.

Handling together status and ennemy type might be usefull ? It would be an alternative to handling together elements and elemental attacks.


  • Reuse the strenght of Sonic Chronicles, and make it more Sonic-y and avoid its issues
  • Fast-paced turn-based battle system when you use QTE to do stylish power moves and where efficiency is rewarded
  • Simple to understand but with cool stuff to do
    • Not too much stats (5 + HP/PP)
    • The actions to do are visible from the ennemy
    • Contain randomness to some areas
    • Chaos/Equipments for passive powers

Some ideas

  • Simpler and more "Sonic-y" stats
    • ATTACK : Basic attack stat, used for nearly everything
    • DEFENSE : Basic defense stat, used to resist everything.
    • CHAOS/TECHNIC/SPECIAL/POWER : Used for healing, chaos attack (that bypass armor), etc
    • SPEED : When the action attack, affect chance of speed
    • STYLE/TRICKS/LUCK : Can affect critic (maybe call them "stylish actions" ?) and chances to avoid some secondary effects
  • Only have ~7 P.O.W. move, each with three level of power
    • Maybe later add some cooler animation for later levels, and possibly renames
  • Add ARMOR/ARMORED status that remove 25% of physical attack, bypassed by "special attacks"
  • Remove LUCK hidden stats

Some other area to rethink

  • Rethink hidden stats, to make them more evident.
  • Brainstorm what every ennemy could/should do (same for bosses), use what's visible on the ennemy (visible elements, effect, etc)
  • Should we revamp Chronicles "flee" minigame, on some occasions ? Maybe not.

Code aspect

  • Add internal levels to ennemies (will make it easier to handle difficulty)
  • Add ennemy inheritance (to make "ennemy types" that'll work similar ways)
**Goals** - Reuse the strenght of Sonic Chronicles, and make it more Sonic-y and avoid its issues - Fast-paced turn-based battle system when you use QTE to do stylish power moves and where efficiency is rewarded - Simple to understand but with cool stuff to do - Not too much stats (5 + HP/PP) - The actions to do are visible from the ennemy - Contain randomness to some areas - Chaos/Equipments for passive powers **Some ideas** - [x] Simpler and more "Sonic-y" stats - ATTACK : Basic attack stat, used for nearly everything - DEFENSE : Basic defense stat, used to resist everything. - CHAOS/TECHNIC/SPECIAL/POWER : Used for healing, chaos attack (that bypass armor), etc - SPEED : When the action attack, affect chance of speed - STYLE/TRICKS/LUCK : Can affect critic (maybe call them "stylish actions" ?) and chances to avoid some secondary effects - [ ] Only have ~7 P.O.W. move, each with three level of power - Maybe later add some cooler animation for later levels, and possibly renames - [ ] Add ARMOR/ARMORED status that remove 25% of physical attack, bypassed by "special attacks" - [x] Remove LUCK hidden stats **Some other area to rethink** - [x] Rethink hidden stats, to make them more evident. - [ ] Brainstorm what every ennemy could/should do (same for bosses), use what's visible on the ennemy (visible elements, effect, etc) - [ ] Should we revamp Chronicles "flee" minigame, on some occasions ? Maybe not. **Code aspect** - [ ] Add internal levels to ennemies (will make it easier to handle difficulty) - [ ] Add ennemy inheritance (to make "ennemy types" that'll work similar ways)

New handling of critical hits, special effect, etc

  • Remove technic and luck and replace it by a "style" stat (maybe remove critical too ?)
    • Style handle critical hit, via comparison between style of heroes vs ennemies that'll affect the randomness of the critical hit.
    • Same for avoiding or afflicting a secondary effect.
  • On top of that, add a bonus according to the current rating of the team (handled via success at QTE)
**New handling of critical hits, special effect, etc** - Remove technic and luck and replace it by a "style" stat (maybe remove critical too ?) - Style handle critical hit, via comparison between style of heroes vs ennemies that'll affect the randomness of the critical hit. - Same for avoiding or afflicting a secondary effect. - On top of that, add a bonus according to the current rating of the team (handled via success at QTE)

List of special effects

  • Spikes -> Direct attacks cause damage to the attacker
  • Ground spikes -> Direct ground attacks cause damages to the attacker
  • Aerial spikes -> Direct aerial attacks cause damages to the attacker
  • Armor -> +25% resistence to physical (distance+direct) attacks
  • Strong armor -> +45% resistence to physical (distance+direct) attacks
  • Aerial -> Physical direct attacks fails
  • Mirror -> Throw back distance attacks to the attacker ? (Bumper Shields ?)
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???


  • Physical direct attacks have many stuff that can annoy them ?
    • But they can be stronger un general ?
    • Need more stuff that can avoid distance attacks ?
    • Add issues to "special" attacks ?
**List of special effects** - Spikes -> Direct attacks cause damage to the attacker - Ground spikes -> Direct ground attacks cause damages to the attacker - Aerial spikes -> Direct aerial attacks cause damages to the attacker - Armor -> +25% resistence to physical (distance+direct) attacks - Strong armor -> +45% resistence to physical (distance+direct) attacks - Aerial -> Physical direct attacks fails - Mirror -> Throw back distance attacks to the attacker ? (Bumper Shields ?) - ??? - ??? - ??? - ??? - ??? **Issues** - Physical direct attacks have many stuff that can annoy them ? - But they can be stronger un general ? - Need more stuff that can avoid distance attacks ? - Add issues to "special" attacks ?
kazhnuz reopened this issue 2022-09-12 16:55:24 +02:00
  • Remove concept of elemental weakness for characters
  • Distpatch elements on every characters and give them one/more attacks that use the element (at least one neutral, and one with side effect)
  • Think about the side-effect of each elements
- [ ] Remove concept of elemental weakness for characters - [ ] Distpatch elements on every characters and give them one/more attacks that use the element (at least one neutral, and one with side effect) - [ ] Think about the side-effect of each elements

Possible rework:

Simplification of the cbs (sure)

  • List and create "common" choregraphies that can be reused
    • Make sure that many attacks use them
    • Use common QTE in common situation
  • Rework the list of capacity to handle most commons status afflictions
    • Rethink status affliction based on Chronicles'
    • Reduce the list
  • Reduce the number of animation needed
    • Create a list based on the competence of Sonic Battle
  • Add internal levels to ennemies (will make it easier to handle difficulty)
  • Add ennemy inheritance (to make "ennemy types" that'll work similar ways) ?
  • Replace a lot of the current system by a "flag" system
    • Design the list of flags ("anti-aerial", "special", etc)

Style and efficiency (sure)

  • Add a "style" variable, based on QTE success
  • Make randomness help the player more when the style is higher, and add critic attack (called "stylish actions")

New stats/elements/effects (sure)

  • New set of stats : Attack, Defense, Chaos/Technic/Special/Power, Speed, Tricks
    • Tricks amplifies the chance of adding a special affliction (with both items and competences)
  • Brainstorm what every ennemy could/should do (same for bosses), use what's visible on the ennemy (visible elements, effect, etc)
  • New set of effects :
    • Aerial : Physical direct attack have 50% chance of failing (except via flags "anti-aerial")
    • Spikes : Cause damage to attacker
    • Aerial Spikes : Cause damage to player if there is the flag "anti-aerial" ? Maybe don't have that concept...
    • Armor / Strong Armor : Remove 25%/45% of damage from physical attacks (bypassed by special attacks)
    • Mirror : Throw back to attacker distance attacks
  • Remove concept of elemental weakness for characters
  • Distpatch elements on every characters and give them one/more attacks that use the element (at least one neutral, and one with side effect)
  • Think about the side-effect of each elements

Placing and action (not-sure)

  • Add a simple moving phase before selecting the move
    • Make being nearer making attack strongers, but having more chance of being attacked and receive a slight boost of attacks
    • Use tile-based placement
    • Character still goes back to its initial position after attacks (doesn't change much things)
  • Use a button based menu but normal boxed menu for skill selection, item selection, etc
  • Having "collateral damage", tanking a hit for another character, etc. give more style
  • Add physical interaction inside CBS
    • Basic attack touch an ennemy if its in front of target (or in a tile we're traversing)
    • Moves can have touch nearby attacks
    • Defending character/ennemy can tank an hit for another character/ennemy even if it's not a charge
    • Add hazard in some maps
    • Traps attack add hazard on a tile
    • Add inside choregraphy elements to dictate interactions with an ennemy
  • Some tile can have hazards/items on them
  • Having "collateral damage", tanking a hit for another character, etc. give more style
  • Suffering from environnemental hazard, getting tanked/yeeted by an ennemy, etc. remove style.

Other ideas

  • Replacing HP by rings (then changing the in-game currency ?) and loosing some rings when attacked, that can be regained with a good press of a button ? Maybe implement that as one of the prototypes
Possible rework: **Simplification of the cbs** (sure) - [ ] List and create "common" choregraphies that can be reused - [ ] Make sure that many attacks use them - [ ] Use common QTE in common situation - [ ] Rework the list of capacity to handle most commons status afflictions - [ ] Rethink status affliction based on Chronicles' - [ ] Reduce the list - [ ] Reduce the number of animation needed - [ ] Create a list based on the competence of Sonic Battle - [ ] Add internal levels to ennemies (will make it easier to handle difficulty) - [ ] Add ennemy inheritance (to make "ennemy types" that'll work similar ways) ? - [ ] Replace a lot of the current system by a "flag" system - [ ] Design the list of flags ("anti-aerial", "special", etc) **Style and efficiency** (sure) - [ ] Add a "style" variable, based on QTE success - [ ] Make randomness help the player more when the style is higher, and add critic attack (called "stylish actions") **New stats/elements/effects** (sure) - [ ] New set of stats : Attack, Defense, Chaos/Technic/Special/Power, Speed, Tricks - [ ] Tricks amplifies the chance of adding a special affliction (with both items and competences) - [ ] Brainstorm what every ennemy could/should do (same for bosses), use what's visible on the ennemy (visible elements, effect, etc) - [ ] New set of effects : - Aerial : Physical direct attack have 50% chance of failing (except via flags "anti-aerial") - Spikes : Cause damage to attacker - Aerial Spikes : Cause damage to player if there is the flag "anti-aerial" ? Maybe don't have that concept... - Armor / Strong Armor : Remove 25%/45% of damage from physical attacks (bypassed by special attacks) - Mirror : Throw back to attacker distance attacks - [ ] Remove concept of elemental weakness for characters - [ ] Distpatch elements on every characters and give them one/more attacks that use the element (at least one neutral, and one with side effect) - [ ] Think about the side-effect of each elements **Placing and action** (not-sure) - [ ] Add a simple moving phase before selecting the move - [ ] Make being nearer making attack strongers, but having more chance of being attacked and receive a slight boost of attacks - [ ] Use tile-based placement - [ ] Character still goes back to its initial position after attacks (doesn't change much things) - [ ] Use a button based menu but normal boxed menu for skill selection, item selection, etc - [ ] Having "collateral damage", tanking a hit for another character, etc. give more style - [ ] Add physical interaction inside CBS - [ ] Basic attack touch an ennemy if its in front of target (or in a tile we're traversing) - [ ] Moves can have touch nearby attacks - [ ] Defending character/ennemy can tank an hit for another character/ennemy even if it's not a charge - [ ] Add hazard in some maps - [ ] Traps attack add hazard on a tile - [ ] Add inside choregraphy elements to dictate interactions with an ennemy - [ ] Some tile can have hazards/items on them - [ ] Having "collateral damage", tanking a hit for another character, etc. give more style - [ ] Suffering from environnemental hazard, getting tanked/yeeted by an ennemy, etc. remove style. Other ideas - [ ] Replacing HP by rings (then changing the in-game currency ?) and loosing some rings when attacked, that can be regained with a good press of a button ? Maybe implement that as one of the prototypes

Divide this issue in several issues

Divide this issue in several issues
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