- Dans son repaire de kobold
- https://kazhnuz.space
Kobold pas très sages faisant des bétises. Beaucoup de bétises.
Parfois certaines sont intéressantes.
- Joined on
Add a description of effects for items in the inventory
Add a "use item" view
Add the save/exit submenu
Add the inventory view to the start menu
Add the character view for the start menu
Basically, we will do at first a early version without page and with just a few informations, as we don't have the other elements
Add basic parent classes
Add game-design for travel skills
Add game-design for talents
Add the save/exit submenu
Add a way to go from the main meny to the character menu
The main menu should be auto-selected when the start menu begin
Better view list on the start menu
Add a way to go from a menu to the other
The main menu should be auto-selected when the start menu begin
The upper half of the cursor isn't shown on player characters
Add fullname support to the battle menu