- https://kazhnuz.space
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The input would be passed like that: -> If the scene have an action for the input, call the input -> If a gui element is active/have foucs, catpure all remaining event -> If the world have an…
Peut-être qu'une meilleurs gestion des contenus visuels serait plus simple.
Other linked work -> The asset manager -> Fusing data, options and gamesave
Maybe a way to map something from the save to something from the gamedata would be usefull too. Maybe iterate the API from Radiance's game
APIs :
data:read(filename) -- read every datas related to a filename
data:write(filename) -- write every datas related to a filename
data:get("the.dataset.path", {var="test"}) --…
Unifying the save handling, the gamedatas and maybe even the options could be an idea.
How it would work would be
- dataset have a "path" and loading it will search the data.
- options and…
It make use also need being able to reconstruct easily a menu when the data would give another result, without having to query constently said result.
Moreover, it would be nice to add good data-binding to the menu, to populate them more easily. The different type of biding we might need are:
- Binding to a "fixed" list (that could be an…
It would be nice to rework every menu to use that kind of API, and not have to create a lot of different widgets. It would also simplify the text menu codebase, as it would just be a meny with a…
API list for bindings:
called if key is down<keyname>:pressed
called if key have been pressed<keyname>:released
called if key have been released<dirname>
called …
It would be interesting to rethink to replace the virtualpad API by a "binding" API, a bit like :
return {
menu = {move = "move", apply="jump", cancel="attack"},
bindings = {
Changes: -> Keep a mixin for handling speed/position instead of a sub-object for the moment. -> Keep the current hitboxes system where all hitboxes are relative to the parent.
-> Séparation header en deux -> Ajout liste catégorie dans header-1 -> Adaptation logo