- Dans son repaire de kobold
- https://kazhnuz.space
Kobold pas très sages faisant des bétises. Beaucoup de bétises.
Parfois certaines sont intéressantes.
- Joined on
And function "*Start()" and *End()" to update and draw in several objects
Add a dialog system
Putting that in version 1.0.0
A good base for the dialog system could be Moan : https://github.com/ttxi/Moan.lua
Add a way to automatically lock world when a menu is active
Add a way to automatically lock world when a menu is active
Add start menu to the overworld
Make screens more scene-independants
Rework characters stats
Add assets pack loaded by different scenes
Add sounds & music to game over screen
Add sounds to victory screen
KO character are shown standing up at the beggining of battle
Make the battle end screen