- Dans son repaire de kobold
- https://kazhnuz.space
Kobold pas très sages faisant des bétises. Beaucoup de bétises.
Parfois certaines sont intéressantes.
- Joined on
The way I see to solve that would be to use a “gender.lua” special file, that would countain every internal reference to pronouns to be used inside translations files. The pronouns wouldn’t need to be the same between language, as they would be used only internally.
( if you need to return translation of them, use normal translation file refering to them )
Using a generic system for every language at once in a game would cause some problem, as not every game need one. TBH even in some it could be wonky, and would need a way to create some way to choose a word without having to put the adjective in gender.lua…
maybe some kind of {{gentil/gentille/gentil.le}} string ?