- Dans son repaire de kobold
- https://kazhnuz.space
Kobold pas très sages faisant des bétises. Beaucoup de bétises.
Parfois certaines sont intéressantes.
- Joined on
Maptype arguments are present only in baseworld
Add an "animationEnded" callback to the actor system
Add an "animationEnded" callback to the actor system
Fix .pauseAtEnd value not working in the animation system
Fix .pauseAtEnd value not working in the animation system
use the right variable name for creationID in world3D zSorting
use the right variable name for creationID in world3D zSorting
Decouple map system as much as possible from baseworld
Decouple map system as much as possible from baseworld
Add a module to create "game" objects
Add "textured from map" boxes.
Add "textured from map" boxes.
Add textured fake3D boxes
Add textured fake3D boxes
Add a way to place fake3D actor according to their top side in tiled
Add a way to place fake3D actor according to their top side in tiled