Kazhnuz Klappsthul kazhnuz · they/them · it/its
  • Dans son repaire de kobold
  • https://kazhnuz.space
  • Kobold pas très sages faisant des bétises. Beaucoup de bétises.

    Parfois certaines sont intéressantes.

  • Joined on 2024-08-03
kazhnuz commented on issue game-projects/sonic-radiance#36 2020-08-18 10:20:35 +02:00
Use the "Sonic Advance RPG" concept only

New description

Sonic Radiancce

Sonic Radiance is a Sonic (J)RPG, inspired by the GBA/DS era mostly, with some elements from other Sonic games, especially from Adventure/Heroes. It aim to convey the goods of the GBA RPG (large-but-not-too-large area with secrets to find, simple yet effective storytelling), and to adapt the Sonic experience in an turn-based RPG form.

It'll adapt some of the "core" element of Adventure/Modern Sonic games (ranks, speed, action), inside of its RPG System. It'll be done by having a more dynamic battle system inspired by Chronicles, with QTE and multiple action per turn, with the action selection at the moment your character act. The overworld will add some Zelda-esque elements, in order to adapt the capacities of the Sonic characters.


Moonstone Island is a small temperate island, that have been for its whole history subject of settlers. The mysterious Sidh People came first, nearly 700 years ago, while the current administration of Monado City came nearly 80 years ago. Today, the first one. A lot of old myth and new urban legends exist about the isle. Visited by the Moon herself, having been the place to energetic experiments... There is a lot too see on this touristic island !

A few days ago, it's a panicked call that Sonic, Tails and Amy got from the Island governor. A lot of badnics have appeared on the entire Island ! Suspecting a new mysterious Eggman plot, our heroes are ready to take action.

Will they be alone in this adventure ? What are the secrets of Moonstone Island ? Who is the Moon Daughter ? Why is the Gosth Central forbidden ? Sonic alone won't be able to solve all these mysteries !


Game code is under MIT licence. All the assets are ©️ it's original owners, be it SEGA or the fancreators that did them.

kazhnuz commented on issue game-projects/sonic-radiance#36 2020-08-18 09:41:52 +02:00
Use the "Sonic Advance RPG" concept only

Actions à faire

  • Modifier description du projet
  • Supprimer la partie monado-prime
  • Reorganiser l'espace game design
  • Peut-être le déplacer vers un wiki en partie ?
kazhnuz opened issue game-projects/sonic-radiance#36 2020-08-18 09:41:07 +02:00
Passer définitivement sur le projet "Sonic Advance RPG"
kazhnuz opened issue game-projects/sonic-radiance#35 2020-08-18 09:38:50 +02:00
Améliorer visuel liste action combat
kazhnuz pushed to master at game-projects/sonic-radiance 2020-08-16 11:19:59 +02:00
61639b86d0 feat: go back to debug menu when pressing start
5c93295a41 feat: add parallax background to title screen
e8e5ba9a76 fix: don't jump at minigame start
70ed18202d feat: backport code from bluestreak
849d3ce537 chore: reorganize scenes
Compare 7 commits »
kazhnuz pushed to master at game-projects/sonic-radiance 2020-08-14 11:37:15 +02:00
a507ff293d feat: add town list
66de964af0 feat: ajout des nouvelles zones
7b9a67c10f feat: ajout des normes pour construire l'ile
7a7228ecf5 feat: ajout des equipement de Chronicles
e44c86317d feat: add elements
Compare 10 commits »
kazhnuz closed issue game-projects/sonic-radiance#26 2020-08-14 11:37:14 +02:00
Add cheap growup effect
kazhnuz pushed to master at epervier/epervier-framework 2020-08-09 15:11:51 +02:00
6bac6704f5 fix: use the right dimensions for fading
e8e75ac4db improvement: manage music via core.music
Compare 2 commits »
kazhnuz closed issue epervier/epervier-framework#43 2020-08-09 15:11:51 +02:00
Make the music system global
kazhnuz closed issue epervier/epervier-framework#17 2020-08-09 12:01:10 +02:00
Support multiple hitbox for actors ?
kazhnuz opened issue epervier/epervier-framework#44 2020-08-09 12:00:42 +02:00
Handle an "object layer" on tiled map
kazhnuz opened issue epervier/epervier-framework#43 2020-08-09 12:00:15 +02:00
Make the music system global
kazhnuz opened issue epervier/epervier-framework#42 2020-08-09 11:54:49 +02:00
Switch input system to baton ?
kazhnuz closed issue epervier/epervier-framework#16 2020-08-09 11:54:22 +02:00
CameraSystem:getViewCoordinate return wrong coordinate
kazhnuz opened issue epervier/epervier-framework#41 2020-08-09 11:53:29 +02:00
Use i18n.lua for translation system
kazhnuz closed issue epervier/epervier-framework#40 2020-08-09 11:53:09 +02:00
Dimensions of bottomTexture are computed according to topTexture in fake3d boxes
kazhnuz opened issue epervier/epervier-framework#40 2020-08-09 11:52:54 +02:00
Dimensions of bottomTexture are computed according to topTexture in fake3d boxes
kazhnuz closed issue epervier/epervier-framework#39 2020-08-09 11:52:18 +02:00
Maptype arguments are present only in baseworld
kazhnuz commented on issue epervier/epervier-framework#39 2020-08-09 11:52:18 +02:00
Maptype arguments are present only in baseworld

Fixed since b5059e848a