- Dans son repaire de kobold
- https://kazhnuz.space
Kobold pas très sages faisant des bétises. Beaucoup de bétises.
Parfois certaines sont intéressantes.
- Joined on
Add damage/heal numbers to battler
Add fullname support to the battle menu
Better view list on the start menu
Add the inventory view
Add the character view for the start menu
[MENU] Show HP and MP on the character widget
Add object definition files
Add inventory
Initial work done on 5d90ead710, let's replace that with different issues for different stuff to work
Add object effects in battle
Add the consummable object effect system
The upper half of the cursor isn't shown on player characters
KO character are shown standing up at the beggining of battle
Use the "Sonic Advance RPG" concept only
Use a normal menu on game over screen