Add the equipement screen #93

opened 2021-04-22 19:48:35 +02:00 by kazhnuz · 1 comment

This screen should be a bit like the use item screen, except that:

  • Instead that the Level + HP, it should show the currently equiped item
  • Instead of showing the description, it should show the stat change
  • It should equip the item instead of using it
This screen should be a bit like the use item screen, except that: - Instead that the Level + HP, it should show the currently equiped item - Instead of showing the description, it should show the stat change - It should equip the item instead of using it
kazhnuz added the
2. Deliverable
1. Feature
4. Menus
labels 2021-04-22 19:48:36 +02:00
kazhnuz added this to the 0 - Basic engine project 2021-04-22 19:48:36 +02:00


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