Simplify ennemies #126

opened 2023-05-16 09:54:48 +02:00 by kazhnuz · 3 comments
  • Add internal levels to ennemies (will make it easier to handle difficulty)
  • Add species that handle the stats and stuff
  • Add a lot of "basic attack" that the ennemies can use
  • Use the zones of apparitions for the category + a boss/superbadnik ones
  • Use these zones for encounters too
- [x] Add internal levels to ennemies (will make it easier to handle difficulty) - [ ] Add species that handle the stats and stuff - [ ] Add a lot of "basic attack" that the ennemies can use - [ ] Use the zones of apparitions for the category + a boss/superbadnik ones - [ ] Use these zones for encounters too
kazhnuz added the
2. Deliverable
1. Feature
1. Balancing
4. Battle System
1. Clean-up
labels 2023-05-16 09:54:48 +02:00
kazhnuz added this to the 0 - Basic engine project 2023-05-16 09:54:48 +02:00

-> Create a list of set of stats that'll be reusable (like "strong_def", "tanky_thing", etc.
-> Create a simple list of ennemies that'll use these sets, some elements like weaknesses, an attack list, a basic effect list, etc.

-> Create a list of set of stats that'll be reusable (like "strong_def", "tanky_thing", etc. -> Create a simple list of ennemies that'll use these sets, some elements like weaknesses, an attack list, a basic effect list, etc.

Split in species and ennemies

Split in species and ennemies
Specy ATK DEF SPD PWR STY skills
Dasher A C A D D "dash","spddash" (>10)
Stinger B D A C D
| Specy | ATK | DEF | SPD | PWR | STY | skills | |:------:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:-----:|:----:|:-----:| | Dasher | A | C | A | D | D | "dash","spddash" (>10) | | Stinger | B | D | A | C | D | |
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