chore: start improving doc

This commit is contained in:
Kazhnuz 2021-07-28 13:42:23 +02:00
parent 406055d35e
commit b5bfc30d0b
3 changed files with 68 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- loveutils.datas : simple functions for data manipulation.
--- loveutils.datas : simple functions for data manipulation.
Copyright © 2021 Kazhnuz
@ -26,11 +26,17 @@ local DataUtils = {}
local DATADIR = "datas"
local GAMEDATADIR = "gamedata"
--- Verify if a name correspond to a lua file
---@param name string the filename you want to test
---@return boolean isLua if the filename finish by .lua
function DataUtils.isLuaFile(name)
local extension = name:sub(#name - 3, #name)
return (extension == ".lua")
--- Transform a lua filename to a module name
---@param luaFile string the filename you want to transform
---@return boolean moduleName the module name
function DataUtils.luaFileToModule(luaFile)
if (DataUtils.isLuaFile(luaFile)) then
return luaFile:sub(1, #luaFile - 4)
@ -39,6 +45,9 @@ function DataUtils.luaFileToModule(luaFile)
--- Transform a list of lua filename to a list of module name
---@param luaFileList table the filename list you want to transform
---@return table moduleList the module name list
function DataUtils.luaFileListToModuleList(luaFileList)
local moduleList = {}
for i,luaFile in ipairs(luaFileList) do
@ -47,10 +56,18 @@ function DataUtils.luaFileListToModuleList(luaFileList)
return moduleList
--- Use "require" on a a composited filename
---@param parent string the parent filename
---@param filename string the filename of the file
---@return any data the content of the lua file
function DataUtils.require(parent, filename)
return require(DataUtils.concatFolder(parent, filename, true))
--- Require and copy the content of a lua file
--- It's mostly used for lua file containing data, for not having to copy their data
---@param filepath string the filepath of the file
---@return table data the copied content of the lua file
function DataUtils.copy(filepath)
local orig = require(filepath)
local orig_type = type(orig)
@ -67,6 +84,11 @@ function DataUtils.copy(filepath)
--- Require and copy the content of a lua file from it's parent folder
--- It's mostly used for lua file containing data, for not having to copy their data
---@param parent string the path of the parent
---@param filename string the filename of the file
---@return table data the copied content of the lua file
function DataUtils.copyDataset(parent, filename)
local orig = DataUtils.require(parent, filename)
local orig_type = type(orig)
@ -82,18 +104,33 @@ function DataUtils.copyDataset(parent, filename)
return copy
--- Get a data directory path from the gamedata dir
---@param folder string the folder name
---@param lua boolean if we are dealing with lua modules
---@return string path the data directory path
function DataUtils.concatDataFolder(folder, lua)
return DataUtils.concatFolder(DataUtils.getGameDataDir(lua), folder, lua)
--- Get the game data directory
---@param lua boolean if we are dealing with lua modules
---@return string path the gamedirectory path
function DataUtils.getGameDataDir(lua)
return DataUtils.concatFolder(DATADIR, GAMEDATADIR, lua)
--- Concat a folder path
---@param parent string the path of the parent folder
---@param filename string the name of the element you want to concat to the path
---@param lua boolean if we are dealing with lua modules
---@return string path the path
function DataUtils.concatFolder(parent, filename, lua)
return parent .. DataUtils.sep(lua) .. filename
--- Return the separater character for lua modules or filesystem pathname
---@param lua boolean if we are dealing with lua modules
---@return string sep the separator
function DataUtils.sep(lua)
if (lua) then
return "."

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- loveutils.math : easy to use functions for mathematics and geometry.
--- loveutils.math : easy to use functions for mathematics and geometry.
Copyright © 2019 Kazhnuz

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@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
local Table = {}
--- Get the sum of a liste of number
---@param table table the table which you want to find if it contain the content
---@param content any the content that you want to find in the table
---@return boolean contain if the table contain the content
function Table.contain(table, content)
for k, v in ipairs(table) do
if (v == content) then
@ -32,6 +36,9 @@ function Table.contain(table, content)
return false
--- Get the table in form of a string
---@param table table the table which you want to transform into a string
---@return string string the string created from the table
function Table.toString(table)
local string = "{"
for key, value in pairs(table) do
@ -52,6 +59,9 @@ function Table.toString(table)
return string .. "}"
--- Clone a table
---@param table1 table the table to clone
---@return table returnTable the cloned table
function Table.clone(table1)
local returnTable = {}
for key, value in pairs(table1) do
@ -60,6 +70,10 @@ function Table.clone(table1)
return returnTable
--- Merge two list
---@param table1 table the first list to merge
---@param table2 table the list that you want to merge to the first
---@return table table1 the first list, merged with the second
function Table.mergeList(table1, table2)
for i, value in ipairs(table2) do
table.insert(table1, value)
@ -67,6 +81,10 @@ function Table.mergeList(table1, table2)
return table1
--- Merge two table
---@param table1 table the first table to merge
---@param table2 table the table that you want to merge to the first
---@return table table1 the first table, merged with the second
function Table.merge(table1, table2)
for key, value in pairs(table2) do
table1[key] = value
@ -74,6 +92,10 @@ function Table.merge(table1, table2)
return table1
--- Reduce a list with a function
---@param list table the list you want to reduce
---@param fn function a function to apply to the whole list. Args: the first reduced list & the current value
---@return any acc the result of the reducing
function Table.reduce(list, fn)
local acc
for k, v in ipairs(list) do
@ -86,6 +108,9 @@ function Table.reduce(list, fn)
return acc
--- Get the sum of a liste of number
---@param table table the list to parse into an sum
---@return number sum the sum of the table
function Table.sum(table)
local sum = 0
for _, v in pairs(table) do
@ -95,11 +120,14 @@ function Table.sum(table)
return sum
--- Get the average of a liste of number
---@param table table the list to parse into an average
---@return number average the average of the table
function Table.average(table)
return Table.sum(table) / #table
--Parse a basic list into a structured table. Return an error if the number of arguments is not the same
--- Parse a basic list into a structured table. Return an error if the number of arguments is not the same
---@param table table the list to parse into a table
---@param structure table the structure to create the table : each name correspond to an attribute of the parsed table
---@param nullableNbr integer the number of nullable argument (at the end of the functions) (can be null)