An unchecked checkbox icon is used for Activate (to show that it's currently inactive). A checked checkbox icon is used for Deactivate (to show that it's currently active). A gear icon is used for the Settings link. The checkbox icons are placed on the left side of the name, as checkboxes usually appear. The gear icon is placed floated to the right side of the name, to have a clean look. The plugin list is more compact, and it's much easier to identify which plugins are currently active, and which have settings. No need to read any words! The previously used words (with language dependency) is still used as the tooltip (title) that is shown when the mouse hovers over the icons. In the themes page, the checked checkbox icon denotes the curently active theme, but doesn't do anything when clicked. This is by design, since only one theme can be active at a time. For consistency sake, a circle (radio button style) was not used. Signed-off-by: ADTC <send2adtc@gmail.com>
58 lines
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58 lines
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HTML::title(array('title'=>$L->g('Plugins'), 'icon'=>'puzzle-piece'));
echo '
<table class="uk-table">
<th class="uk-width-1-5">'.$L->g('Name').'</th>
<th class="uk-width-3-5">'.$L->g('Description').'</th>
<th class="uk-text-center">'.$L->g('Version').'</th>
<th class="uk-text-center">'.$L->g('Author').'</th>
foreach($plugins['all'] as $Plugin)
echo '
<tr '.($Plugin->installed()?'class="plugin-installed"':'class="plugin-notInstalled"').'>
<div class="plugin-name">
if($Plugin->installed()) {
echo '<a class="uninstall" href="'.HTML_PATH_ADMIN_ROOT.'uninstall-plugin/'.$Plugin->className().'" title="'.$L->g('Deactivate').'"><i class="uk-icon-check-square-o"></i></a> ';
if(method_exists($Plugin, 'form')) {
echo '<a class="configure" href="'.HTML_PATH_ADMIN_ROOT.'configure-plugin/'.$Plugin->className().'" title="'.$L->g('Settings').'"><i class="uk-icon-cog settings-icon"></i></a> ';
else {
echo '<a class="install" href="'.HTML_PATH_ADMIN_ROOT.'install-plugin/'.$Plugin->className().'" title="'.$L->g('Activate').'"><i class="uk-icon-square-o"></i></a> ';
echo '
echo '<td>';
echo $Plugin->description();
if( !$Plugin->isCompatible() ) {
echo '<div class="plugin-incompatible">This plugin is incompatible with Bludit v'.BLUDIT_VERSION.'</div>';
echo '</td>';
echo '
<td class="uk-text-center">'.$Plugin->version().'</td>
<td class="uk-text-center"><a targe="_blank" href="'.$Plugin->website().'">'.$Plugin->author().'</a></td>
echo '</tr>';
echo '
'; |