2019-05-24 19:26:57 +02:00

389 lines
21 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"language-data": {
"native": "اللغة العربية",
"english-name": "Arabic",
"last-update": "2017-09-10",
"authors": [
"dates": {
"Mon": "Mon",
"Tue": "Tue",
"Wed": "Wed",
"Thu": "Thu",
"Fri": "Fri",
"Sat": "Sat",
"Sun": "Sun",
"Monday": "الأثنين",
"Tuesday": "الثلاثاء",
"Wednesday": "الأربعاء",
"Thursday": "الخميس",
"Friday": "الجمعة",
"Saturday": "السبت",
"Sunday": "الأحد",
"Jan": "Jan",
"Feb": "Feb",
"Mar": "Mar",
"Apr": "Apr",
"Jun": "Jun",
"Jul": "Jul",
"Aug": "Aug",
"Sep": "Sep",
"Oct": "Oct",
"Nov": "Nov",
"Dec": "Dec",
"January": "يناير",
"February": "فبراير",
"March": "مارس",
"April": "أبريل",
"May": "مايو",
"June": "يونيو",
"July": "يوليو",
"August": "أغسطس",
"September": "سبتمبر",
"October": "أكتوبر",
"November": "نوفمبر",
"December": "ديسمبر"
"dashboard": "لوحة التحكم",
"manage-users": "إدارة المستخدمين",
"manage-categories": "إدارة التصنيفات",
"general-settings": "الإعدادات العامة",
"advanced-settings": "إعدادات متقدمة",
"thanks-for-support-bludit": "شكراً لدعمك Bludit",
"upgrade-to-bludit-pro": "Upgrade to Bludit PRO",
"language": "اللغة",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "الإضافات",
"developers": "المطورون",
"themes": "القوالب",
"about": "من نحن",
"url": "URL",
"welcome": "مرحباً",
"logout": "الخروج",
"website": "الموقع",
"publish": "نشر",
"manage": "إدارة",
"content": "المحتوى",
"category": "التصنيف",
"categories": "التصنيفات",
"users": "المستخدمين",
"settings": "الإعدادات",
"general": "عـام",
"advanced": "متقدم",
"new-content": "محتوى جديد",
"manage-content": "ادارة المحتوى",
"add-new-content": "أضف محتوى جديد",
"new-category": "تصنيف جديد",
"you-do-not-have-sufficient-permissions": "لا توجد لديك الصلاحيات الكافية لدخول هذه الصفحة،إتصل بالمدير",
"add-a-new-user": "أضف مستخدم جديد",
"url-associated-with-the-content": "URL associated with the content.",
"language-and-timezone": "اللغة والمنطقة الزمنية",
"change-your-language-and-region-settings": ".إختر لغتك ومنطقتك",
"notifications": "تنبيهات",
"plugin-activated": "الاضافة مفعلة",
"plugin-deactivated": "الاضافة معطلة",
"new-theme-configured": "New theme configured",
"changes-on-settings": "Changes on settings",
"plugin-configured": "Plugin configured",
"welcome-to-bludit": "مرحبا بك في Bludit",
"statistics": "الإحصائيات",
"drafts": "المسودات",
"title": "العنوان",
"save": "حفظ",
"save-as-draft": "الحفظ كمسودة",
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"description": "الوصف",
"this-field-can-help-describe-the-content": "ضع وصفا مناسبا للمحتوى في بضع كلمات. لا تزيد عن 150 حرفا.",
"images": "الصور",
"error": "خطأ",
"supported-image-file-types": "أنواع ملفات الصور المدعومة",
"cover-image": "صورة الغلاف",
"drag-and-drop-or-click-here": "سحب وإسقاط أو اضغط هنا",
"there-are-no-images": "لا توجد صور بعد",
"upload-and-more-images": "Upload and more images",
"click-on-the-image-for-options": "إضغط على الصورة للمزيد من خيارات.",
"click-here-to-cancel": ".انقر هنا إلى إلغاء",
"insert-image": "إدراج صورة",
"set-as-cover-image": "جعلها صورة للغلاف",
"delete-image": "حذف الصورة",
"tags": "علامات",
"add": "أضـف",
"status": "الحالة",
"published": "منشور",
"draft": "مسودة",
"empty-title": "بدون عنوان",
"empty": "empty",
"date": "التاريخ",
"external-cover-image": "External cover image",
"parent": "ملحق",
"full-image-url": "Full image URL.",
"this-field-is-used-when-you-order-the-content-by-position": "This field is used when you order the content by position.",
"position": "موضع",
"friendly-url": "روابط محسنة",
"image-description": "وصف الصورة",
"add-a-new-category": "إضافة تصنيف جديد",
"name": "الإسم",
"username": "المعرف",
"first-name": "الإسم الأول",
"last-name": "الاسم الثاني",
"to-schedule-the-content-select-the-date-and-time": "To schedule the content select the date and time, the status has to be set to \"Published\".",
"email": "البريد الإلكتروني",
"role": "الدور",
"registered": "مسجل",
"site-information": "معلومات الموقع",
"site-title": "عنوان الموقع",
"use-this-field-to-name-your-site": "إستخدم هذا الحقل لكتابة عنوان موقعك،سوف يظهر في أعلى جميع صفحات موقعك",
"site-slogan": "شعار الموقع",
"use-this-field-to-add-a-catchy-phrase": "أكتب عبارة جذابة حول موقعك",
"site-description": "وصف الموقع",
"you-can-add-a-site-description-to-provide": "يمكنك إضافة وصف مختصر حول موقعك للتعريف به",
"footer-text": "نص التذبيل",
"you-can-add-a-small-text-on-the-bottom": "يمكنك إضافة نص قصير أسفل الموقع",
"social-networks-links": "روابط الشبكات الإجتماعية",
"site-url": "رابط الموقع",
"email-account-settings": "إعدادات بريد الحساب",
"sender-email": "بريد المرسل",
"emails-will-be-sent-from-this-address": ".سوف ترسل الرسائل من هذا البريد",
"url-filters": "فلتر الرابط",
"select-your-sites-language": "إختر لغة موقعك",
"timezone": "المنطقة الزمنية",
"select-a-timezone-for-a-correct": "إختيار التوقيت الصحيح لعرض التاريخ \/ الوقت على موقعك.",
"locale": "المكان",
"date-and-time-formats": "تنسيق التاريخ والوقت",
"date-format": "صيغة التاريخ",
"current-format": "Current format",
"version": "الإصدار",
"author": "الكاتب",
"activate": "تفعيل",
"deactivate": "تعطيل",
"edit-category": "Edit category",
"delete": "حذف",
"password": "كلمة السر",
"confirm-password": "تأكيد كلمة السر",
"editor": "المحرر",
"administrator": "المدير",
"edit-user": "تعديل المستخدم",
"edit-content": "Edit content",
"profile": "الملف الشخصي",
"change-password": "تغيير كلمة السر",
"enabled": "تفعيل",
"disable-the-user": "Disable the user",
"profile-picture": "صورة الملف الشخصي",
"edit-or-delete-your-categories": "تحرير وحذف التصنيفات",
"create-a-new-category-to-organize-your-content": "إضافة تصنيف جديد لتنظيم المحتوى",
"confirm-delete-this-action-cannot-be-undone": "تأكيد الحذف، لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه الخطوة",
"do-you-want-to-disable-the-user": "Do you want to disable the user ?",
"new-password": "كلمة سر جديد",
"you-can-change-this-field-when-save-the-current-changes": "You can change this field when save the current changes.",
"items-per-page": "العناصر في الصفحة",
"invite-a-friend-to-collaborate-on-your-site": "دعوة صديق للمشاركة في موقعك",
"number-of-items-to-show-per-page": "Number of items to show per page.",
"website-or-blog": "Website or Blog",
"order-content-by": "ترتيب المحتوى حسب",
"edit-or-delete-content-from-your-site": "تحرير وحذف المحتوى من موقعك",
"order-the-content-by-date-to-build-a-blog": "Order the content by date to build a Blog or order the content by position to build a Website.",
"page-not-found-content": "Hey! look like the page doesn't exist.",
"page-not-found": "Page not found",
"predefined-pages": "Predefined pages",
"returning-page-when-the-page-doesnt-exist": "Returning page when the page doesn't exist, leave it blank if you want to returns a default message.",
"returning-page-for-the-main-page": "Returning page for the main page, leave it blank if you want to show all the pages on the main page.",
"full-url-of-your-site": "Full URL of your site. Complete with the protocol HTTP or HTTPS (only if you have enabled SSL on your server).",
"with-the-locales-you-can-set-the-regional-user-interface": "With the locales, you can set the regional user interface, such as the dates in your language. The locales need to be installed on your system.",
"bludit-installer": "Bludit مثبث",
"choose-your-language": "إختر لغتك",
"next": "التالـي",
"complete-the-form-choose-a-password-for-the-username-admin": "أكمل النموذج، إختر إسم وكلمة سر للمدير",
"show-password": "أظهر كلمة السر",
"install": "تثبيث",
"login": "تسجيل الدخول",
"back-to-login-form": "عودة إلى النمودج",
"get-login-access-code": "أحصل على رمز الدخول",
"email-access-code": "Email access code",
"whats-next": "ماهي الخطوة التالية",
"username-or-password-incorrect": "إسم المستخدم أو كلمة السر خاطئ",
"follow-bludit-on": "تابع جديدنا على",
"this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site": "هذا وصف موجز لنفسك أو لموقعك، لتغيير هذا النص تذهب إلى لوحة المشرف، إعدادات، والإضافات، وتعديل في إضافة About",
"new-version-available": "New version available",
"new-category-created": "New category created",
"category-deleted": "Category deleted",
"category-edited": "Category edited",
"new-user-created": "New user created",
"user-edited": "User edited",
"user-deleted": "حذف المستخدم",
"recommended-for-recovery-password-and-notifications": "Recommended for recovery password and notifications.",
"authentication-token": "Authentication Token",
"token": "Token",
"current-status": "الوضع الحالي",
"upload-image": "رفع الصور",
"the-changes-have-been-saved": "تم حفظ التعديلات",
"label": "Label",
"links": "Links",
"this-title-is-almost-always-used-in-the-sidebar-of-the-site": "This title is almost always used in the sidebar of the site.",
"password-must-be-at-least-6-characters-long": "يجب أن لا تقل كلمة السر عن 6 حروف",
"ip-address-has-been-blocked": "IP تم حظر.",
"try-again-in-a-few-minutes": ".أعد المحاولة بعد دقائق",
"content-published-from-scheduler": "Content published from scheduler",
"blog": "Blog",
"complete-all-fields": "Complete all fields",
"static": "Static",
"about-your-site-or-yourself": "About your site or yourself",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"to-enable-the-user-you-must-set-a-new-password": "To enable the user you must set a new password.",
"delete-the-user-and-associate-his-content-to-admin-user": "Delete the user and associate his content to admin user",
"delete-the-user-and-all-his-content": "Delete the user and all his content",
"user-disabled": "User disabled",
"user-password-changed": "User password changed",
"the-password-and-confirmation-password-do-not-match": "The password and confirmation password do not match",
"scheduled-content": "المحتوى المجدول",
"there-are-no-scheduled-content": "لا يوجد محتوى مجدول.",
"new-content-created": "New content created",
"content-edited": "Content edited",
"content-deleted": "Contente deleted",
"undefined": "Undefined",
"create-new-content-for-your-site": "إنشاء محتوى جديد لموقعك",
"there-are-no-draft-content": "There are no draft content.",
"order-items-by": "Order items by",
"all-content": "All content",
"dynamic": "Dynamic",
"type": "Type",
"draft-content": "Draft content",
"post": "Post",
"default": "Default",
"latest-content": "Latest content",
"default-message": "Default message",
"no-parent": "No parent",
"have-you-seen-my-ball": "Have you seen my ball?",
"pagebreak": "Page break",
"pages": "الصفحات",
"this-plugin-may-not-be-supported-by-this-version-of-bludit": "This plugin may not be supported by this version of Bludit",
"previous": "Previous",
"previous-page": "Previous page",
"next-page": "Next page",
"scheduled": "Scheduled",
"this-token-is-similar-to-a-password-it-should-not-be-shared": "This token is similar to a password, it should not be shared.",
"congratulations-you-have-successfully-installed-your-bludit": "Congratulations you have successfully installed your **Bludit**",
"this-theme-may-not-be-supported-by-this-version-of-bludit": "This theme may not be supported by this version of Bludit",
"read-more": "Read more",
"remember-me": "Remember me",
"plugins-position": "Plugin position",
"plugins-sorted": "Plugins sorted",
"plugins-position-changed": "Plugin position changed",
"drag-and-drop-to-set-the-position-of-the-plugin": "Drag and Drop to set the position of the plugins",
"change-the-position-of-the-plugins": "Change the position of the plugins",
"reading-time": "Reading time",
"minutes": "minutes",
"minute": "minute",
"example-page-1-slug": "create-your-own-content",
"example-page-1-title": "Create your own content",
"example-page-1-content": "Start writing your own content or edit the current to fit your needs. To create, edit or remove content you need to login to the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a> with the username `admin` and the password you set on the installation process.",
"example-page-2-slug": "set-up-your-new-site",
"example-page-2-title": "Set up your new site",
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/www.twitter.com\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/blog.bludit.com\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
"the-extension-zip-is-not-installed": "The extension zip is not installed, to use this plugin you need to install the extension.",
"there-are-no-sticky-pages-at-this-moment": "There are no sticky pages at this moment.",
"there-are-no-scheduled-pages-at-this-moment": "There are no scheduled pages at this moment.",
"update": "Update",
"template": "Template",
"nickname": "Nickname",
"disable-user": "Disable user",
"delete-user-and-keep-content": "Delete user and keep content",
"delete-user-and-delete-content": "Delete user and delete content (Warning)",
"social-networks": "Social Networks",
"interval": "Interval",
"number-in-minutes-for-every-execution-of-autosave": "Number in minutes for every execution of autosave.",
"extreme-friendly-url": "Extreme friendly URL",
"title-formats": "Title formats",
"delete-content": "Delete content",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-page": "Are you sure you want to delete this page?",
"sticky": "Sticky",
"actions": "Actions",
"edit": "Edit",
"options": "Options",
"enter-title": "Enter title",
"media-manager": "Media Manager",
"set-a-cover-image-from-external-url,-such-as-a-cdn-or-some-server-dedicated-for-images": "Set a cover image from an external URL, such as a CDN or some server dedicated for images.",
"user": "User",
"date-format-format": "Date format: <code>YYYY-MM-DD Hours:Minutes:Seconds<\/code>",
"start-typing-a-page-title-to-see-a-list-of-suggestions": "Start typing a page title to see a list of suggestions.",
"field-used-when-ordering-content-by-position": "Field used when ordering content by position",
"write-a-template-name-to-filter-the-page-in-the-theme-and-change-the-style-of-the-page": "Write a template name to filter the page in the theme and change the style of the page.",
"write-the-tags-separated-by-comma": "Write the tags separated by comma.",
"apply-code-noindex-code-to-this-page": "Apply <code>noindex<\/code> to this page.",
"this-tells-search-engines-not-to-show-this-page-in-their-search-results": "This tells search engines not to show this page in their search results.",
"apply-code-nofollow-code-to-this-page": "Apply <code>nofollow<\/code> to this page.",
"this-tells-search-engines-not-to-follow-links-on-this-page": "This tells search engines not to follow links on this page.",
"apply-code-noarchive-code-to-this-page": "Apply <code>noarchive<\/code> to this page.",
"this-tells-search-engines-not-to-save-a-cached-copy-of-this-page": "This tells search engines not to save a cached copy of this page.",
"uncategorized": "Uncategorized",
"done": "Done",
"delete-category": "Delete category",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-category?": "Are you sure you want to delete this category?",
"confirm-new-password": "Confirm new password",
"the-nickname-is-almost-used-in-the-themes-to-display-the-author-of-the-content": "The nickname is almost used in the themes to display the author of the content",
"allow-unicode": "Allow Unicode",
"allow-unicode-characters-in-the-url-and-some-part-of-the-system": "Allow Unicode characters in the URL and some part of the system.",
"variables-allowed": "Variables allowed",
"tag": "Tag",
"drag-and-drop-to-sort-the-plugins": "Drag and Drop to sort the plugins.",
"seo": "SEO",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"forum-support": "Forum support",
"chat-support": "Chat support",
"quick-links": "Quick links",
"leave-empty-for-autocomplete-by-bludit": "Leave empty for autocomplete by Bludit.",
"choose-a-password-for-the-user-admin": "Choose a password for the user <code>admin<\/code>",
"access-denied": "Access denied",
"choose-images-to-upload": "Choose images to upload",
"insert": "Insert",
"upload": "Upload",
"autosave": "Autosave",
"the-content-is-saved-as-a-draft-to-publish-it": "The content is saved as a draft. To publish it click on the button <b>Publish<\/b> or if you still working on it click on <b>Save as draft<\/b>.",
"site": "Site",
"first": "First",
"last": "Last",
"there-are-no-pages-at-this-moment": "There are no pages at this moment.",
"there-are-no-static-pages-at-this-moment": "There are no static pages at this moment.",
"there-are-no-draft-pages-at-this-moment": "There are no draft pages at this moment.",
"good-morning": "Good morning",
"good-afternoon": "Good afternoon",
"good-evening": "Good evening",
"good-night": "Good night",
"hello": "Hello",
"there-are-no-images-for-the-page": "There are no images for the page.",
"select-cover-image": "Select cover image",
"this-plugin-depends-on-the-following-plugins": "This plugin depends on the following plugins.",
"no-pages-found": "No pages found",
"system-updated": "System updated",
"security": "Security",
"remove-cover-image": "Remove cover image",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height",
"quality": "Quality",
"thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"thumbnail-width-in-pixels": "Thumbnail width in pixels (px).",
"thumbnail-height-in-pixels": "Thumbnail height in pixels (px).",
"thumbnail-quality-in-percentage": "Thumbnail quality in percentage (%).",
"maximum-load-file-size-allowed:": "Maximum load file size allowed:",
"file-type-is-not-supported": "File type is not supported. Allowed types:",
"page-content": "Page content",
"markdown-parser": "Markdown parser",
"site-logo": "Site logo",
"search": "Search",
"search-plugins": "Search plugins",
"enabled-plugins": "Enabled plugins",
"disabled-plugins": "Disabled plugins",
"remove-logo": "Remove logo"