For some shared hosting (such as ovh's), having the full target link will raise 403 errors. The target directory is she same as the link directory so it is useless.
881 lines
28 KiB
881 lines
28 KiB
<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');
class Pages extends dbJSON {
protected $parentKeyList = array();
protected $dbFields = array(
'username'=>'', // Username key
'type'=>'draft', // published, static, draft, sticky, scheduled
'category'=>'', // Category key
function __construct()
public function getDefaultFields()
return $this->dbFields;
* Returns the table row associated to a particular page. The page's content is not included.
* For example in SQL, SELECT * FROM pages WHERE key = $key
* @param string $key The key of the page to be fetch
* @return array Return an array with the database for a page, FALSE otherwise
public function getPageDB(string $key): array
if ($this->exists($key)) {
return $this->db[$key];
return false;
/* Check if a page key exists in the database
@return boolean Return TRUE if the page exists, FALSE otherwise
public function exists($key)
return isset ($this->db[$key]);
* Creates a new page.
* @param array $args The array $args supports all the keys from the variable $dbFields. If you don't pass all the keys, the default values are used.
* @return boolean|string Returns the page key if the page is successfully created, FALSE otherwise
public function add(array $args)
$row = array();
// Predefined values
foreach ($this->dbFields as $field=>$value) {
if ($field=='tags') {
$tags = '';
if (isset($args['tags'])) {
$tags = $args['tags'];
$finalValue = $this->generateTags($tags);
} elseif ($field=='custom') {
if (isset($args['custom'])) {
global $site;
$customFields = $site->customFields();
foreach ($args['custom'] as $customField=>$customValue) {
$html = Sanitize::html($customValue);
// Store the custom field as defined type
if (isset($customFields[$customField])) {
settype($html, $customFields[$customField]['type']);
$row['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $html;
} elseif (isset($args[$field])) {
// Sanitize if will be stored on database
$finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]);
} else {
// Default value for the field if not defined
$finalValue = $value;
// Store the value as defined type
settype($finalValue, gettype($value));
$row[$field] = $finalValue;
// Content
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$contentRaw = (empty($args['content'])?'':$args['content']);
// Parent
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$parent = '';
if (!empty($args['parent'])) {
$parent = $args['parent'];
$row['type'] = $this->db[$parent]['type']; // get the parent type
// Slug from the title or the content
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
if (empty($args['slug'])) {
if (!empty($row['title'])) {
$slug = $this->generateSlug($row['title']);
} else {
$slug = $this->generateSlug($contentRaw);
} else {
$slug = $args['slug'];
// Generate key
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$key = $this->generateKey($slug, $parent);
// Generate UUID
if (empty($row['uuid'])) {
$row['uuid'] = $this->generateUUID();
// Validate date
if (!Valid::date($row['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT)) {
$row['date'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT);
// Schedule page
if (($row['date']>Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT)) && ($row['type']=='published')) {
$row['type'] = 'scheduled';
// Create the directory
if (Filesystem::mkdir(PATH_PAGES.$key, true) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to create the directory: '.PATH_PAGES.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Create the upload directory for the page
if (Filesystem::mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$row['uuid'], true) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to create the directory: '.PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$row['uuid'], LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Create symlink for the upload directory
if (symlink($row['uuid'], PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$key) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to create the symlink: '.PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Create the index.txt and save the file
if (file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES.$key.DS.FILENAME, $contentRaw) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to create the file: '.FILENAME, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Checksum MD5
$row['md5file'] = md5_file(PATH_PAGES.$key.DS.FILENAME);
// Insert into database
$this->db[$key] = $row;
// Sort database
// Save database
return $key;
* Edit a page.
* @param array $args The array $args supports all the keys from the variable $dbFields. If you don't pass all the keys, the default values are used.
* @return boolean|string Returns the page key if the page is successfully edited, FALSE otherwise
public function edit(array $args)
// This is the new row for the table and is going to replace the old row
$row = array();
// Current key
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$key = $args['key'];
// Check values from the arguments ($args)
// If some field is missing the current value is taken
foreach ($this->dbFields as $field=>$value) {
if ( ($field=='tags') && isset($args['tags'])) {
$finalValue = $this->generateTags($args['tags']);
} elseif ($field=='custom') {
if (isset($args['custom'])) {
global $site;
$customFields = $site->customFields();
foreach ($args['custom'] as $customField=>$customValue) {
$html = Sanitize::html($customValue);
// Store the custom field as defined type
if (isset($customFields[$customField])) {
if ($customFields[$customField]['type']=='bool') {
if ($html==='false' or $html===false) {
$html = false;
} else {
$html = true;
} else {
settype($html, $customFields[$customField]['type']);
$row['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $html;
} elseif (isset($args[$field])) {
// Sanitize if will be stored on database
$finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]);
} else {
// Default value from the current row
$finalValue = $this->db[$key][$field];
settype($finalValue, gettype($value));
$row[$field] = $finalValue;
// Parent
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$parent = '';
if (!empty($args['parent'])) {
$parent = $args['parent'];
$row['type'] = $this->db[$parent]['type']; // get the parent type
// Slug
// If the user change the slug the page key changes
// If the user send an empty slug the page key doesn't change
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
if (empty($args['slug'])) {
if (!empty($args['title'])) {
$slug = $args['title'];
} else {
$explode = explode('/', $key);
$slug = end($explode);
} else {
$slug = $args['slug'];
// New key
// The key of the page can change if the user change the slug or the parent, -
// - if the user doesn't change the slug or the parent the key is going to be the same -
// - as the current key.
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$newKey = $this->generateKey($slug, $parent, false, $key);
// if the date in the arguments is not valid, take the value from the old row
if (!Valid::date($row['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT)) {
$row['date'] = $this->db[$key]['date'];
// Modified date
$row['dateModified'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT);
// Schedule page
if (($row['date']>Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT)) && ($row['type']=='published')) {
$row['type'] = 'scheduled';
// Move the directory from old key to new key only if the keys are different
if ($newKey!==$key) {
if (Filesystem::mv(PATH_PAGES.$key, PATH_PAGES.$newKey) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to move the directory: '.PATH_PAGES.$newKey, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Regenerate the symlink to a proper directory
if (symlink($row['uuid'], PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$newKey) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to move the directory: '.PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$newKey, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// If the content was passed via arguments replace the content
if (isset($args['content'])) {
// Make the index.txt and save the file.
if (file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES.$newKey.DS.FILENAME, $args['content'])===false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to save the new content in the file: '.PATH_PAGES.$newKey.DS.FILENAME, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Remove the old row
// Reindex Orphan Children
$this->reindexChildren($key, $newKey);
// Checksum MD5
$row['md5file'] = md5_file(PATH_PAGES.$newKey.DS.FILENAME);
// Insert in database the new row
$this->db[$newKey] = $row;
// Sort database
// Save database
return $newKey;
* Delete a page.
* @param string $key The key of the page to be deleted
* @return boolean Returns TRUE if the page was deleted successfully, FALSE otherwise
public function delete(string $key): bool
// This is need it, because if the key is empty the Filesystem::deleteRecursive is going to delete PATH_PAGES
if (empty($key)) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Empty page key.', LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Page doesn't exist in database
if (!$this->exists($key)) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'The page doesn\'t exist. Key: '.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Delete directory and files
if (Filesystem::deleteRecursive(PATH_PAGES.$key) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to delete the directory: '.PATH_PAGES.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
// Delete upload directory
if (Filesystem::deleteRecursive(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$this->db[$key]['uuid']) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to delete the directory: '.PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$this->db[$key]['uuid'], LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
// Remove from database
// Save the database
return true;
// Delete all pages from a user
public function deletePagesByUser($args)
$username = $args['username'];
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['username']===$username) {
return true;
// Link all pages to a new user
public function transferPages($args)
$oldUsername = $args['oldUsername'];
$newUsername = isset($args['newUsername']) ? $args['newUsername'] : 'admin';
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['username']===$oldUsername) {
$this->db[$key]['username'] = $newUsername;
return $this->save();
// This function reindex the orphan children with the new parent key
// If a page has subpages and the page change his key is necesarry check the children key
public function reindexChildren($oldParentKey, $newParentKey) {
if ($oldParentKey==$newParentKey){
return false;
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if (Text::startsWith($key, $oldParentKey.'/')) {
$newKey = Text::replace($oldParentKey.'/', $newParentKey.'/', $key);
$this->db[$newKey] = $this->db[$key];
// Set field = value
public function setField($key, $field, $value)
if ($this->exists($key)) {
settype($value, gettype($this->dbFields[$field]));
$this->db[$key][$field] = $value;
return $this->save();
return false;
// Returns a database with all pages
// $onlyKeys = true; Returns only the pages keys
// $onlyKeys = false; Returns part of the database, I do not recommend use this
public function getDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns a database with published pages
// $onlyKeys = true; Returns only the pages keys
// $onlyKeys = false; Returns part of the database, I do not recommend use this
public function getPublishedDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['type']!='published') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns an array with a list of keys/database of static pages
// By default the static pages are sort by position
public function getStaticDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['type']!='static') {
uasort($tmp, array($this, 'sortByPositionLowToHigh'));
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns an array with a list of keys/database of draft pages
public function getDraftDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']!='draft') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns an array with a list of keys/database of scheduled pages
public function getScheduledDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']!='scheduled') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns an array with a list of keys of sticky pages
public function getStickyDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']!='sticky') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
* Returns an array with all unlisted pages
* @param boolean $onlyKeys If TRUE returns only the pages' keys
* @return array
public function getUnlistedDB(bool $onlyKeys=true): array
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']!='unlisted') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns the next number of the bigger position
public function nextPositionNumber()
$tmp = 1;
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['position']>$tmp) {
$tmp = $fields['position'];
return ++$tmp;
// Returns the next page key of the current page key
public function nextPageKey($currentKey)
if ($this->db[$currentKey]['type']=='published') {
$keys = array_keys($this->db);
$position = array_search($currentKey, $keys) - 1;
if (isset($keys[$position])) {
$nextKey = $keys[$position];
if ($this->db[$nextKey]['type']=='published') {
return $nextKey;
return false;
// Returns the previous page key of the current page key
public function previousPageKey($currentKey)
if ($this->db[$currentKey]['type']=='published') {
$keys = array_keys($this->db);
$position = array_search($currentKey, $keys) + 1;
if (isset($keys[$position])) {
$prevKey = $keys[$position];
if ($this->db[$prevKey]['type']=='published') {
return $prevKey;
return false;
* Get a list of pages' keys.
* @param integer $pageNumber Page number for the paginator
* @param integer $numberOfItems Amount of items to return, if -1 returns all the items
* @param boolean $published
* @param boolean $static
* @param boolean $sticky
* @param boolean $draft
* @param boolean $scheduled
* @return boolean|array Returns an array with the pages' keys or FALSE if it out of range
public function getList(int $pageNumber, int $numberOfItems, bool $published=true, bool $static=false, bool $sticky=false, bool $draft=false, bool $scheduled=false)
$list = array();
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$fields) {
if ($published && $fields['type']=='published') {
array_push($list, $key);
} elseif ($static && $fields['type']=='static') {
array_push($list, $key);
} elseif ($sticky && $fields['type']=='sticky') {
array_push($list, $key);
} elseif ($draft && $fields['type']=='draft') {
array_push($list, $key);
} elseif ($scheduled && $fields['type']=='scheduled') {
array_push($list, $key);
if ($numberOfItems==-1) {
return $list;
// The first page number is 1, so the real is 0
$realPageNumber = $pageNumber - 1;
$total = count($list);
$init = (int) $numberOfItems * $realPageNumber;
$end = (int) min( ($init + $numberOfItems - 1), $total );
$outrange = $init<0 ? true : $init>$end;
if (!$outrange) {
return array_slice($list, $init, $numberOfItems, true);
return false;
// Returns the amount of pages
// (boolean) $onlyPublished, TRUE returns the total of published pages (without draft and scheduled)
// (boolean) $onlyPublished, FALSE returns the total of pages
public function count($onlyPublished=true)
if ($onlyPublished) {
$db = $this->getPublishedDB(false);
return count($db);
return count($this->db);
// Returns an array with all parents pages key. A parent page is not a child
public function getParents()
$db = $this->getPublishedDB();
foreach ($db as $key=>$pageKey) {
// if the key has slash then is a child
if (Text::stringContains($pageKey, '/')) {
return $db;
public function getChildren($parentKey)
$tmp = $this->db;
$list = array();
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if (Text::startsWith($key, $parentKey.'/')) {
array_push($list, $key);
return $list;
public function sortBy()
if (ORDER_BY=='date') {
return $this->sortByDate(true);
return $this->sortByPosition(false);
// Sort pages by position
public function sortByPosition($HighToLow=false)
if($HighToLow) {
uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByPositionHighToLow'));
} else {
uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByPositionLowToHigh'));
return true;
private function sortByPositionLowToHigh($a, $b)
return $a['position']<=>$b['position'];
private function sortByPositionHighToLow($a, $b)
return $b['position']<=>$a['position'];
// Sort pages by date
public function sortByDate($HighToLow=true)
if($HighToLow) {
uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByDateHighToLow'));
} else {
uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByDateLowToHigh'));
return true;
private function sortByDateLowToHigh($a, $b)
return $a['date']<=>$b['date'];
private function sortByDateHighToLow($a, $b)
return $b['date']<=>$a['date'];
function generateUUID() {
return md5( uniqid().time() );
// Returns the UUID of a page, by the page key
function getUUID($key)
if ($this->exists($key)) {
return $this->db[$key]['uuid'];
return false;
// Returns the page key by the uuid
// if the UUID doesn't exits returns FALSE
function getByUUID($uuid)
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$value) {
if ($value['uuid']==$uuid) {
return $key;
return false;
// Returns string without HTML tags and truncated
private function generateSlug($text, $truncateLength=60)
$tmpslug = Text::removeHTMLTags($text);
$tmpslug = Text::removeLineBreaks($tmpslug);
$tmpslug = Text::truncate($tmpslug, $truncateLength, '');
return $tmpslug;
// Returns TRUE if there are new pages published, FALSE otherwise
public function scheduler()
// Get current date
$currentDate = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT);
$saveDatabase = false;
// The database need to be sorted by date
foreach($this->db as $pageKey=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']=='scheduled') {
if($fields['date']<=$currentDate) {
$this->db[$pageKey]['type'] = 'published';
$saveDatabase = true;
elseif( ($fields['type']=='published') && (ORDER_BY=='date') ) {
if($saveDatabase) {
if( $this->save() === false ) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.');
return false;
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'New pages published from the scheduler.');
return true;
return false;
// Generate a valid Key/Slug
public function generateKey($text, $parent=false, $returnSlug=false, $oldKey='')
global $L;
global $site;
if (Text::isEmpty($text)) {
$text = $L->g('empty');
if (Text::isEmpty($parent)) {
$newKey = Text::cleanUrl($text);
} else {
$newKey = Text::cleanUrl($parent).'/'.Text::cleanUrl($text);
// cleanURL can return empty string
if (Text::isEmpty($newKey)) {
$newKey = $L->g('empty');
if ($newKey!==$oldKey) {
// Verify if the key is already been used
if (isset($this->db[$newKey])) {
$i = 0;
while (isset($this->db[$newKey.'-'.$i])) {
$newKey = $newKey.'-'.$i;
if ($returnSlug) {
$explode = explode('/', $newKey);
if (isset($explode[1])) {
return $explode[1];
return $explode[0];
return $newKey;
// Returns an Array, array('tagSlug'=>'tagName')
// (string) $tags, tag list separated by comma.
public function generateTags($tags)
$tmp = array();
$tags = trim($tags);
if (empty($tags)) {
return $tmp;
$tags = explode(',', $tags);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
$tagKey = Text::cleanUrl($tag);
$tmp[$tagKey] = $tag;
return $tmp;
/* Change all pages linked to the old category key to the new category key === Bludit v4
@oldCategoryKey string The old category key
@newCategoryKey string The new category key
@return boolean Returns TRUE if the database was saved, FALSE otherwise
public function changeCategory($oldCategoryKey, $newCategoryKey)
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$value) {
if ($value['category']===$oldCategoryKey) {
$this->db[$key]['category'] = $newCategoryKey;
return $this->save();
// Insert custom fields to all the pages in the database
// The structure for the custom fields need to be a valid JSON format
// The custom fields are incremental, this means the custom fields are never deleted
// The pages only store the value of the custom field, the structure of the custom fields are in the database site.php
public function setCustomFields($customFields)
foreach ($this->db as $pageKey=>$pageFields) {
foreach ($customFields as $customField=>$customValues) {
if (!isset($pageFields['custom'][$customField])) {
$defaultValue = '';
if (isset($customValues['default'])) {
$defaultValue = $customValues['default'];
$this->db[$pageKey]['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $defaultValue;
return $this->save();