2020-05-12 23:05:29 +02:00

714 lines
18 KiB

class pluginAPI extends Plugin {
private $method;
public function init()
// Generate the API Token
$token = md5( uniqid().time().DOMAIN );
$this->dbFields = array(
'token'=>$token, // API Token
'numberOfItems'=>15 // Amount of items to return
public function getToken()
return $this->getValue('token');
public function form()
global $L;
$html = '<div class="alert alert-primary" role="alert">';
$html .= $this->description();
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div>';
$html .= '<label>'.$L->get('URL').'</label>';
$html .= '<p class="text-muted">'.DOMAIN_BASE.'api/{endpoint}</p>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div>';
$html .= '<label>'.$L->get('API Token').'</label>';
$html .= '<input name="token" type="text" value="'.$this->getValue('token').'">';
$html .= '<span class="tip">'.$L->get('This token is for read only and is regenerated every time you install the plugin').'</span>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div>';
$html .= '<label>'.$L->get('Amount of pages').'</label>';
$html .= '<input id="jsnumberOfItems" name="numberOfItems" type="text" value="'.$this->getValue('numberOfItems').'">';
$html .= '<span class="tip">'.$L->get('This is the maximum of pages to return when you call to').'</span>';
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function beforeAll()
global $url;
global $pages;
global $users;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$URI = $this->webhook('api', $returnsAfterURI=true, $fixed=false);
if ($URI===false) {
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$method = $this->getMethod();
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$inputs = $this->getMethodInputs();
if (empty($inputs)) {
$this->response(400, 'Bad Request', array('message'=>'Missing method inputs.'));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$parameters = $this->getEndpointParameters($URI);
if (empty($parameters)) {
$this->response(400, 'Bad Request', array('message'=>'Missing endpoint parameters.'));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Token from the plugin, the user can change it on the settings of the plugin
$tokenAPI = $this->getValue('token');
// Check empty token
if (empty($inputs['token'])) {
$this->response(400, 'Bad Request', array('message'=>'Missing API token.'));
// Check if the token is valid
if ($inputs['token']!==$tokenAPI) {
$this->response(401, 'Unauthorized', array('message'=>'Invalid API token.'));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$writePermissions = false;
if (!empty($inputs['authentication'])) {
// Get the user with the authentication token, FALSE if doesn't exit
$username = $users->getByAuthToken($inputs['authentication']);
if ($username!==false) {
try {
$user = new User($username);
if (($user->role()=='admin') && ($user->enabled())) {
// Loggin the user to create the session
$login = new Login();
$login->setLogin($username, 'admin');
// Enable write permissions
$writePermissions = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Continue without permissions
// Clean inputs
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// (GET) /api/pages
if ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$data = $this->getPages($inputs);
// (GET) /api/pages/<key>
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && !empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$pageKey = $parameters[1];
if (isset($parameters[2])) {
$pageKey = $parameters[1].'/'.$parameters[2];
$data = $this->getPage($pageKey);
// (PUT) /api/pages/<key>
elseif ( ($method==='PUT') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && !empty($parameters[1]) && $writePermissions ) {
$pageKey = $parameters[1];
$data = $this->editPage($pageKey, $inputs);
// (DELETE) /api/pages/<key>
elseif ( ($method==='DELETE') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && !empty($parameters[1]) && $writePermissions ) {
$pageKey = $parameters[1];
$data = $this->deletePage($pageKey);
// (POST) /api/pages
elseif ( ($method==='POST') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && empty($parameters[1]) && $writePermissions ) {
$data = $this->createPage($inputs);
// (GET) /api/settings
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='settings') && empty($parameters[1]) && $writePermissions ) {
$data = $this->getSettings();
// (PUT) /api/settings
elseif ( ($method==='PUT') && ($parameters[0]==='settings') && empty($parameters[1]) && $writePermissions ) {
$data = $this->editSettings($inputs);
// (POST) /api/images
elseif ( ($method==='POST') && ($parameters[0]==='images') && $writePermissions ) {
$data = $this->uploadImage($inputs);
// (GET) /api/tags
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='tags') && empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$data = $this->getTags();
// (GET) /api/tags/<key>
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='tags') && !empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$tagKey = $parameters[1];
$data = $this->getTag($tagKey);
// (GET) /api/categories
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='categories') && empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$data = $this->getCategories();
// (GET) /api/categories/<key>
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='categories') && !empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$categoryKey = $parameters[1];
$data = $this->getCategory($categoryKey);
// (GET) /api/users
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='users') && empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$data = $this->getUsers();
// (GET) /api/users/<username>
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='users') && !empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$username = $parameters[1];
$data = $this->getUser($username);
// (GET) /api/files/<page-key>
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='files') && !empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$pageKey = $parameters[1];
$data = $this->getFiles($pageKey);
else {
$this->response(401, 'Unauthorized', array('message'=>'Access denied or invalid endpoint.'));
$this->response(200, 'OK', $data);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private function getMethod()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// GET
// PUT
$this->method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
return $this->method;
private function getMethodInputs()
switch($this->method) {
case "POST":
$inputs = $_POST;
case "GET":
case "DELETE":
$inputs = $_GET;
case "PUT":
$inputs = '';
$inputs = json_encode(array());
// Try to get raw/json data
if (empty($inputs)) {
$inputs = file_get_contents('php://input');
return $this->cleanInputs($inputs);
// Returns an array with key=>value with the inputs
// If the content is JSON is parsed to array
private function cleanInputs($inputs)
$tmp = array();
if (is_array($inputs)) {
foreach ($inputs as $key=>$value) {
$tmp[$key] = Sanitize::html($value);
} elseif (is_string($inputs)) {
$tmp = json_decode($inputs, true);
if (json_last_error()!==JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
$tmp = array();
return $tmp;
private function getEndpointParameters($URI)
// ENDPOINT Parameters
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// /api/pages | GET | returns all pages
// /api/pages/{key} | GET | returns the page with the {key}
// /api/pages | POST | create a new page
$URI = ltrim($URI, '/');
$parameters = explode('/', $URI);
// Sanitize parameters
foreach ($parameters as $key=>$value) {
$parameters[$key] = Sanitize::html($value);
return $parameters;
private function response($code=200, $message='OK', $data=array())
header('HTTP/1.1 '.$code.' '.$message);
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$json = json_encode($data);
private function getTags()
global $tags;
$tmp = array(
'message'=>'List of tags.',
foreach ($tags->keys() as $key) {
$tag = $tags->getMap($key);
array_push($tmp['data'], $tag);
return $tmp;
// Returns the tag information and the pages releated to the tag
// The array with the pages has the complete information of each page
private function getTag($key)
try {
$tag = new Tag($key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array(
'message'=>'Tag not found by the key: '.$key
$list = array();
foreach ($tag->pages() as $pageKey) {
try {
$page = new Page($pageKey);
array_push($list, $page->json($returnsArray=true));
} catch (Exception $e){}
$data = $tag->json($returnsArray=true);
$data['pages'] = $list;
return array(
'message'=>'Information about the tag and pages related.',
private function getPages($args)
global $pages;
// Parameters and the default values
$published = (isset($args['published'])?$args['published']=='true':true);
$static = (isset($args['static'])?$args['static']=='true':false);
$draft = (isset($args['draft'])?$args['draft']=='true':false);
$sticky = (isset($args['sticky'])?$args['sticky']=='true':false);
$scheduled = (isset($args['scheduled'])?$args['scheduled']=='true':false);
$untagged = (isset($args['untagged'])?$args['untagged']=='true':false);
$numberOfItems = (isset($args['numberOfItems'])?$args['numberOfItems']:10);
$pageNumber = (isset($args['pageNumber'])?$args['pageNumber']:1);
$list = $pages->getList($pageNumber, $numberOfItems, $published, $static, $sticky, $draft, $scheduled);
$tmp = array(
'message'=>'List of pages',
foreach ($list as $pageKey) {
try {
// Create the page object from the page key
$page = new Page($pageKey);
if ($untagged) {
if (empty($page->tags())) {
// Push the page to the data array for the response
array_push($tmp['data'], $page->json($returnsArray=true));
} else{
array_push($tmp['data'], $page->json($returnsArray=true));
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Continue
return $tmp;
private function getPage($key)
try {
$page = new Page($key);
return array(
'message'=>'Page filtered by key: '.$key,
'data'=>$page->json( $returnsArray=true )
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array(
'message'=>'Page not found.'
private function createPage($args)
// Unsanitize content because all values are sanitized
if (isset($args['content'])) {
$args['content'] = Sanitize::htmlDecode($args['content']);
// This function is defined on functions.php
$key = createPage($args);
if ($key===false) {
return array(
'message'=>'Error trying to create the new page.'
return array(
'message'=>'Page created.',
private function editPage($key, $args)
// Unsanitize content because all values are sanitized
if (isset($args['content'])) {
$args['content'] = Sanitize::htmlDecode($args['content']);
$args['key'] = $key;
$newKey = editPage($args);
if ($newKey===false) {
return array(
'message'=>'Error trying to edit the page.'
return array(
'message'=>'Page edited.',
private function deletePage($key)
if (deletePage($key)) {
return array(
'message'=>'Page deleted.'
return array(
'message'=>'Error trying to delete the page.'
| Upload an image and generate the thumbnails
| Returns the image and thumbnail URL
| @inputs array
| @inputs['uuid'] string Page UUID
| @_FILE array https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.files.php
| @return array
private function uploadImage($inputs)
// Set upload directory
if (isset($inputs['uuid']) && IMAGE_RESTRICT) {
$imageDirectory = PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$inputs['uuid'].DS;
$thumbnailDirectory = $imageDirectory.'thumbnails'.DS;
$imageEndpoint = DOMAIN_UPLOADS_PAGES.$inputs['uuid'].'/';
$thumbnailEndpoint = $imageEndpoint.'thumbnails'.'/';
if (!Filesystem::directoryExists($thumbnailDirectory)) {
Filesystem::mkdir($thumbnailDirectory, true);
} else {
$imageDirectory = PATH_UPLOADS;
$thumbnailDirectory = PATH_UPLOADS_THUMBNAILS;
$imageEndpoint = DOMAIN_UPLOADS;
if (!isset($_FILES['image'])) {
return array(
'message'=>'No image sent.'
if ($_FILES['image']['error'] != 0) {
return array(
'message'=>'Error uploading the image, maximum load file size allowed: '.ini_get('upload_max_filesize')
// Move from PHP tmp file to Bludit tmp directory
Filesystem::mv($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], PATH_TMP.$_FILES['image']['name']);
// Transform image and create thumbnails
$image = transformImage(PATH_TMP.$_FILES['image']['name'], $imageDirectory, $thumbnailDirectory);
if ($image) {
$filename = Filesystem::filename($image);
return array(
'message'=>'Image uploaded.',
return array(
'message'=>'Image extension not allowed.'
| Get the settings
| @args array
| @return array
private function getSettings()
global $site;
return array(
| Edit the settings
| You can edit any field defined in the class site.class.php variable $dbFields
| @args array
| @return array
private function editSettings($args)
if (editSettings($args)) {
return array(
'message'=>'Settings edited.'
return array(
'message'=>'Error trying to edit the settings.'
| Returns the categories in the system
| Included the category name, key, description and the list of pages
| The list of pages are the page's key
| @return array
private function getCategories()
global $categories;
$tmp = array(
'message'=>'List of categories.',
foreach ($categories->keys() as $key) {
$category = $categories->getMap($key);
array_push($tmp['data'], $category);
return $tmp;
| Returns information about the category and pages related
| The pages are expanded which mean the title, content and more fields are returned in the query
| This can degrade the performance
| @key string Category key
| @return array
private function getCategory($key)
try {
$category = new Category($key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array(
'message'=>'Category not found by the key: '.$key
$list = array();
foreach ($category->pages() as $pageKey) {
try {
$page = new Page($pageKey);
array_push($list, $page->json($returnsArray=true));
} catch (Exception $e){}
$data = $category->json($returnsArray=true);
$data['pages'] = $list;
return array(
'message'=>'Information about the category and pages related.',
| Returns the user profile
| @username string Username
| @return array
private function getUser($username)
try {
$user = new User($username);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array(
'message'=>'User not found by username: '.$username
$data = $user->json($returnsArray=true);
return array(
'message'=>'User profile.',
| Returns all the users
| @return array
private function getUsers()
global $users;
$data = array();
foreach ($users->db as $username=>$profile) {
try {
$user = new User($username);
$data[$username] = $user->json($returnsArray=true);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array(
'message'=>'Users profiles.',
| Returns all files uploaded for a specific page, includes any type of file.
| @return array
private function getFiles($pageKey)
$chunk = false;
$sortByDate = true;
$path = PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$pageKey.DS;
$listFiles = Filesystem::listFiles($path, '*', '*', $sortByDate, $chunk);
$files = array();
foreach ($listFiles as $file) {
$info = array('thumbnail'=>'');
$info['file'] = $file;
$info['filename'] = basename($file);
$info['mime'] = Filesystem::mimeType($file);
$info['size'] = Filesystem::getSize($file);
// Check if thumbnail exists for the file
$thumbnail = $path.'thumbnails'.DS.$info['filename'];
if (Filesystem::fileExists($thumbnail)) {
$info['thumbnail'] = $thumbnail;
array_push($files, $info);
return array(
'message'=>'Files for the page key: '.$pageKey,