<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.'); class Pages extends dbJSON { protected $parentKeyList = array(); protected $dbFields = array( 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'username' => '', 'tags' => array(), 'type' => 'published', // published, static, draft, sticky, scheduled, autosave 'date' => '', 'dateModified' => '', 'position' => 0, 'coverImage' => '', 'category' => '', 'md5file' => '', 'uuid' => '', 'allowComments' => true, 'template' => '', 'noindex' => false, 'nofollow' => false, 'noarchive' => false, 'custom' => array() ); function __construct() { parent::__construct(DB_PAGES); } public function getDefaultFields() { return $this->dbFields; } // Return an array with the database for a page, FALSE otherwise public function getPageDB($key) { if ($this->exists($key)) { return $this->db[$key]; } return false; } // Return TRUE if the page exists, FALSE otherwise public function exists($key) { return isset($this->db[$key]); } // Create a new page // This function returns the key of the new page public function add($args) { $row = array(); // Predefined values foreach ($this->dbFields as $field => $value) { if ($field == 'tags') { $tags = ''; if (isset($args['tags'])) { $tags = $args['tags']; } $finalValue = $this->generateTags($tags); } elseif ($field == 'custom') { if (isset($args['custom'])) { global $site; $customFields = $site->customFields(); foreach ($args['custom'] as $customField => $customValue) { $html = Sanitize::html($customValue); // Store the custom field as defined type settype($html, $customFields[$customField]['type']); $row['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $html; } unset($args['custom']); continue; } } elseif (isset($args[$field])) { // Sanitize if will be stored on database $finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]); } else { // Default value for the field if not defined $finalValue = $value; } // Store the value as defined type settype($finalValue, gettype($value)); $row[$field] = $finalValue; } // Content // This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row $contentRaw = (empty($args['content']) ? '' : $args['content']); // Parent // This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row $parent = ''; if (!empty($args['parent'])) { $parent = $args['parent']; $row['type'] = $this->db[$parent]['type']; // get the parent type } // Slug from the title or the content // This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row if (empty($args['slug'])) { if (!empty($row['title'])) { $slug = $this->generateSlug($row['title']); } else { $slug = $this->generateSlug($contentRaw); } } else { $slug = $args['slug']; } // Generate key // This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row $key = $this->generateKey($slug, $parent); // Generate UUID if (empty($row['uuid'])) { $row['uuid'] = $this->generateUUID(); } // Validate date if (!Valid::date($row['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT)) { $row['date'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); } // Schedule page if (($row['date'] > Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT)) && ($row['type'] == 'published')) { $row['type'] = 'scheduled'; } // Create the directory if (Filesystem::mkdir(PATH_PAGES . $key, true) === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to create the directory [' . PATH_PAGES . $key . ']', LOG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } // Create the index.txt and save the file if (file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES . $key . DS . FILENAME, $contentRaw) === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to create the content in the file [' . FILENAME . ']', LOG_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } // Checksum MD5 $row['md5file'] = md5_file(PATH_PAGES . $key . DS . FILENAME); // Insert in database $this->db[$key] = $row; // Sort database $this->sortBy(); // Save database $this->save(); // Create upload page directory for images if (!Filesystem::directoryExists(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $row['uuid'])) { Filesystem::mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $row['uuid']); } // Create a symlink to the upload page directory for images for better SEO Filesystem::symlink(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $row['uuid'], PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $key); return $key; } // Edit a page // This function do not edit the current row from the table - // - instead of that the function creates a new row and is completed by the current - // - values of the page and then the old row is deleted and the new row is inserted. public function edit($args) { // This is the new row for the table and is going to replace the old row $row = array(); // Current key // This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row $key = $args['key']; // Check values from the arguments ($args) // If some field is missing the current value is taken foreach ($this->dbFields as $field => $value) { if (($field == 'tags') && isset($args['tags'])) { $finalValue = $this->generateTags($args['tags']); } elseif ($field == 'custom') { if (isset($args['custom'])) { global $site; $customFields = $site->customFields(); foreach ($args['custom'] as $customField => $customValue) { $html = Sanitize::html($customValue); // Store the custom field as defined type settype($html, $customFields[$customField]['type']); $row['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $html; } unset($args['custom']); continue; } } elseif (isset($args[$field])) { // Sanitize if will be stored on database $finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]); } else { // Default value from the current row $finalValue = $this->db[$key][$field]; } settype($finalValue, gettype($value)); $row[$field] = $finalValue; } // Parent // This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row $parent = ''; if (!empty($args['parent'])) { $parent = $args['parent']; $row['type'] = $this->db[$parent]['type']; // get the parent type } // Slug // If the user change the slug the page key changes // If the user send an empty slug the page key doesn't change // This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row if (empty($args['slug'])) { $explode = explode('/', $key); $slug = end($explode); } else { $slug = $args['slug']; } // New key // The key of the page can change if the user change the slug or the parent, - // - if the user doesn't change the slug or the parent the key is going to be the same - // - as the current key. // This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row $newKey = $this->generateKey($slug, $parent, false, $key); // if the date in the arguments is not valid, take the value from the old row if (!Valid::date($row['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT)) { $row['date'] = $this->db[$key]['date']; } // Modified date $row['dateModified'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); // Schedule page if (($row['date'] > Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT)) && ($row['type'] == 'published')) { $row['type'] = 'scheduled'; } // Move the directory from old key to new key only if the keys are different if ($newKey !== $key) { if (Filesystem::mv(PATH_PAGES . $key, PATH_PAGES . $newKey) === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to move the directory to ' . PATH_PAGES . $newKey); return false; } // Regenerate the symlink to a proper directory unlink(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $key); Filesystem::symlink(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $row['uuid'], PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $newKey); } // If the content was passed via arguments replace the content if (isset($args['content'])) { // Make the index.txt and save the file. if (file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES . $newKey . DS . FILENAME, $args['content']) === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to put the content in the file ' . FILENAME); return false; } } // Remove the old row unset($this->db[$key]); // Reindex Orphan Children $this->reindexChildren($key, $newKey); // Checksum MD5 $row['md5file'] = md5_file(PATH_PAGES . $newKey . DS . FILENAME); // Insert in database the new row $this->db[$newKey] = $row; // Sort database $this->sortBy(); // Save database $this->save(); return $newKey; } // This function reindex the orphan children with the new parent key // If a page has subpages and the page change his key is necesarry check the children key public function reindexChildren($oldParentKey, $newParentKey) { if ($oldParentKey == $newParentKey) { return false; } $tmp = $this->db; foreach ($tmp as $key => $fields) { if (Text::startsWith($key, $oldParentKey . '/')) { $newKey = Text::replace($oldParentKey . '/', $newParentKey . '/', $key); $this->db[$newKey] = $this->db[$key]; unset($this->db[$key]); } } } public function delete($key) { // This is need it, because if the key is empty the Filesystem::deleteRecursive is going to delete PATH_PAGES if (empty($key)) { return false; } // Page doesn't exist in database if (!$this->exists($key)) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'The page does not exist. Key: ' . $key); return false; } // Delete directory and files if (Filesystem::deleteRecursive(PATH_PAGES . $key) === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to delete the directory ' . PATH_PAGES . $key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR); } // Delete page images directory; The function already check if exists the directory if (($uuid = $this->getUUID($key))) { if (Filesystem::deleteRecursive(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $uuid) === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Directory with images not found ' . PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES . $uuid); } } // Remove from database unset($this->db[$key]); // Save the database if ($this->save() === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); } return true; } // Delete all pages from a user public function deletePagesByUser($args) { $username = $args['username']; foreach ($this->db as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['username'] === $username) { $this->delete($key); } } return true; } // Link all pages to a new user public function transferPages($args) { $oldUsername = $args['oldUsername']; $newUsername = isset($args['newUsername']) ? $args['newUsername'] : 'admin'; foreach ($this->db as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['username'] === $oldUsername) { $this->db[$key]['username'] = $newUsername; } } return $this->save(); } // Set field = value public function setField($key, $field, $value) { if ($this->exists($key)) { settype($value, gettype($this->dbFields[$field])); $this->db[$key][$field] = $value; return $this->save(); } return false; } // Returns a database with all pages // $onlyKeys = true; Returns only the pages keys // $onlyKeys = false; Returns part of the database, I do not recommend use this public function getDB($onlyKeys = true) { $tmp = $this->db; if ($onlyKeys) { return array_keys($tmp); } return $tmp; } // Returns a database with published pages // $onlyKeys = true; Returns only the pages keys // $onlyKeys = false; Returns part of the database, I do not recommend use this public function getPublishedDB($onlyKeys = true) { $tmp = $this->db; foreach ($tmp as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['type'] != 'published') { unset($tmp[$key]); } } if ($onlyKeys) { return array_keys($tmp); } return $tmp; } // Returns an array with a list of keys/database of static pages // By default the static pages are sort by position public function getStaticDB($onlyKeys = true) { $tmp = $this->db; foreach ($tmp as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['type'] != 'static') { unset($tmp[$key]); } } uasort($tmp, array($this, 'sortByPositionLowToHigh')); if ($onlyKeys) { return array_keys($tmp); } return $tmp; } // Returns an array with a list of keys/database of draft pages public function getDraftDB($onlyKeys = true) { $tmp = $this->db; foreach ($tmp as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['type'] != 'draft') { unset($tmp[$key]); } } if ($onlyKeys) { return array_keys($tmp); } return $tmp; } // Returns an array with a list of keys/database of autosave pages public function getAutosaveDB($onlyKeys = true) { $tmp = $this->db; foreach ($tmp as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['type'] != 'autosave') { unset($tmp[$key]); } } if ($onlyKeys) { return array_keys($tmp); } return $tmp; } // Returns an array with a list of keys/database of scheduled pages public function getScheduledDB($onlyKeys = true) { $tmp = $this->db; foreach ($tmp as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['type'] != 'scheduled') { unset($tmp[$key]); } } if ($onlyKeys) { return array_keys($tmp); } return $tmp; } // Returns an array with a list of keys of sticky pages public function getStickyDB($onlyKeys = true) { $tmp = $this->db; foreach ($tmp as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['type'] != 'sticky') { unset($tmp[$key]); } } if ($onlyKeys) { return array_keys($tmp); } return $tmp; } // Returns the next number of the bigger position public function nextPositionNumber() { $tmp = 1; foreach ($this->db as $key => $fields) { if ($fields['position'] > $tmp) { $tmp = $fields['position']; } } return ++$tmp; } // Returns the next page key of the current page key public function nextPageKey($currentKey) { if ($this->db[$currentKey]['type'] == 'published') { $keys = array_keys($this->db); $position = array_search($currentKey, $keys) - 1; if (isset($keys[$position])) { $nextKey = $keys[$position]; if ($this->db[$nextKey]['type'] == 'published') { return $nextKey; } } } return false; } // Returns the previous page key of the current page key public function previousPageKey($currentKey) { if ($this->db[$currentKey]['type'] == 'published') { $keys = array_keys($this->db); $position = array_search($currentKey, $keys) + 1; if (isset($keys[$position])) { $prevKey = $keys[$position]; if ($this->db[$prevKey]['type'] == 'published') { return $prevKey; } } } return false; } // Returns an array with a list of key of pages, FALSE if out of range // The database is sorted by date or by position // (int) $pageNumber, the page number // (int) $numberOfItems, amount of items to return, if -1 returns all the items // (boolean) $onlyPublished, TRUE to return only published pages public function getList($pageNumber, $numberOfItems, $published = true, $static = false, $sticky = false, $draft = false, $scheduled = false) { $list = array(); foreach ($this->db as $key => $fields) { if ($published && $fields['type'] == 'published') { array_push($list, $key); } elseif ($static && $fields['type'] == 'static') { array_push($list, $key); } elseif ($sticky && $fields['type'] == 'sticky') { array_push($list, $key); } elseif ($draft && $fields['type'] == 'draft') { array_push($list, $key); } elseif ($scheduled && $fields['type'] == 'scheduled') { array_push($list, $key); } } if ($numberOfItems == -1) { return $list; } // The first page number is 1, so the real is 0 $realPageNumber = $pageNumber - 1; $total = count($list); $init = (int) $numberOfItems * $realPageNumber; $end = (int) min(($init + $numberOfItems - 1), $total); $outrange = $init < 0 ? true : $init > $end; if (!$outrange) { return array_slice($list, $init, $numberOfItems, true); } return false; } // Returns the amount of pages // (boolean) $onlyPublished, TRUE returns the total of published pages (without draft and scheduled) // (boolean) $onlyPublished, FALSE returns the total of pages public function count($onlyPublished = true) { if ($onlyPublished) { $db = $this->getPublishedDB(false); return count($db); } return count($this->db); } // Returns an array with all parents pages key. A parent page is not a child public function getParents() { $db = $this->getPublishedDB(); foreach ($db as $key => $pageKey) { // if the key has slash then is a child if (Text::stringContains($pageKey, '/')) { unset($db[$key]); } } return $db; } public function getChildren($parentKey) { $tmp = $this->db; $list = array(); foreach ($tmp as $key => $fields) { if (Text::startsWith($key, $parentKey . '/')) { array_push($list, $key); } } return $list; } public function sortBy() { if (ORDER_BY == 'date') { return $this->sortByDate(true); } return $this->sortByPosition(false); } // Sort pages by position public function sortByPosition($HighToLow = false) { if ($HighToLow) { uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByPositionHighToLow')); } else { uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByPositionLowToHigh')); } return true; } private function sortByPositionLowToHigh($a, $b) { return $a['position'] <=> $b['position']; } private function sortByPositionHighToLow($a, $b) { return $a['position'] < $b['position']; } // Sort pages by date public function sortByDate($HighToLow = true) { if ($HighToLow) { uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByDateHighToLow')); } else { uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByDateLowToHigh')); } return true; } private function sortByDateLowToHigh($a, $b) { return $a['date'] > $b['date']; } private function sortByDateHighToLow($a, $b) { return $a['date'] < $b['date']; } function generateUUID() { return md5(uniqid() . time()); } // Returns the UUID of a page, by the page key function getUUID($key) { if ($this->exists($key)) { return $this->db[$key]['uuid']; } return false; } // Returns the page key by the uuid // if the UUID doesn't exits returns FALSE function getByUUID($uuid) { foreach ($this->db as $key => $value) { if ($value['uuid'] == $uuid) { return $key; } } return false; } // Returns string without HTML tags and truncated private function generateSlug($text, $truncateLength = 60) { $tmpslug = Text::removeHTMLTags($text); $tmpslug = Text::removeLineBreaks($tmpslug); $tmpslug = Text::truncate($tmpslug, $truncateLength, ''); return $tmpslug; } // Returns TRUE if there are new pages published, FALSE otherwise public function scheduler() { // Get current date $currentDate = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); $saveDatabase = false; // The database need to be sorted by date foreach ($this->db as $pageKey => $fields) { if ($fields['type'] == 'scheduled') { if ($fields['date'] <= $currentDate) { $this->db[$pageKey]['type'] = 'published'; $saveDatabase = true; } } elseif (($fields['type'] == 'published') && (ORDER_BY == 'date')) { break; } } if ($saveDatabase) { if ($this->save() === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); return false; } Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'New pages published from the scheduler.'); return true; } return false; } // Generate a valid Key/Slug public function generateKey($text, $parent = false, $returnSlug = false, $oldKey = '') { global $L; global $site; if (Text::isEmpty($text)) { $text = $L->g('empty'); } if (Text::isEmpty($parent)) { $newKey = Text::cleanUrl($text); } else { $newKey = Text::cleanUrl($parent) . '/' . Text::cleanUrl($text); } // cleanURL can return empty string if (Text::isEmpty($newKey)) { $newKey = $L->g('empty'); } if ($newKey !== $oldKey) { // Verify if the key is already been used if (isset($this->db[$newKey])) { $i = 0; while (isset($this->db[$newKey . '-' . $i])) { $i++; } $newKey = $newKey . '-' . $i; } } if ($returnSlug) { $explode = explode('/', $newKey); if (isset($explode[1])) { return $explode[1]; } return $explode[0]; } return $newKey; } // Returns an Array, array('tagSlug'=>'tagName') // (string) $tags, tag list separated by comma. public function generateTags($tags) { $tmp = array(); $tags = trim($tags); if (empty($tags)) { return $tmp; } $tags = explode(',', $tags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); $tagKey = Text::cleanUrl($tag); $tmp[$tagKey] = $tag; } return $tmp; } // Change all pages with the old category key to the new category key public function changeCategory($oldCategoryKey, $newCategoryKey) { foreach ($this->db as $key => $value) { if ($value['category'] === $oldCategoryKey) { $this->db[$key]['category'] = $newCategoryKey; } } return $this->save(); } // Insert custom fields to all the pages in the database // The structure for the custom fields need to be a valid JSON format // The custom fields are incremental, this means the custom fields are never deleted // The pages only store the value of the custom field, the structure of the custom fields are in the database site.php public function setCustomFields($fields) { $customFields = json_decode($fields, true); if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE) { return false; } foreach ($this->db as $pageKey => $pageFields) { foreach ($customFields as $customField => $customValues) { if (!isset($pageFields['custom'][$customField])) { $defaultValue = ''; if (isset($customValues['default'])) { $defaultValue = $customValues['default']; } $this->db[$pageKey]['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $defaultValue; } } } return $this->save(); } }