<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');

class Page {

    protected $vars;

    function __construct($key)
        global $pages;

        $this->vars['key'] = $key;
        // If key is FALSE, the page is create with default values, like an empty page
        // Useful for Page Not Found
        if ($key===false) {
            $row = $pages->getDefaultFields();
        } else {
            if (Text::isEmpty($key) || !$pages->exists($key)) {
                $errorMessage = 'Page not found in database by key ['.$key.']';
                throw new Exception($errorMessage);
            // The database doesn't have the page's content.
            $row = $pages->getPageDB($key);

        foreach ($row as $field=>$value) {
            if ($field=='date') {
                $this->vars['dateRaw'] = $value;
            } else {
                $this->vars[$field] = $value;

     * Returns the value associated to a field, if the field doesn't exists returns FALSE.
     * @param string $field
     * @return bool|string|int|array
    public function getValue(string $field)
        if (isset($this->vars[$field])) {
            return $this->vars[$field];
        return false;

     * Set the value associated to a field.
     * @param string $field
     * @param string $value
     * @return boolean
    public function setField(string $field, string $value): bool
        $this->vars[$field] = $value;
        return true;

     * Returns the full raw page's content. This content is not markdown parser.
     * @param boolean $sanitize         TRUE returns the content sanitized
     * @return string
    public function contentRaw(bool $sanitize=false): string
        $key = $this->key();
        $filePath = PATH_PAGES.$key.DS.FILENAME;
        $contentRaw = file_get_contents($filePath);

        if ($sanitize) {
            return Sanitize::html($contentRaw);
        return $contentRaw;

     * Returns the full page's content.
     * @param boolean $sanitize         TRUE returns the content sanitized
     * @return string
    public function content(bool $sanitize=false): string
        // If already set the content, return it
        $content = $this->getValue('content');
        if (!empty($content)) {
            return $content;

        // Get the raw content
        $content = $this->contentRaw(false);

        // Parse Markdown
        if (MARKDOWN_PARSER) {
            $parsedown = new Parsedown();
            $content = $parsedown->text($content);

        // Parse img src relative to absolute (with domain)
            $domain = IMAGE_RESTRICT?DOMAIN_UPLOADS_PAGES.$this->key().'/':DOMAIN_UPLOADS;
            $content = Text::imgRel2Abs($content, $domain);

        if ($sanitize) {
            return Sanitize::html($content);
        return $content;

     * Returns the first part of the content if the content is splited, otherwise is returned the full content.
     * @param boolean $sanitize         TRUE returns the content sanitized
     * @return string
    public function contentBreak(bool $sanitize=false): string
        $content = $this->content($sanitize);
        $explode = explode(PAGE_BREAK, $content);
        return $explode[0];

    // Returns the date according to locale settings and the format defined in the system
    public function date($format=false)
        $dateRaw = $this->dateRaw();
        if ($format===false) {
            global $site;
            $format = $site->dateFormat();
        return Date::format($dateRaw, DB_DATE_FORMAT, $format);

    // Returns the date according to locale settings and format as database stored
    public function dateRaw()
        // This field is set in the constructor
        return $this->getValue('dateRaw');

    // Returns the date according to locale settings and format settings
    public function dateModified($format=false)
        $dateRaw = $this->getValue('dateModified');
        if ($format===false) {
            global $site;
            $format = $site->dateFormat();
        return Date::format($dateRaw, DB_DATE_FORMAT, $format);

    // Returns the username who created the page
    public function username()
        return $this->getValue('username');

    // TODO: Check if necessary this function
    public function getDB()
        return $this->vars;

    // Returns the permalink
    // (boolean) $absolute, TRUE returns the page link with the DOMAIN, FALSE without the DOMAIN
    public function permalink($absolute=true)
        // Get the key of the page
        $key = $this->key();

        if($absolute) {
            return DOMAIN_PAGES.$key;

        return HTML_PATH_ROOT.PAGE_URI_FILTER.$key;

    public function url($absolute=true)
        return $this->permalink($absolute);

    // Returns the previous page key
    public function previousKey()
        global $pages;
        return $pages->previousPageKey($this->key());

    // Returns the next page key
    public function nextKey()
        global $pages;
        return $pages->nextPageKey($this->key());

    // Returns the category name
    public function category()
        return $this->categoryMap('name');

    // Returns the category template
    public function categoryTemplate()
        return $this->categoryMap('template');

    // Returns the category description
    public function categoryDescription()
        return $this->categoryMap('description');

    // Returns the category key
    public function categoryKey()
        return $this->getValue('category');

    // Returns the category permalink
    public function categoryPermalink()
        return DOMAIN_CATEGORIES.$this->categoryKey();

    // Returns the field from the array
    // categoryMap = array( 'name'=>'', 'list'=>array() )
    public function categoryMap($field)
        global $categories;
        $categoryKey = $this->categoryKey();
        $map = $categories->getMap($categoryKey);

        if ($field=='key') {
            return $this->categoryKey();
        } elseif(isset($map[$field])) {
            return $map[$field];

        return false;

    // Returns the user object or passing the method returns the object User method
    public function user($method=false)
        $username = $this->username();
        try {
            $user = new User($username);
            if ($method) {
                return $user->{$method}();
            return $user;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return false;

     * Returns the template for the page or FALSE if the page haven't a template assigned.
     * @return boolean|string
    public function template()
        $template = $this->getValue('template');
        if (empty($template)) {
            return false;
        return $template;

    // Returns the description field
    public function description()
        return $this->getValue('description');

    // Returns the tags separated by comma
    // (boolean) $returnsArray, TRUE to get the tags as an array, FALSE to get the tags separated by comma
    // The tags in array format returns array( tagKey => tagName )
    public function tags($returnsArray=false)
        $tags = $this->getValue('tags');
        if ($returnsArray) {
            if (empty($tags)) {
                return array();
            return $tags;

        if (empty($tags)) {
            return '';
        // Return string with tags separated by comma.
        return implode(',', $tags);

    public function json($returnsArray=false)
        $tmp['key'] 		= $this->key();
        $tmp['title'] 		= $this->title();
        $tmp['content'] 	= $this->content(); // Markdown parsed
        $tmp['contentRaw'] 	= $this->contentRaw(true); // No Markdown parsed
        $tmp['description'] = $this->description();
        $tmp['type'] 		= $this->type();
        $tmp['slug'] 		= $this->slug();
        $tmp['date'] 		= $this->date();
        $tmp['dateRaw'] 	= $this->dateRaw();
        $tmp['tags'] 		= $this->tags(false);
        $tmp['username'] 	= $this->username();
        $tmp['category'] 	= $this->category();
        $tmp['uuid'] 		= $this->uuid();
        $tmp['dateUTC']		= Date::convertToUTC($this->dateRaw(), DB_DATE_FORMAT, DB_DATE_FORMAT);
        $tmp['permalink'] 	= $this->permalink(true);
        $tmp['coverImage'] 	= $this->coverImage(true);
        $tmp['coverImageFilename'] 	= $this->coverImage(false);

        if ($returnsArray) {
            return $tmp;

        return json_encode($tmp);

     * Returns the cover image endpoint, FALSE if the page doesn't have a cover image
     * @param boolean $absolute         TRUE returns the complete URL, FALSE returns the filename
     * @return string
    public function coverImage(bool $absolute=true): string
        $filename = $this->getValue('coverImage');
        if (empty($filename)) {
            return false;

        // Check if it is an external cover image
        if (filter_var($filename, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
            return $filename;

        if ($absolute) {
            if (IMAGE_RESTRICT) {
                return DOMAIN_UPLOADS_PAGES.$this->key().'/'.$filename;
            return DOMAIN_UPLOADS.$filename;

        return $filename;

    // Returns TRUE if the content has the text splited
    public function readMore()
        $content = $this->contentRaw();
        return Text::stringContains($content, PAGE_BREAK);

    public function uuid()
        return $this->getValue('uuid');

    // Returns the field key
    public function key()
        return $this->getValue('key');

     * Returns TRUE if the page is type "published", FALSE otherwise
     * @return boolean
    public function published(): bool
        return ($this->getValue('type')==='published');

     * Returns TRUE if the page is type "scheduled", FALSE otherwise
     * @return boolean
    public function scheduled(): bool
        return ($this->getValue('type')==='scheduled');

     * Returns TRUE if the page is type "draft", FALSE otherwise
     * @return boolean
    public function draft(): bool
        return ($this->getValue('type')=='draft');

     * Returns TRUE if the page is type "sticky", FALSE otherwise
     * @return boolean
    public function sticky(): bool
        return ($this->getValue('type')=='sticky');

     * Returns TRUE if the page is type "static", FALSE otherwise
     * @return boolean
    public function isStatic(): bool
        return ($this->getValue('type')=='static');

     * Returns TRUE if the page is type "unlisted", FALSE otherwise
     * @return boolean
    public function unlisted(): bool
        return ($this->getValue('type')=='unlisted');

    // (boolean) Returns TRUE if the page is autosave, FALSE otherwise
    public function autosave()
        return ($this->getValue('type')=='autosave');

    // (string) Returns type of the page
    public function type()
        return $this->getValue('type');

    // Returns the title field
    public function title()
        return $this->getValue('title');

    // Returns TRUE if the page has enabled the comments, FALSE otherwise
    public function allowComments()
        return $this->getValue('allowComments');

    // Returns the page position
    public function position()
        return $this->getValue('position');

    // Returns the page noindex
    public function noindex()
        return $this->getValue('noindex');

    // Returns the page nofollow
    public function nofollow()
        return $this->getValue('nofollow');

    // Returns the page noarchive
    public function noarchive()
        return $this->getValue('noarchive');

    // Returns the page slug
    public function slug()
        $explode = explode('/', $this->key());
        return end($explode);

    // Returns the parent key, if the page doesn't have a parent returns FALSE
    public function parent()
        return $this->parentKey();

    // Returns the parent key, if the page doesn't have a parent returns FALSE
    public function parentKey()
        $explode = explode('/', $this->key());
        if (isset($explode[1])) {
            return $explode[0];
        return false;

    // Returns TRUE if the page is a parent, has or not children
    public function isParent()
        return $this->parentKey()===false;

    // Returns the parent method output, if the page doesn't have a parent returns FALSE
    public function parentMethod($method)
        $parentKey = $this->parentKey();
        if ($parentKey) {
            try {
                $page = new Page($parentKey);
                return $page->{$method}();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                // Continoue

        return false;

    // Returns TRUE if the page is a child, FALSE otherwise
    public function isChild()
        return $this->parentKey()!==false;

    // Returns TRUE if the page has children
    public function hasChildren()
        $childrenKeys = $this->childrenKeys();
        return !empty($childrenKeys);

    // Returns an array with all children's keys
    public function childrenKeys()
        global $pages;
        $key = $this->key();
        return $pages->getChildren($key);

    // Returns an array with all children as Page-Object
    public function children()
        global $pages;
        $list = array();
        $childrenKeys = $pages->getChildren($this->key());
        foreach ($childrenKeys as $childKey) {
            try {
                $child = new Page($childKey);
                array_push($list, $child);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                // Continue

        return $list;

     * Returns the amount of minutes takes to read the page
     * @return string
    public function readingTime(): string
        $words = $this->content(true);
        $words = strip_tags($words);
        $words = str_word_count($words);
        $average = $words / 200;
        $minutes = round($average);

        if ($minutes>1) {
            return $minutes;
        return '~1';

    // Returns the value from the field, false if the fields doesn't exists
    // If you set the $option as TRUE, the function returns an array with all the values of the field
    public function custom($field, $options=false)
        if (isset($this->vars['custom'][$field])) {
            if ($options) {
                return $this->vars['custom'][$field];
            return $this->vars['custom'][$field]['value'];
        return false;

     * Returns an array with all pages' keys related to the page. The relation is based on the tags.
     * @param boolean $sortByDate       TRUE if you want to get sort by date the pages, FALSE random order
     * @param integer $getFirst         Amount of related pages, -1 indicates all related pages
     * @return array
    public function related(bool $sortByDate=false, int $getFirst=-1): array
        global $tags;
        $pageTags = $this->tags(true);
        $list = array();
        // For each tag get the list of related pages
        foreach ($pageTags as $tagKey=>$tagName) {
            $pagesRelated = $tags->getList($tagKey, 1, -1);
            $list = array_merge($list, $pagesRelated);

        // Remove duplicates
        $list = array_unique($list);

        // Remove himself from the list
        if (($key = array_search($this->key(), $list)) !== false) {

        // Sort by date if requested
        if ($sortByDate) {
            $listSortByDate = array();
            foreach ($list as $pageKey) {
                $tmpPage = new Page($pageKey);
                $listSortByDate[$tmpPage->date('U')] = $pageKey;
            $list = $listSortByDate;

        if ($getFirst==-1) {
            return $list;
        } else {
            return array_slice($list, 0, $getFirst);

     * Returns the date as relative time.
     * @param boolean $complete     TRUE full version, FALSE short version
     * @return string               Relative time, for example: 1 minute ago
    public function relativeTime(bool $complete=false): string
        global $language;

        $current = new DateTime;
        $past    = new DateTime($this->getValue('dateRaw'));
        $elapsed = $current->diff($past);

        $elapsed->w  = floor($elapsed->d / 7);
        $elapsed->d -= $elapsed->w * 7;

        $string = array(
            'y' => $language->g('year'),
            'm' => $language->g('month'),
            'w' => $language->g('week'),
            'd' => $language->g('day'),
            'h' => $language->g('hour'),
            'i' => $language->g('minute'),
            's' => $language->g('second')

        foreach ($string as $key => &$value) {
            if ($elapsed->$key) {
                $value = $elapsed->$key . ' ' . $value . ($elapsed->$key > 1 ? 's' : ' ');
            } else {

        if (!$complete) {
            $string = array_slice($string, 0 , 1);

        return $string ? implode(', ', $string) . ' '.$language->g('ago') : $language->g('Just now');
