<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');

class Site extends dbJSON
    public $dbFields = array(
        'title'                         => 'I am Guybrush Threepwood, mighty developer',
        'slogan'                        => '',
        'description'                   => '',
        'footer'                        => 'I wanna be a pirate!',
        'itemsPerPage'                  =>  6,
        'language'                      => 'en',
        'locale'                        => 'en, en_US, en_AU, en_CA, en_GB, en_IE, en_NZ',
        'timezone'                      => 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires',
        'theme'                         => 'alternative',
        'adminTheme'                    => 'booty',
        'homepage'                      => '',
        'pageNotFound'                  => '',
        'uriPage'                       => '/',
        'uriTag'                        => '/tag/',
        'uriCategory'                   => '/category/',
        'uriBlog'                       => '/blog/',
        'url'                           => '',
        'emailFrom'                     => '',
        'dateFormat'                    => 'F j, Y',
        'timeFormat'                    => 'g:i a',
        'currentBuild'                  => 0,
        'twitter'                       => '',
        'facebook'                      => '',
        'codepen'                       => '',
        'instagram'                     => '',
        'github'                        => '',
        'gitlab'                        => '',
        'linkedin'                      => '',
        'xing'                          => '',
        'mastodon'                      => '',
        'dribbble'                      => '',
        'vk'                            => '',
        'discord'                       => '',
        'youtube'                       => '',
        'orderBy'                       => 'date', // date or position
        'extremeFriendly'               => true,
        'autosaveInterval'              => 2, // minutes
        'titleFormatHomepage'           => '{{site-slogan}} | {{site-title}}',
        'titleFormatPages'              => '{{page-title}} | {{site-title}}',
        'titleFormatCategory'           => '{{category-name}} | {{site-title}}',
        'titleFormatTag'                => '{{tag-name}} | {{site-title}}',
        'imageRestrict'                 => true,
        'imageRelativeToAbsolute'       => false,
        'thumbnailSmallWidth'           => 400, // px
        'thumbnailSmallHeight'          => 400, // px
        'thumbnailSmallQuality'         => 100, // %
        'thumbnailMediumWidth'          => 800, // px
        'thumbnailMediumHeight'         => 600, // px
        'thumbnailMediumQuality'        => 100, // %
        'logo'                          => '',
        'markdownParser'                => true,
        'customFields'                  => '{}',
        'darkModeAdmin'                 => false

    function __construct()

    // Returns an array with site configuration.
    function get()
        return $this->db;

    public function set($args)
        // Check values on args or set default values
        foreach ($this->dbFields as $field => $value) {
            if (isset($args[$field])) {
                $finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]);
                if ($finalValue === 'false') {
                    $finalValue = false;
                } elseif ($finalValue === 'true') {
                    $finalValue = true;
                settype($finalValue, gettype($value));
                $this->db[$field] = $finalValue;
        return $this->save();

    // Returns an array with the URL filters
    // Also, you can get the a particular filter
    public function uriFilters($filter = '')
        $filters['admin'] = '/' . ADMIN_URI_FILTER . '/';
        $filters['page'] = $this->getField('uriPage');
        $filters['tag'] = $this->getField('uriTag');
        $filters['category'] = $this->getField('uriCategory');

        if ($this->getField('uriBlog')) {
            $filters['blog'] = $this->getField('uriBlog');

        if (empty($filter)) {
            return $filters;

        if (isset($filters[$filter])) {
            return $filters[$filter];

        return false;

    public function thumbnailSmallWidth()
        return $this->getField('thumbnailSmallWidth');

    public function thumbnailSmallHeight()
        return $this->getField('thumbnailSmallHeight');

    public function thumbnailSmallQuality()
        return $this->getField('thumbnailSmallQuality');

    public function thumbnailMediumWidth()
        return $this->getField('thumbnailMediumWidth');

    public function thumbnailMediumHeight()
        return $this->getField('thumbnailMediumHeight');

    public function thumbnailMediumQuality()
        return $this->getField('thumbnailMediumQuality');

    public function autosaveInterval()
        return $this->getField('autosaveInterval');

    public function extremeFriendly()
        return $this->getField('extremeFriendly');

    public function markdownParser()
        return $this->getField('markdownParser');

    public function darkModeAdmin()
        return $this->getField('darkModeAdmin');

    public function twitter()
        return $this->getField('twitter');

    public function facebook()
        return $this->getField('facebook');

    public function discord()
        return $this->getField('discord');

    public function youtube()
        return $this->getField('youtube');

    public function codepen()
        return $this->getField('codepen');

    public function instagram()
        return $this->getField('instagram');

    public function github()
        return $this->getField('github');

    public function gitlab()
        return $this->getField('gitlab');

    public function linkedin()
        return $this->getField('linkedin');

    public function xing()
        return $this->getField('xing');

    public function mastodon()
        return $this->getField('mastodon');

    public function dribbble()
        return $this->getField('dribbble');

    public function vk()
        return $this->getField('vk');

    public function orderBy()
        return $this->getField('orderBy');

    public function imageRestrict()
        return $this->getField('imageRestrict');

    public function imageRelativeToAbsolute()
        return $this->getField('imageRelativeToAbsolute');

    // Returns the site title
    public function title()
        return $this->getField('title');

    // Returns the site slogan
    public function slogan()
        return $this->getField('slogan');

    // Returns the site description
    public function description()
        return $this->getField('description');

    public function emailFrom()
        return $this->getField('emailFrom');

    public function dateFormat()
        return $this->getField('dateFormat');

    public function timeFormat()
        return $this->getField('timeFormat');

    // Returns the site theme name
    public function theme()
        return $this->getField('theme');

    // Returns the admin theme name
    public function adminTheme()
        return $this->getField('adminTheme');

    // Returns the footer text
    public function footer()
        return $this->getField('footer');

    public function titleFormatPages()
        return $this->getField('titleFormatPages');

    public function titleFormatHomepage()
        return $this->getField('titleFormatHomepage');

    public function titleFormatCategory()
        return $this->getField('titleFormatCategory');

    public function titleFormatTag()
        return $this->getField('titleFormatTag');

    // Returns the absolute URL of the site logo
    // If you set $absolute=false returns only the filename
    public function logo($absolute = true)
        $logo = $this->getField('logo');
        if ($absolute && $logo) {
            return DOMAIN_UPLOADS . $logo;
        return $logo;

    // Returns the full domain and base url
    // For example, https://www.domain.com/bludit
    public function url()
        return $this->getField('url');

    public function urlPath()
        $url = $this->getField('url');
        return parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);

    public function isHTTPS()
        $url = $this->getField('url');
        return parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === 'https';

    // Returns the protocol and the domain, without the base url
    // For example, http://www.domain.com
    public function domain()
        // If the URL field is not set, try detect the domain.
        if (Text::isEmpty($this->url())) {
            if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
                $protocol = 'https://';
            } else {
                $protocol = 'http://';

            $domain = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '/');
            return $protocol . $domain;

        // Parse the domain from the field url (Settings->Advanced)
        $parse = parse_url($this->url());
        $domain = rtrim($parse['host'], '/');
        $port = !empty($parse['port']) ? ':' . $parse['port'] : '';
        $scheme = !empty($parse['scheme']) ? $parse['scheme'] . '://' : 'http://';

        return $scheme . $domain . $port;

    // Returns the timezone.
    public function timezone()
        return $this->getField('timezone');

    // Returns the current build / version of Bludit.
    public function currentBuild()
        return $this->getField('currentBuild');

    // Returns the amount of pages per page
    public function itemsPerPage()
        return $this->getField('itemsPerPage');

    // Returns the current language.
    public function language()
        return $this->getField('language');

    // Returns the sort version of the site's language
    public function languageShortVersion()
        $current = $this->language();
        $explode = explode('_', $current);
        return $explode[0];

    // Returns the current locale.
    public function locale()
        return $this->getField('locale');

    // Returns the current homepage, FALSE if not defined homepage
    public function homepage()
        $homepage = $this->getField('homepage');
        if (empty($homepage)) {
            return false;
        return $homepage;

    // Returns the page key for the page not found
    public function pageNotFound()
        $pageNotFound = $this->getField('pageNotFound');
        return $pageNotFound;

    // Set the locale, returns TRUE is success, FALSE otherwise
    public function setLocale($locale)
        $localeList = explode(',', $locale);
        foreach ($localeList as $locale) {
            $locale = trim($locale);
            if (setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale . '.UTF-8') !== false) {
                return true;
            } elseif (setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale) !== false) {
                return true;

        // Not was possible to set a locale, using default locale
        return false;

    // Set the timezone.
    public function setTimezone($timezone)
        return date_default_timezone_set($timezone);

    // Returns the custom fields as array
    public function customFields()
        $customFields = Sanitize::htmlDecode($this->getField('customFields'));
        return json_decode($customFields, true);