dbFields = array(
public function form() {
global $L;
$html = '
$html = '';
$html .= '
$html .= '
$html .= '
'.$L->get('The number of items to display in the feed').'
$html .= '
return $html;
private function encodeURL($url) {
return preg_replace_callback('/[^\x20-\x7f]/', function($match) { return urlencode($match[0]); }, $url);
private function createXML() {
global $site;
global $pages;
global $url;
// Number of pages to show
$numberOfItems = $this->getValue('numberOfItems');
// Get the list of public pages (sticky and static included)
$list = $pages->getList(
$xml = '';
$xml .= '';
$xml .= '';
$xml .= '';
$xml .= ''.$site->title().'';
$xml .= ''.$this->encodeURL($site->url()).'';
$xml .= ''.$site->description().'';
$xml .= ''.date(DATE_RSS).'';
// Get keys of pages
foreach ($list as $pageKey) {
try {
// Create the page object from the page key
$page = new Page($pageKey);
$xml .= '- ';
$xml .= ''.$page->title().'';
$xml .= ''.$this->encodeURL($page->permalink()).'';
if ($page->coverImage()) {
$xml .= ''.$page->coverImage().'';
$xml .= ''.Sanitize::html($page->contentBreak()).'';
$xml .= ''.date(DATE_RSS,strtotime($page->getValue('dateRaw'))).'';
$xml .= ''.$page->uuid().'';
$xml .= '
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Continue
$xml .= '';
// New DOM document
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = true;
return $doc->save($this->workspace().'rss.xml');
public function install($position=0) {
return $this->createXML();
public function afterPageCreate() {
public function afterPageModify() {
public function afterPageDelete() {
public function siteHead() {
return ''.PHP_EOL;
public function beforeAll() {
$webhook = 'rss.xml';
if ($this->webhook($webhook)) {
// Send XML header
header('Content-type: text/xml');
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// Load XML
// Print the XML
echo $doc->saveXML();
// Stop Bludit execution