<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.'); class dbJSON { public $db; public $file; public $firstLine; // $file, the JSON file. // $firstLine, TRUE if you want to remove the first line, FALSE otherwise. function __construct($file, $firstLine=true) { $this->file = $file; $this->db = array(); $this->firstLine = $firstLine; if(file_exists($file)) { // Read JSON file. $lines = file($file); // Remove the first line, the first line is for security reasons. if($firstLine) { unset($lines[0]); } // Regenerate the JSON file. $implode = implode($lines); // Unserialize, JSON to Array. $array = $this->unserialize($implode); if(empty($array)) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Invalid JSON file: '.$file.', cannot be decoded. Check the file content.'); } else { $this->db = $array; } } else { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'File '.$file.' does not exists'); } } // Returns the amount of database items. public function count() { return count($this->db); } // Save the JSON file. public function save() { if($this->firstLine) { $data = "<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.'); ?>".PHP_EOL; } else { $data = ''; } $data .= $this->serialize($this->db); // LOCK_EX flag to prevent anyone else writing to the file at the same time. file_put_contents($this->file, $data, LOCK_EX); } private function serialize($data) { // DEBUG: La idea es siempre serializar en json, habria que ver si siempre esta cargado json_enconde y decode if(JSON) { return json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } return serialize($data); } private function unserialize($data) { // DEBUG: La idea es siempre serializar en json, habria que ver si siempre esta cargado json_enconde y decode if(JSON) { return json_decode($data, true); } return unserialize($data); } }