<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.'); // ============================================================================ // Global Variables // ============================================================================ $plugins = array( 'siteHead' => array(), 'siteBodyBegin' => array(), 'siteBodyEnd' => array(), 'siteSidebar' => array(), 'beforeSiteLoad' => array(), 'afterSiteLoad' => array(), 'pageBegin' => array(), 'pageEnd' => array(), 'beforeAdminLoad' => array(), 'afterAdminLoad' => array(), 'adminHead' => array(), 'adminBodyBegin' => array(), 'adminBodyEnd' => array(), 'adminSidebar' => array(), 'adminContentSidebar' => array(), 'dashboard' => array(), 'beforeAll' => array(), 'afterAll' => array(), 'paginator' => array(), 'beforePageModify' => array(), 'beforePageDelete' => array(), 'afterPageCreate' => array(), 'afterPageModify' => array(), 'afterPageDelete' => array(), 'loginHead' => array(), 'loginBodyBegin' => array(), 'loginBodyEnd' => array(), 'all' => array() // $plugins['all'] keep installed and not installed plugins ); // This array has only the installed plugins // The array key is the "plugin class name" and the value is the object // pluginsInstalled[pluginClass] = $Plugin $pluginsInstalled = array(); // ============================================================================ // Functions // ============================================================================ function buildPlugins() { global $plugins; global $pluginsInstalled; global $L; global $site; // This array is only to get the hooks names $pluginsHooks = $plugins; unset($pluginsHooks['all']); // remove "all" because is not a valid hook // Get declared clasess BEFORE load plugins clasess $currentDeclaredClasess = get_declared_classes(); // Load plugins clasess $list = Filesystem::listDirectories(PATH_PLUGINS); foreach ($list as $pluginPath) { if (file_exists($pluginPath . DS . 'plugin.php')) { include_once($pluginPath . DS . 'plugin.php'); } } // Get plugins clasess loaded $pluginsDeclaredClasess = array_diff(get_declared_classes(), $currentDeclaredClasess); foreach ($pluginsDeclaredClasess as $pluginClass) { $reflect = new ReflectionClass($pluginClass); if(!$reflect->implementsInterface('PluginInterface')){ continue; } $Plugin = new $pluginClass; // Check if the plugin is translated $languageFilename = PATH_PLUGINS . $Plugin->directoryName() . DS . 'languages' . DS . $site->language() . '.json'; if (!Sanitize::pathFile($languageFilename)) { $languageFilename = PATH_PLUGINS . $Plugin->directoryName() . DS . 'languages' . DS . DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_FILE; } $database = file_get_contents($languageFilename); $database = json_decode($database, true); // Set name and description from the language file $Plugin->setMetadata('name', $database['plugin-data']['name']); $Plugin->setMetadata('description', $database['plugin-data']['description']); // Remove name and description from the language and includes new words to the global language dictionary unset($database['plugin-data']); if (!empty($database)) { $L->add($database); } // $plugins['all'] Array with all plugins, installed and not installed $plugins['all'][$pluginClass] = $Plugin; if ($Plugin->installed()) { // Include the plugin installed in the global array $pluginsInstalled[$pluginClass] = $Plugin; // Define new hooks from custom hooks if (!empty($Plugin->customHooks)) { foreach ($Plugin->customHooks as $hook) { if (!isset($plugins[$hook])) { $plugins[$hook] = array(); $pluginsHooks[$hook] = array(); } } } // Insert the plugin into the hooks foreach ($pluginsHooks as $hook => $value) { if (method_exists($Plugin, $hook)) { array_push($plugins[$hook], $Plugin); } } } // Sort the plugins by the position for the site sidebar uasort( $plugins['siteSidebar'], function ($a, $b) { return $a->position() <=> $b->position(); } ); // Sort the plugins by the position for the dashboard uasort( $plugins['dashboard'], function ($a, $b) { return $a->position() <=> $b->position(); } ); } } // ============================================================================ // Main // ============================================================================ buildPlugins();