'Github', 'gitlab' => 'GitLab', 'twitter' => 'Twitter', 'facebook' => 'Facebook', 'instagram' => 'Instagram', 'codepen' => 'Codepen', 'linkedin' => 'Linkedin', 'xing' => 'Xing', 'telegram' => 'Telegram', 'mastodon' => 'Mastodon', 'vk' => 'VK', 'dribbble' => 'Dribbble' ); foreach ($socialNetworks as $key => $label) { if (!$site->{$key}()) { unset($socialNetworks[$key]); } } return $socialNetworks; } public static function title() { global $site; return $site->title(); } public static function description() { global $site; return $site->description(); } public static function slogan() { global $site; return $site->slogan(); } public static function footer() { global $site; return $site->footer(); } public static function lang() { global $language; return $language->currentLanguageShortVersion(); } public static function rssUrl() { if (pluginActivated('pluginRSS')) { return DOMAIN_BASE . 'rss.xml'; } return false; } public static function sitemapUrl() { if (pluginActivated('pluginSitemap')) { return DOMAIN_BASE . 'sitemap.xml'; } return false; } // Returns the absolute URL of the site // Ex. https://example.com the method returns https://example.com/ // Ex. https://example.com/koblog/ the method returns https://example.com/koblog/ public static function siteUrl() { return DOMAIN_BASE; } // Returns the absolute URL of admin panel // Ex. https://example.com/admin/ the method returns https://example.com/admin/ // Ex. https://example.com/koblog/admin/ the method returns https://example.com/koblog/admin/ public static function adminUrl() { return DOMAIN_ADMIN; } public static function locationTitle() { global $url; global $site; global $tags; global $archives; global $authors; global $categories; global $WHERE_AM_I; global $page; if ($WHERE_AM_I == 'page') { return $page->title(); } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'tag') { try { $tagKey = $url->slug(); $tag = new Tag($tagKey); return $tag->name(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Tag doesn't exist } } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'category') { try { $categoryKey = $url->slug(); $category = new Category($categoryKey); return $category->name(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Category doesn't exist } } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'archive') { try { $archiveKey = $url->slug(); return Date::prettyArchiveDate($archiveKey); } catch (Exception $e) { // Archive doesn't exist } } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'author') { try { $authorKey = $url->slug(); $user = new User($authorKey); return $user->displayName(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Author doesn't exist } } return null; } public static function metaTags($tag) { if ($tag == 'title') { return self::metaTagTitle(); } elseif ($tag == 'description') { return self::metaTagDescription(); } } public static function metaTagTitle() { global $url; global $site; global $tags; global $archives; global $authors; global $categories; global $WHERE_AM_I; global $page; if ($WHERE_AM_I == 'page') { $format = $site->titleFormatPages(); $format = Text::replace('{{page-title}}', $page->title(), $format); $format = Text::replace('{{page-description}}', $page->description(), $format); } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'tag') { try { $tagKey = $url->slug(); $tag = new Tag($tagKey); $format = $site->titleFormatTag(); $format = Text::replace('{{tag-name}}', $tag->name(), $format); } catch (Exception $e) { // Tag doesn't exist } } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'category') { try { $categoryKey = $url->slug(); $category = new Category($categoryKey); $format = $site->titleFormatCategory(); $format = Text::replace('{{category-name}}', $category->name(), $format); } catch (Exception $e) { // Category doesn't exist } } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'archive') { try { $archiveKey = $url->slug(); $format = $site->titleFormatArchive(); $format = Text::replace('{{archive-name}}', Date::prettyArchiveDate($archiveKey), $format); } catch (Exception $e) { // Archive doesn't exist } } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'author') { try { $authorKey = $url->slug(); $user = new User($authorKey); $format = $site->titleFormatAuthor(); $format = Text::replace('{{author-name}}', $user->displayName(), $format); } catch (Exception $e) { // Author doesn't exist } } else { $format = $site->titleFormatHomepage(); } $format = Text::replace('{{site-title}}', $site->title(), $format); $format = Text::replace('{{site-slogan}}', $site->slogan(), $format); $format = Text::replace('{{site-description}}', $site->description(), $format); return '