[Bludit](https://www.bludit.com/) ================================ Dear developers ------- ## Frameworks and libraries included in Bludit v4 Bludit will include the following frameworks, please use them with they native functions. Frontend: - Bootstrap v5. - Boostrap icons. - jQuery, you can use vanilla Javascript but for events in the views please use jQuery. Backend: - `bl-kernel/functions.php` provides the global function for Bludit; These functions provide connectivity between different objects and databases; These functions should provide different checks and logic before add/edit/delete into the databases. - PHP SimpleImage for processing images: https://github.com/claviska/SimpleImage ## Comments for functions and methods Please add the following structure commenting what it does the function, also add the stamp `=== Bludit v4` so I know what is new. ``` /* Delete a page === Bludit v4 @key string Array => (key: string) @return string/bool Returns the page key on successful delete, FALSE otherwise */ function deletePage($args) { ... } ``` ## Controller and views structure Please follow complete example for Documentation for Bludit v4 -------