var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () { __assign = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; var TokenAutocomplete = /** @class */ (function () { function TokenAutocomplete(options) { this.KEY_BACKSPACE = 8; this.KEY_ENTER = 13; this.KEY_UP = 38; this.KEY_DOWN = 40; this.defaults = { name: '', selector: '', noMatchesText: null, initialTokens: null, initialSuggestions: null, suggestionsUri: '', suggestionRenderer: TokenAutocomplete.Autocomplete.defaultRenderer, minCharactersForSuggestion: 1 }; this.options = __assign(__assign({}, this.defaults), options); var passedContainer = document.querySelector(this.options.selector); if (!passedContainer) { throw new Error('passed selector does not point to a DOM element.'); } this.container = passedContainer; this.container.classList.add('token-autocomplete-container'); if (!Array.isArray(this.options.initialTokens) && !Array.isArray(this.options.initialSuggestions)) { this.parseTokensAndSuggestions(); } this.hiddenSelect = document.createElement('select'); = + '-select'; =; this.hiddenSelect.setAttribute('multiple', 'true'); = 'none'; this.textInput = document.createElement('span'); = + '-input'; this.textInput.classList.add('token-autocomplete-input'); this.textInput.setAttribute('data-placeholder', 'enter some text'); this.textInput.contentEditable = 'true'; this.container.appendChild(this.textInput); this.container.appendChild(this.hiddenSelect); = new TokenAutocomplete.MultiSelect(this); this.autocomplete = new TokenAutocomplete.Autocomplete(this); this.debug(false); var me = this; if (Array.isArray(this.options.initialTokens)) { this.options.initialTokens.forEach(function (token) { if (typeof token === 'object') {, token.text); } }); } this.textInput.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if (event.which == me.KEY_ENTER || event.keyCode == me.KEY_ENTER) { event.preventDefault(); var highlightedSuggestion = me.autocomplete.suggestions.querySelector('.token-autocomplete-suggestion-highlighted'); if (highlightedSuggestion !== null) { if (highlightedSuggestion.classList.contains('token-autocomplete-suggestion-active')) {; } else {'data-value'), highlightedSuggestion.textContent); } } else {, me.textInput.textContent); } me.clearCurrentInput(); } else if (me.textInput.textContent === '' && (event.which == me.KEY_BACKSPACE || event.keyCode == me.KEY_BACKSPACE)) { event.preventDefault();; } }); this.textInput.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) { var _a, _b; if ((event.which == me.KEY_UP || event.keyCode == me.KEY_UP) && me.autocomplete.suggestions.childNodes.length > 0) { var highlightedSuggestion = me.autocomplete.suggestions.querySelector('.token-autocomplete-suggestion-highlighted'); var aboveSuggestion = (_a = highlightedSuggestion) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.previousSibling; if (aboveSuggestion != null) { me.autocomplete.highlightSuggestion(aboveSuggestion); } return; } if ((event.which == me.KEY_DOWN || event.keyCode == me.KEY_DOWN) && me.autocomplete.suggestions.childNodes.length > 0) { var highlightedSuggestion = me.autocomplete.suggestions.querySelector('.token-autocomplete-suggestion-highlighted'); var belowSuggestion = (_b = highlightedSuggestion) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nextSibling; if (belowSuggestion != null) { me.autocomplete.highlightSuggestion(belowSuggestion); } return; } me.autocomplete.hideSuggestions(); me.autocomplete.clearSuggestions(); var value = me.textInput.textContent || ''; if (value.length >= me.options.minCharactersForSuggestion) { if (Array.isArray(me.options.initialSuggestions)) { me.options.initialSuggestions.forEach(function (suggestion) { if (typeof suggestion !== 'object') { // the suggestion is of wrong type and therefore ignored return; } if (value.localeCompare(suggestion.text.slice(0, value.length), undefined, { sensitivity: 'base' }) === 0) { // The suggestion starts with the query text the user entered and will be displayed me.autocomplete.addSuggestion(suggestion); } }); if (me.autocomplete.suggestions.childNodes.length > 0) { me.autocomplete.highlightSuggestionAtPosition(0); } else if (me.options.noMatchesText) { me.autocomplete.addSuggestion({ value: '_no_match_', text: me.options.noMatchesText, description: null }); } } else if (me.options.suggestionsUri.length > 0) { me.autocomplete.requestSuggestions(value); } } }); this.container.tokenAutocomplete = this; } /** * Searches the element given as a container for option elements and creates active tokens (when the option is marked selected) * and suggestions (all options found) from these. During this all found options are removed from the DOM. */ TokenAutocomplete.prototype.parseTokensAndSuggestions = function () { var initialTokens = []; var initialSuggestions = []; var options = this.container.querySelectorAll('option'); var me = this; options.forEach(function (option) { if (option.text != null) { if (option.hasAttribute('selected')) { initialTokens.push({ value: option.value, text: option.text }); } initialSuggestions.push({ value: option.value, text: option.text, description: null }); } me.container.removeChild(option); }); if (initialTokens.length > 0) { this.options.initialTokens = initialTokens; } if (initialSuggestions.length > 0) { this.options.initialSuggestions = initialSuggestions; } }; /** * Clears the currently present tokens and creates new ones from the given input value. * * @param {(Array\|string)} value - either the name of a single token or a list of tokens to create */ TokenAutocomplete.prototype.val = function (value) {; if (Array.isArray(value)) { var me_1 = this; value.forEach(function (token) { if (typeof token === 'object') {, token.text); } }); } else {, value.text); } }; TokenAutocomplete.prototype.clearCurrentInput = function () { this.textInput.textContent = ''; }; TokenAutocomplete.prototype.debug = function (state) { if (state) { this.log = console.log.bind(window.console); } else { this.log = function () { }; } }; var _a; TokenAutocomplete.MultiSelect = /** @class */ (function () { function class_1(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.container = parent.container; this.options = parent.options; } /** * Adds a token with the specified name to the list of currently prensent tokens displayed to the user and the hidden select. * * @param {string} tokenText - the name of the token to create */ class_1.prototype.addToken = function (tokenValue, tokenText) { if (tokenValue === null || tokenText === null) { return; } var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = tokenText; option.value = tokenValue; option.setAttribute('selected', 'true'); option.setAttribute('data-text', tokenText); option.setAttribute('data-value', tokenValue); this.parent.hiddenSelect.add(option); var token = document.createElement('span'); token.classList.add('token-autocomplete-token'); token.setAttribute('data-text', tokenText); option.setAttribute('data-value', tokenValue); token.textContent = tokenText; var deleteToken = document.createElement('span'); deleteToken.classList.add('token-autocomplete-token-delete'); deleteToken.textContent = '\u00D7'; token.appendChild(deleteToken); var me = this; deleteToken.addEventListener('click', function (event) { me.removeToken(token); }); this.container.insertBefore(token, this.parent.textInput.nextSibling); this.parent.log('added token', token); }; /** * Completely clears the currently present tokens from the field. */ class_1.prototype.clear = function () { var tokens = this.container.querySelectorAll('.token-autocomplete-token'); var me = this; tokens.forEach(function (token) { me.removeToken(token); }); }; /** * Removes the last token in the list of currently present token. This is the last added token next to the input field. */ class_1.prototype.removeLastToken = function () { var tokens = this.container.querySelectorAll('.token-autocomplete-token'); var token = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; this.removeToken(token); }; /** * Removes the specified token from the list of currently present tokens. * * @param {Element} token - the token to remove */ class_1.prototype.removeToken = function (token) { var _a, _b; this.container.removeChild(token); var tokenText = token.getAttribute('data-text'); var hiddenOption = this.parent.hiddenSelect.querySelector('option[data-text="' + tokenText + '"]'); (_b = (_a = hiddenOption) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parentElement) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.removeChild(hiddenOption); this.parent.log('removed token', token.textContent); }; class_1.prototype.removeTokenWithText = function (tokenText) { if (tokenText === null) { return; } var token = this.container.querySelector('.token-autocomplete-token[data-text="' + tokenText + '"]'); if (token !== null) { this.removeToken(token); } }; return class_1; }()); TokenAutocomplete.Autocomplete = (_a = /** @class */ (function () { function class_2(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.container = parent.container; this.options = parent.options; this.renderer = parent.options.suggestionRenderer; this.suggestions = document.createElement('ul'); = + '-suggestions'; this.suggestions.classList.add('token-autocomplete-suggestions'); this.container.appendChild(this.suggestions); } /** * Hides the suggestions dropdown from the user. */ class_2.prototype.hideSuggestions = function () { = ''; }; /** * Shows the suggestions dropdown to the user. */ class_2.prototype.showSuggestions = function () { = 'block'; }; class_2.prototype.highlightSuggestionAtPosition = function (index) { var suggestions = this.suggestions.querySelectorAll('li'); suggestions.forEach(function (suggestion) { suggestion.classList.remove('token-autocomplete-suggestion-highlighted'); }); suggestions[index].classList.add('token-autocomplete-suggestion-highlighted'); }; class_2.prototype.highlightSuggestion = function (suggestion) { this.suggestions.querySelectorAll('li').forEach(function (suggestion) { suggestion.classList.remove('token-autocomplete-suggestion-highlighted'); }); suggestion.classList.add('token-autocomplete-suggestion-highlighted'); }; /** * Removes all previous suggestions from the dropdown. */ class_2.prototype.clearSuggestions = function () { this.suggestions.innerHTML = ''; }; /** * Loads suggestions matching the given query from the rest service behind the URI given as an option while initializing the field. * * @param query the query to search suggestions for */ class_2.prototype.requestSuggestions = function (query) { var me = this; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function () { if (Array.isArray(request.response)) { request.response.forEach(function (suggestion) { me.addSuggestion(suggestion); }); } };'GET', me.options.suggestionsUri + '?query=' + query, true); request.responseType = 'json'; request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); request.send(); }; /** * Adds a suggestion with the given text matching the users input to the dropdown. * * @param {string} suggestionText - the text that should be displayed for the added suggestion */ class_2.prototype.addSuggestion = function (suggestion) { var element = this.renderer(suggestion); element.setAttribute('data-value', suggestion.value); var me = this; element.addEventListener('click', function (_event) { if (suggestion.text == me.options.noMatchesText) { return true; } if (element.classList.contains('token-autocomplete-suggestion-active')) {; } else {, suggestion.text); } me.clearSuggestions(); me.hideSuggestions(); me.parent.clearCurrentInput(); }); if (this.container.querySelector('.token-autocomplete-token[data-text="' + suggestion.text + '"]') !== null) { element.classList.add('token-autocomplete-suggestion-active'); } this.suggestions.appendChild(element); this.showSuggestions(); me.parent.log('added suggestion', suggestion); }; return class_2; }()), _a.defaultRenderer = function (suggestion) { var option = document.createElement('li'); option.textContent = suggestion.text; if (suggestion.description) { var description = document.createElement('small'); description.textContent = suggestion.description; description.classList.add('token-autocomplete-suggestion-description'); option.appendChild(description); } return option; }, _a); return TokenAutocomplete; }()); //#