dbFields = array( 'toolbar1' => 'formatselect bold italic forecolor backcolor removeformat | bullist numlist table | blockquote alignleft aligncenter alignright | link unlink pagebreak image code', 'toolbar2' => '', 'plugins' => 'code autolink image link pagebreak advlist lists textpattern table', 'codesampleLanguages' => 'HTML/XML markup|JavaScript javascript|CSS css|PHP php|Ruby ruby|Python python|Java java|C c|C# sharp|C++ cpp' ); } public function form() { global $L; $html = ''; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= '
'; if (strpos($this->getValue('plugins'), 'codesample') !== false) { $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= '' . $L->get('codesample-supported-laguages') . ''; $html .= '
'; } return $html; } public function adminHead() { // Load the plugin only in the controllers setted in $this->loadOnController if (!in_array($GLOBALS['ADMIN_CONTROLLER'], $this->loadOnController)) { return false; } $html = '' . PHP_EOL; $html .= ''; return $html; } public function adminBodyEnd() { global $L; // Load the plugin only in the controllers setted in $this->loadOnController if (!in_array($GLOBALS['ADMIN_CONTROLLER'], $this->loadOnController)) { return false; } $toolbar1 = $this->getValue('toolbar1'); $toolbar2 = $this->getValue('toolbar2'); $content_css = $this->htmlPath() . 'css/tinymce_content.css'; $plugins = $this->getValue('plugins'); $version = $this->version(); if (strpos($this->getValue('plugins'), 'codesample') !== false) { $codesampleConfig = ''; $codesampleLanguages = explode("|", $this->getValue('codesampleLanguages')); foreach ($codesampleLanguages as $codesampleLang) { $values = explode(" ", $codesampleLang); $codesampleConfig .= "{ text: '" . $values[0] . "', value: '" . $values[1] . "' },"; } } $lang = 'en'; if (file_exists($this->phpPath() . 'tinymce' . DS . 'langs' . DS . $L->currentLanguage() . '.js')) { $lang = $L->currentLanguage(); } elseif (file_exists($this->phpPath() . 'tinymce' . DS . 'langs' . DS . $L->currentLanguageShortVersion() . '.js')) { $lang = $L->currentLanguageShortVersion(); } if (IMAGE_RELATIVE_TO_ABSOLUTE) { $document_base_url = 'document_base_url: "' . DOMAIN_UPLOADS . '",'; } else { $document_base_url = ''; } $html = << // Insert an image in the editor at the cursor position // Function required for Koblog function editorInsertMedia(filename) { tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent("\"\""); } // Insert a linked image in the editor at the cursor position // Function required for Koblog function editorInsertLinkedMedia(filename, link) { tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent("\"\""); } // Returns the content of the editor // Function required for Koblog function editorGetContent() { return tinymce.get('jseditor').getContent(); } tinymce.init({ selector: "#jseditor", auto_focus: "jseditor", element_format : "html", entity_encoding : "raw", skin: "oxide", schema: "html5", statusbar: false, menubar:false, branding: false, browser_spellcheck: true, pagebreak_separator: PAGE_BREAK, paste_as_text: true, remove_script_host: false, convert_urls: true, relative_urls: false, valid_elements: "*[*]", cache_suffix: "?version=$version", $document_base_url plugins: ["$plugins"], toolbar1: "$toolbar1", toolbar2: "$toolbar2", language: "$lang", content_css: "$content_css", codesample_languages: [$codesampleConfig], }); EOF; return $html; } }