<?php class pluginBackup extends Plugin { // Directories to backup private $directoriesToBackup = array( PATH_PAGES, PATH_DATABASES, PATH_UPLOADS ); // This variable define if the extension zip is loaded private $zip = false; // The last request status private $lastStatus = null; // The last request message private $lastMessage = null; public function init() { // Disable default form buttons (Save and Cancel) $this->formButtons = false; // Check for zip extension installed $this->zip = extension_loaded('zip'); // Get Last Message if (empty($_POST) && !empty(Session::get("BACKUP-MESSAGE"))) { $this->lastStatus = Session::get("BACKUP-STATUS"); $this->lastMessage = Session::get("BACKUP-MESSAGE"); unset($_SESSION["s_BACKUP-STATUS"]); unset($_SESSION["s_BACKUP-MESSAGE"]); } } protected function response($status, $message) { // Return JSON object for AJAX requests if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'], "xmlhttprequest") === 0) { $http = array( 200 => "200 OK", 400 => "400 Bad Request", 415 => "415 Unsupported Media Type" ); header("HTTP/1.1 " . $http[$status]); print(json_encode(array( "status" => $status < 400, "message" => $message ))); die(); } // Store in Session Session::set("BACKUP-STATUS", $status < 400); Session::set("BACKUP-MESSAGE", $message); return $status < 400; } public function post() { if (isset($_POST['createBackup'])) { return $this->createBackup(); } elseif (isset($_POST['restoreBackup'])) { return $this->restoreBackup($_POST['restoreBackup']); } elseif (isset($_POST['deleteBackup'])) { return $this->deleteBackup($_POST['deleteBackup']); } if (isset($_FILES['backupFile'])) { return $this->uploadBackup($_FILES['backupFile']); } return false; } public function adminHead() { global $url; if ($url->slug() !== "configure-plugin/pluginBackup") { return false; } $html = $this->includeJS('backup.js'); return $html; } public function adminSidebar() { global $login; if ($login->role() === 'admin') { $backups = $this->backupList(); return '<a class="nav-link" href="'.HTML_PATH_ADMIN_ROOT.'configure-plugin/'.$this->className().'">Backups <span class="badge badge-primary badge-pill">'.count($backups).'</span></a>'; } else { return ''; } } public function form() { global $L; $backups = $this->backupList(); $html = ''; if (empty($backups)) { $html .= '<div class="alert alert-primary" role="alert">'; $html .= $L->get('There are no backups for the moment'); $html .= '</div>'; } if($this->lastStatus !== null) { $html .= '<div class="alert alert-' . ($this->lastStatus? "success": "danger") . '" role="alert">'; $html .= $this->lastMessage; $html .= '</div>'; } $html .= '<div class="row">'; $html .= '<div class="col text-left">'; $html .= '<button name="createBackup" value="true" class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"><span class="fa fa-play-circle"></span> '.$L->get('create-backup').'</button>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="col-5 text-right">'; if ($this->zip) { $html .= '<input id="backupFile" type="file" name="backupFile" value="" style="position:absolute;top:-500em;" />'; $html .= '<label for="backupFile" value="true" class="btn btn-light d-inline-block" type="submit" style="margin-top:0 !important;"><span class="fa fa-upload"></span> '.$L->get('upload-backup').'</label>'; } $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<hr>'; foreach ($backups as $backup) { $filename = pathinfo($backup,PATHINFO_FILENAME); $basename = pathinfo($backup,PATHINFO_BASENAME); // Format Title list($name, $count) = array_pad(explode(".", $filename, 2), 2, 0); if (($temp = Date::format($name, BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT, 'F j, Y, g:i a')) !== false) { $name = $temp; } $html .= '<div>'; $html .= '<h4 class="font-weight-normal">'.$name.($count > 0? " ($count)": "").'</h4>'; // Allow download if a zip file if ($this->zip) { $html .= '<a class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm mr-1 mt-1" href="'.DOMAIN_BASE.'plugin-backup-download?file='.$filename.'.zip"><span class="fa fa-download"></span> '.$L->get('download').'</a>'; } $html .= '<button name="restoreBackup" value="'.$filename.'" class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm mr-1 mt-1" type="submit"><span class="fa fa-rotate-left"></span> '.$L->get('restore-backup').'</button>'; $html .= '<button name="deleteBackup" value="'.$filename.'" class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm mr-1 mt-1" type="submit"><span class="fa fa-trash"></span> '.$L->get('delete-backup').'</button>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<hr>'; } return $html; } /** * Downloading Backups is not allowed by default server config * This webhook is to allow downloads for admins * Webhook: plugin-backup-download?file={backup-name.zip} */ public function beforeAll() { global $L; $webhook = 'plugin-backup-download'; if ($this->webhook($webhook)) { if (!empty($_GET['file'])) { $login = new Login(); if ($login->role() === 'admin') { $existingBackups = array_map('basename', glob(PATH_WORKSPACES.'backup/*.zip')); if (in_array($_GET['file'], $existingBackups)) { downloadRestrictedFile(PATH_WORKSPACES.'backup/'.$_GET['file']); } } else { Alert::set($L->g('You do not have sufficient permissions')); Redirect::page('dashboard'); } } exit(0); } } public function backupList() { if ($this->zip) { $backups = Filesystem::listFiles($this->workspace(), '*', 'zip', true); } else { $backups = Filesystem::listDirectories($this->workspace(), '*', true); } return $backups; } public function createBackup() { global $L; // Current backup directory $currentDate = Date::current(BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT); $backupDir = $this->workspace().$currentDate; // Copy directories to backup directory // $directoriesToBackup is a private variable of this class foreach ($this->directoriesToBackup as $dir) { $destination = $backupDir.DS.basename($dir); Filesystem::copyRecursive($dir, $destination); } // Compress backup directory if ($this->zip) { if (Filesystem::zip($backupDir, $backupDir.'.zip')) { Filesystem::deleteRecursive($backupDir); } // Add validation file $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($backupDir.'.zip'); $zip->addFromString('.BLUDIT_BACKUP', md5_file($backupDir.'.zip')); $zip->close(); } if (file_exists($backupDir.'.zip')) { return $this->response(200, $L->get("The Backup was created successfully.")); } return $this->response(400, $L->get("The Backup file could not be created.")); } public function validateBackup($filename) { $tmp = PATH_TMP.'backup-'.time().'.zip'; copy($filename, $tmp); // Check Archive $zip = new ZipArchive(); if($zip->open($tmp) !== true) { unlink($tmp); return false; } // Check Basic Folders if ($zip->addEmptyDir("databases") || $zip->addEmptyDir("pages") || $zip->addEmptyDir("uploads")) { $zip->close(); unlink($tmp); return false; } // Check Checksum if (($checksum = $zip->getFromName(".BLUDIT_BACKUP")) === false) { $zip->close(); unlink($tmp); return false; } $zip->deleteName(".BLUDIT_BACKUP"); $zip->close(); $check = $checksum === md5_file($tmp); // Return unlink($tmp); return $check; } public function restoreBackup($filename) { global $L; // Remove current files foreach ($this->directoriesToBackup as $dir) { Filesystem::deleteRecursive($dir); } // Recover backuped files if ($this->zip) { // Zip format $tmp = $this->workspace().$filename.'.zip'; $status = Filesystem::unzip($tmp, PATH_CONTENT); } else { // Directory format $tmp = $this->workspace().$filename; $status = Filesystem::copyRecursive($tmp, PATH_CONTENT); } if ($status) { return $this->response(200, sprintf($L->get("The Backup '%s' could be restored successfully."), $filename)); } return $this->response(400, sprintf($L->get("The Backup '%s' could not be restored."), $filename)); } public function deleteBackup($filename) { global $L; if ($this->zip) { // Zip format $tmp = $this->workspace().$filename.'.zip'; $status = Filesystem::rmfile($tmp); } else { // Directory format $tmp = $this->workspace().$filename; $status = Filesystem::deleteRecursive($tmp); } if ($status) { return $this->response(200, sprintf($L->get("The Backup '%s' could be deleted successfully."), $filename)); } return $this->response(400, sprintf($L->get("The Backup '%s' could not be deleted."), $filename)); } public function uploadBackup($backup) { global $L; // Check File Type if ($backup["type"] !== "application/zip" && $backup["type"] !== "application/x-zip-compressed") { return $this->response(415, $L->get("The passed file is not a valid ZIP Archive.")); } // Check File Extension if (stripos($backup["name"], ".zip") !== (strlen($backup["name"]) - 4)) { return $this->response(415, $L->get("The passed file does not end with .zip.")); } // Check ZIP extension if(!$this->zip) { return $this->response(400, $L->get("The passed file could not be validated.")); } // Validate Backup ZIP if (!$this->validateBackup($backup["tmp_name"])) { return $this->response(415, $L->get("The passed file is not a valid backup archive.")); } // File Name $name = $backup["name"]; $count = 0; while (file_exists($this->workspace() . $name)) { $name = substr($backup["name"], 0, -4) . "." . ++$count . ".zip"; } // Move File to Backup Directory Filesystem::mv($backup["tmp_name"], $this->workspace() . $name); return $this->response(200, $L->get("The backup file could be uploaded successfully.")); } }