<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');

class Page extends fileContent
	function __construct($key)
		// Database Key
		$this->setField('key', $key);


	// Returns the post title.
	public function title()
		return $this->getField('title');

	// Returns the content. This content is markdown parser.
	// (boolean) $html, TRUE returns the content without satinize, FALSE otherwise.
	public function content($html=true)
		// This content is not sanitized.
		$content = $this->getField('content');

		if($html) {
			return $content;

		return Sanitize::html($content);

	// Returns the content. This content is not markdown parser.
	// (boolean) $raw, TRUE returns the content without sanitized, FALSE otherwise.
	public function contentRaw($raw=true)
		// This content is not sanitized.
		$content = $this->getField('contentRaw');

		if($raw) {
			return $content;

		return Sanitize::html($content);

	public function description()
		return $this->getField('description');

	public function tags($returnsArray=false)
		global $Url;

		$tags = $this->getField('tags');

		if($returnsArray) {

			if($tags==false) {
				return array();

			return $tags;
		else {
			if($tags==false) {
				return false;

			// Return string with tags separeted by comma.
			return implode(', ', $tags);

	public function position()
		return $this->getField('position');

	// Returns the post date according to locale settings and format settings.
	public function date()
		return $this->getField('date');

	// Returns the post date according to locale settings and format as database stored.
	public function dateRaw($format=false)
		$date = $this->getField('dateRaw');

		if($format) {
			return Date::format($date, DB_DATE_FORMAT, $format);

		return $date;

	// Returns the page slug.
	public function slug()
		$explode = explode('/', $this->getField('key'));
			return $explode[1];

		return $explode[0];

	public function key()
		return $this->getField('key');

	// Returns TRUE if the page is published, FALSE otherwise.
	public function published()
		return ($this->getField('status')==='published');

	// Returns TRUE if the post is draft, FALSE otherwise.
	public function draft()
		return ($this->getField('status')=='draft');

	// Returns the page permalink.
	public function permalink($absolute=false)
		global $Url;
		global $Site;

		$url = trim($Site->url(),'/');
		$key = $this->key();
		$filter = trim($Url->filters('page'), '/');
		$htmlPath = trim(HTML_PATH_ROOT,'/');

		if(empty($filter)) {
			$tmp = $key;
		else {
			$tmp = $filter.'/'.$key;

		if($absolute) {
			return $url.'/'.$tmp;

		if(empty($htmlPath)) {
			return '/'.$tmp;

		return '/'.$htmlPath.'/'.$tmp;

	// Returns the parent key, if the page doesn't have a parent returns FALSE.
	public function parentKey()
		$explode = explode('/', $this->getField('key'));
		if(isset($explode[1])) {
			return $explode[0];

		return false;

	// Returns the parent method output, if the page doesn't have a parent returns FALSE.
	public function parentMethod($method)
		global $pages;

		if( isset($pages[$this->parentKey()]) ) {
			return $pages[$this->parentKey()]->{$method}();

		return false;

	public function children()
		$tmp = array();
		//$paths = glob(PATH_PAGES.$this->getField('key').DS.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
		$paths = Filesystem::listDirectories(PATH_PAGES.$this->getField('key').DS);
		foreach($paths as $path) {
			array_push($tmp, basename($path));

		return $tmp;

	public function username()
		return $this->getField('username');

	public function authorFirstName()
		return $this->getField('authorFirstName');

	public function authorLastName()
		return $this->getField('authorLastName');
