<?php class pluginRemoteContent extends Plugin { public function init() { // Generate a random string for the webhook $randomWebhook = uniqid(); // Key and value for the database of the plugin $this->dbFields = array( 'webhook'=>$randomWebhook, 'source'=>'' ); } public function form() { global $language; if (extension_loaded('zip')===false) { $this->formButtons = false; return '<div class="alert alert-success">'.$language->get('the-extension-zip-is-not-installed').'</div>'; } $html = '<div class="alert alert-primary" role="alert">'; $html .= $this->description(); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div>'; $html .= '<label>'.$language->get('Webhook').'</label>'; $html .= '<input id="jswebhook" name="webhook" type="text" value="'.$this->getValue('webhook').'">'; $html .= '<span class="tip">'.DOMAIN_BASE.$this->getValue('webhook').'</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div>'; $html .= '<label>'.$language->get('Source').'</label>'; $html .= '<input id="jssource" name="source" type="text" value="'.$this->getValue('source').'" placeholder="https://">'; $html .= '<span class="tip">'.$language->get('Complete URL of the zip file').'</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; } public function beforeAll() { // Check Webhook $webhook = $this->getValue('webhook'); if ($this->webhook($webhook)) { $this->cleanUp(); // Download files $this->downloadFiles(); // Delete the current content $this->deleteContent(); // Generate the new content $this->generateContent(); // End request $this->response(array('status'=>'0')); } } private function downloadFiles() { // Download the zip file Log::set('Plugin Remote Content'.LOG_SEP.'Downloading the zip file.'); $source = $this->getValue('source'); $destinationPath = $this->workspace(); $destinationFile = $destinationPath.'content.zip'; TCP::download($source, $destinationFile); // Uncompress the zip file Log::set('Plugin Remote Content'.LOG_SEP.'Uncompress the zip file.'); $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($destinationFile)===true) { $zip->extractTo($destinationPath); $zip->close(); } // Delete the zip file unlink($destinationFile); return true; } // Delete the page and uploads directories from bl-content private function deleteContent() { // Clean the page database global $pages; $pages->db = array(); Filesystem::deleteRecursive(PATH_PAGES); Filesystem::deleteRecursive(PATH_UPLOADS); mkdir(PATH_PAGES, DIR_PERMISSIONS, true); mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS, DIR_PERMISSIONS, true); mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS_PROFILES, DIR_PERMISSIONS, true); mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS_THUMBNAILS, DIR_PERMISSIONS, true); return true; } private function cleanUp() { $workspace = $this->workspace(); Filesystem::deleteRecursive($workspace.DS); mkdir($workspace, DIR_PERMISSIONS, true); return true; } private function generateContent() { global $pages; $root = Filesystem::listDirectories($this->workspace()); $root = $root[0]; // first directory created by the unzip // For each page inside the pages directory // Parse the page and add to the database if (Filesystem::directoryExists($root.DS.'pages')) { $parentList = Filesystem::listDirectories($root.DS.'pages'.DS); foreach ($parentList as $parentDirectory) { $parentKey = basename($parentDirectory); if (Filesystem::fileExists($parentDirectory.DS.'index.md')) { $row = $this->parsePage($parentDirectory.DS.'index.md'); $row['slug'] = $parentKey; $pages->add($row); } $childList = Filesystem::listDirectories($parentDirectory.DS); foreach ($childList as $childDirectory) { $childKey = basename($childDirectory); if (Filesystem::fileExists($childDirectory.DS.'index.md')) { $row = $this->parsePage($childDirectory.DS.'index.md'); $row['slug'] = $childKey; $row['parent'] = $parentKey; $pages->add($row); } } } Theme::plugins('afterPageCreate'); reindexCategories(); reindextags(); } return true; } private function response($data=array()) { $json = json_encode($data); header('Content-Type: application/json'); exit($json); } private function parsePage($filename) { $lines = file($filename); $row = array(); // Title $title = ltrim($lines[0], '#'); // Remove the first # $title = trim($title); unset($lines[0]); $row['title'] = $title; foreach ($lines as $key=>$line) { if (Text::startsWith($line, '<!--')) { $line = preg_replace('/<!\-\-/', '', $line); $line = preg_replace('/\-\->/', '', $line); $line = trim($line); $explode = $explode = explode(':', $line, 2); //$field = Text::lowercase($explode[0]); $field = $explode[0]; $field = trim($field); unset($explode[0]); $row[$field] = trim($explode[1]); unset($lines[$key]); } else { break; } } $row['content'] = implode($lines); $row['username'] = 'admin'; return $row; } }