
class pluginSitemap extends Plugin {

	private function createXML()
		global $Site;
		global $dbPages;
		global $dbPosts;
		global $Url;

		$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');

		// Friendly XML code
		$doc->formatOutput = true;

		// Create urlset element
		$urlset = $doc->createElement('urlset');
		$attribute = $doc->createAttribute('xmlns');
		$attribute->value = 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9';

		// --- Base URL ---

		// Create url, loc and lastmod elements
		$url 		= $doc->createElement('url');
		$loc 		= $doc->createElement('loc', $Site->url());
		$lastmod	= $doc->createElement('lastmod', Date::current(SITEMAP_DATE_FORMAT));

		// Append loc and lastmod -> url

		// Append url -> urlset

		// --- Pages and Posts ---
		$all = array();
		$url = trim($Site->url(),'/');

		// --- Pages ---
		$filter = trim($Url->filters('page'),'/');
		$pages = $dbPages->getDB();
		foreach($pages as $key=>$db)
				$permalink = empty($filter) ? $url.'/'.$key : $url.'/'.$filter.'/'.$key;
				$date = Date::format($db['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT, SITEMAP_DATE_FORMAT);
				array_push($all, array('permalink'=>$permalink, 'date'=>$date));

		// --- Posts ---
		$filter = rtrim($Url->filters('post'),'/');
		$posts = $dbPosts->getDB();
		foreach($posts as $key=>$db)
				$permalink = empty($filter) ? $url.'/'.$key : $url.'/'.$filter.'/'.$key;
				$date = Date::format($db['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT, SITEMAP_DATE_FORMAT);
				array_push($all, array('permalink'=>$permalink, 'date'=>$date));

		// Generate the XML for posts and pages
		foreach($all as $db)
			// Create url, loc and lastmod elements
			$url 		= $doc->createElement('url');
			$loc 		= $doc->createElement('loc', $db['permalink']);
			$lastmod	= $doc->createElement('lastmod', $db['date']);

			// Append loc and lastmod -> url

			// Append url -> urlset

		// Append urlset -> XML


	public function install($position = 0)


	public function afterPostCreate()

	public function afterPageCreate()

	public function afterPostModify()

	public function afterPageModify()

	public function afterPostDelete()

	public function afterPageDelete()

	public function beforeRulesLoad()
		global $Url;

		if( $Url->uri() === HTML_PATH_ROOT.'sitemap.xml' )
			// Send XML header
			header('Content-type: text/xml');

			// New DOM document
			$doc = new DOMDocument();

			// Load XML

			// Print the XML
			echo $doc->saveXML();

			// Stop Bludit running
