<div class="subhead"><?php echo $Language->get('Post') ?></div> <section class="post"> <!-- Plugins Post Begin --> <?php Theme::plugins('postBegin') ?> <!-- Post header --> <header class="post-header"> <!-- Post title --> <h1 class="post-title"> <a href="<?php echo $Post->permalink() ?>"><?php echo $Post->title() ?></a> </h1> <!-- Post date and author --> <div class="post-meta"> <span class="date"><?php echo $Post->date() ?></span> <span class="author"> <?php echo $Language->get('Posted By').' '; if( Text::isNotEmpty($Post->user('firstName')) || Text::isNotEmpty($Post->user('lastName')) ) { echo $Post->user('firstName').' '.$Post->user('lastName'); } else { echo $Post->user('username'); } ?> </span> </div> </header> <!-- Post content --> <div class="post-content"> <?php // Cover Image if($Post->coverImage()) { echo '<img class="cover-image" src="'.$Post->coverImage().'" alt="Cover Image">'; } // Call the method with FALSE to get the first part of the post echo $Post->content(); ?> </div> <!-- Plugins Post End --> <?php Theme::plugins('postEnd') ?> </section>