updater plugin, in progress

This commit is contained in:
floppy0 2018-03-07 16:43:17 +01:00
parent 01f520509e
commit 639ecca509
3 changed files with 185 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "Updater",
"description": ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"author": "Bludit",
"email": "",
"website": "https://plugins.bludit.com",
"version": "2.3",
"releaseDate": "2018-01-23",
"license": "MIT",
"compatible": "2.3",
"notes": ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
class pluginUpdater extends Plugin {
// Define if the extension zip is loaded
private $zip = false;
public function init()
// Disable default form buttons (Save and Cancel)
$this->formButtons = false;
// Check for zip extension installed
$this->zip = extension_loaded('zip');
// Install the plugin and create the workspace directory
public function install($position=0)
$workspace = $this->workspace();
return mkdir($workspace, 0755, true);
// Uninstall the plugin and delete the workspace directory
public function uninstall()
$workspace = $this->workspace();
return Filesystem::deleteRecursive($workspace);
// Redefine workspace
public function workspace()
return PATH_CONTENT.'updater'.DS;
// Check if the root directory is writable
private function isWritable()
return is_writable(PATH_ROOT);
// Create a copy of all the system and compress it
// Returns the name of the backup directory
private function makeFullBackup()
$currentDate = Date::current(BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT);
$backupDirectory = $this->workspace().$currentDate;
// Copy all the files to a backup directory formed by date
Filesystem::copyRecursive(PATH_CONTENT, $backupDirectory, $backupDirectory);
// Compress the backup directory
if (Filesystem::zip($backupDirectory, $backupDirectory.'.zip')) {
return $backupDirectory;
// Download the latest version of Bludit
private function downloadLatestVersion()
TCP::download('https://bludit-latest.zip', $this->workspace().DS.'bludit-latest.zip');
public function post()
if (isset($_POST['createBackup'])) {
return $this->createBackup();
} elseif (isset($_POST['restoreBackup'])) {
return $this->restoreBackup($_POST['restoreBackup']);
} elseif (isset($_POST['deleteBackup'])) {
return $this->deleteBackup($_POST['deleteBackup']);
return false;
public function form()
global $Language;
$backups = Filesystem::listDirectories($this->workspace(), '*', true);
if ($this->zip) {
$backups = Filesystem::listFiles($this->workspace(), '*', 'zip', true);
$html = '<div>';
$html .= '<button name="createBackup" value="true" class="left small blue" type="submit"><i class="uk-icon-plus"></i> '.$Language->get('create-backup').'</button>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<hr>';
foreach ($backups as $backup) {
$filename = pathinfo($backup,PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$basename = pathinfo($backup,PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$html .= '<div>';
$html .= '<h3>'.Date::format($filename, BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT, 'F j, Y, g:i a').'</h3>';
// Allow download if a zip file
if ($this->zip) {
$html .= '<a class="uk-button small left blue" href="'.DOMAIN_CONTENT.'backup/'.$filename.'.zip"><i class="uk-icon-download"></i> '.$Language->get('download').'</a>';
$html .= '<button name="restoreBackup" value="'.$filename.'" class="uk-button small left" type="submit"><i class="uk-icon-clock-o"></i> '.$Language->get('restore-backup').'</button>';
$html .= '<button name="deleteBackup" value="'.$filename.'" class="uk-button small left" type="submit"><i class="uk-icon-trash-o"></i> '.$Language->get('delete-backup').'</button>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<hr>';
return $html;
public function createBackup()
// Current backup directory
$currentDate = Date::current(BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT);
$backupDir = $this->workspace().$currentDate;
// Copy directories to backup directory
// $directoriesToBackup is a private variable of this class
foreach ($this->directoriesToBackup as $dir) {
$destination = $backupDir.DS.basename($dir);
Filesystem::copyRecursive($dir, $destination);
// Compress backup directory
if ($this->zip) {
if (Filesystem::zip($backupDir, $backupDir.'.zip')) {
return true;
public function restoreBackup($filename)
// Remove current files
foreach ($this->directoriesToBackup as $dir) {
// Recover backuped files
// Zip format
if ($this->zip) {
$tmp = $this->workspace().$filename.'.zip';
return Filesystem::unzip($tmp, PATH_CONTENT);
// Directory format
$tmp = $this->workspace().$filename;
return Filesystem::copyRecursive($tmp, PATH_CONTENT);
public function deleteBackup($filename)
// Zip format
if ($this->zip) {
$tmp = $this->workspace().$filename.'.zip';
return Filesystem::rmfile($tmp);
// Directory format
$tmp = $this->workspace().$filename;
return Filesystem::deleteRecursive($tmp);