removed Google plus and include Youtube channel
This commit is contained in:
30 changed files with 30 additions and 29 deletions
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
RewriteEngine on
# Base directory
# RewriteBase /
RewriteBase /
# Deny direct access to the next directories
RewriteRule ^bl-content/(databases|workspaces|pages|tmp)/.*$ - [R=404,L]
@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ RewriteRule ^bl-content/(databases|workspaces|pages|tmp)/.*$ - [R=404,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php [PT,L]
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ class Site extends dbJSON {
return $this->getField('gitlab');
// DEPRECATED since v3.5
public function googlePlus()
return $this->getField('googlePlus');
@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ class User {
return $this->getValue('codepen');
// DEPRECATED since v3.5
public function googlePlus()
return $this->getValue('googlePlus');
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Passe die Einstellungen deiner Website im [Administrationsbereich](.\/admin) an. Unter [Einstellungen > Allgemein](.\/admin\/settings-general) kannst Du beispielsweise den Titel und die Beschreibung der Website ändern oder Links zu sozialen Netzwerken eingeben.",
"example-page-3-slug": "folge-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Folge Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Halte dich auf dem Laufenden über neue Versionen, Themes und Plugins in den sozialen Netzwerken <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> und <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a>, über den <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a> oder indem du den <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit-newsletter\" target=\"_blank\">deutschsprachigen Newsletter<\/a> abonnierst.",
"example-page-3-content": "Halte dich auf dem Laufenden über neue Versionen, Themes und Plugins in den sozialen Netzwerken <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> und <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a>, über den <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a> oder indem du den <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit-newsletter\" target=\"_blank\">deutschsprachigen Newsletter<\/a> abonnierst.",
"example-page-4-slug": "ueber",
"example-page-4-title": "Über",
"example-page-4-content": "Die Seite \"Über\" ist eine viel beachtete Seite. Denn viele wollen wissen, wer einen Blog oder eine Website betreibt, welche Idee dahinter steht, wie du erreichbar bist usw.",
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Passe die Einstellungen deiner Website im [Administrationsbereich](.\/admin) an. Unter [Einstellungen > Allgemein](.\/admin\/settings-general) kannst Du beispielsweise den Titel und die Beschreibung der Website ändern oder Links zu sozialen Netzwerken eingeben.",
"example-page-3-slug": "folge-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Folge Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Halte dich auf dem Laufenden über neue Versionen, Themes und Plugins in den sozialen Netzwerken <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> und <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a>, über den <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a> oder indem du den <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit-newsletter\" target=\"_blank\">deutschsprachigen Newsletter<\/a> abonnierst.",
"example-page-3-content": "Halte dich auf dem Laufenden über neue Versionen, Themes und Plugins in den sozialen Netzwerken <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> und <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a>, über den <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a> oder indem du den <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit-newsletter\" target=\"_blank\">deutschsprachigen Newsletter<\/a> abonnierst.",
"example-page-4-slug": "ueber",
"example-page-4-title": "Über",
"example-page-4-content": "Die Seite \"Über\" ist eine viel beachtete Seite. Denn viele wollen wissen, wer einen Blog oder eine Website betreibt, welche Idee dahinter steht, wie du erreichbar bist usw.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Actualice la configuración de su sitio desde el <a href=\".\/admin\/\">panel de administración<\/a>, puede cambiar el título, la descripción y las redes sociales desde <a href=\".\/admin\/settings-general\">Configuracion > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Sigue Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Seguinos en las redes sociales <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> y <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> para estar informado de las ultimas noticias, nuevos plugins, nuevos temas, y las ultimas versiones. También podes seguir nuestro <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Seguinos en las redes sociales <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> y <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> para estar informado de las ultimas noticias, nuevos plugins, nuevos temas, y las ultimas versiones. También podes seguir nuestro <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "acerca-de",
"example-page-4-title": "Acerca de",
"example-page-4-content": "Su página `Acerca de` es una de las páginas más visitadas en su sitio, necesita ser simple con algunas claves, como su nombre, quién es usted, cómo puede ponerse en contacto con usted o una pequeña historia.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Mettez à jour les paramètres de votre site à partir du [panneau d’administration](.\/admin), vous pouvez modifier le titre, la description et les réseaux sociaux dans les [Paramètres généraux](.\/admin\/settings-general).",
"example-page-3-slug": "suivez-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Suivez Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Restez informé sur l’actualité, les nouvelles versions, les nouveaux thèmes ou les nouveaux plugins sur nos réseaux sociaux <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> et <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> ou visitez notre <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Restez informé sur l’actualité, les nouvelles versions, les nouveaux thèmes ou les nouveaux plugins sur nos réseaux sociaux <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> et <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> ou visitez notre <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "a-propos",
"example-page-4-title": "À propos",
"example-page-4-content": "Votre page « À propos » est généralement l’une des pages les plus visitées sur votre site, elle doit être simple avec quelques éléments clés, tels que votre nom, qui vous êtes, comment vous contacter, une petite histoire, etc.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Aggiorna le impostazioni del tuo sito dal [pannello di amministazione](.\/admin),puoi cambiare il titolo, la descrizione e i social network da [Impostazioni > Generale](.\/admin\/settings-general).",
"example-page-3-slug": "segui-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Segui Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Rimani informato sulle notizie, nuovi rilasci, nuovi temi o nuovi plugin sui nostri social network <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> e <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> o visita il nostro <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Rimani informato sulle notizie, nuovi rilasci, nuovi temi o nuovi plugin sui nostri social network <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> e <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> o visita il nostro <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "informazioni su",
"example-page-4-title": "Informazioni su",
"example-page-4-content": "La tua pagina sulle informazione è tipicamente una delle pagine più visitate sul tuo sito, deve essere semplice con un paio di cose chiave,come il tuo nome, chi sei, come possono contattarti, una piccola storia, ecc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Zarządzaj ustawieniami witryny bezpośrednio z [kokpitu](.\/admin). To właśnie tam możesz edytować nazwę strony, opis oraz zarządzać odnośnikami do społeczności z lokalizacji [Ustawienia > Ogólne](.\/admin\/settings-general).",
"example-page-3-slug": "obserwuj-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Obserwuj Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Otrzymuj bieżące informacje o nowościach, aktualizacjach, nowych motywach i funkcjach za pośrednictwem naszych sieci społecznościowych <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> oraz <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> lub odwiedź nasz <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Otrzymuj bieżące informacje o nowościach, aktualizacjach, nowych motywach i funkcjach za pośrednictwem naszych sieci społecznościowych <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> oraz <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> lub odwiedź nasz <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "o-mnie",
"example-page-4-title": "O mnie",
"example-page-4-content": "Podstrona *o mnie* to typowa i zwykle najpopularniejsza część każdej witryny. To właśnie tutaj w kilku prostych słowach możesz opisać to, kim jesteś, co robisz i jak się z Tobą skontaktować.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Atualize os ajustes do site pelo [Painel de Controle](.\/admin). Por lá é possível alterar o título, descrição e redes sociais que desejar expor no site. Para tal, entre em [Ajustes > Geral](.\/admin\/settings-general).",
"example-page-3-slug": "siga-os-canais-oficiais-do-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Siga os canais oficiais do Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Receba notícias, avisos sobre atualizações disponíveis, lançamentos de novos temas e plugins através das redes sociais do Bludit: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> e <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a>. Visite também o <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a> oficial.",
"example-page-3-content": "Receba notícias, avisos sobre atualizações disponíveis, lançamentos de novos temas e plugins através das redes sociais do Bludit: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> e <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a>. Visite também o <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a> oficial.",
"example-page-4-slug": "sobre",
"example-page-4-title": "Sobre",
"example-page-4-content": "A página Sobre costuma ser uma das páginas mais visitadas do seu site. Uma sugestão é deixá-la simples e informativa, adicionando tópicos como: quem é o autor do projeto, qual a equipe que compõe o site, motivações para o projeto acontecer, meios de contato para falar com a equipe do site, etc.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Actualize os ajustes do site através [Painel de Controlo](.\/admin). Por lá é possível alterar o título, descrição e redes sociais que desejares expor no site. Para tal, proceda em [Ajustes > Geral](.\/admin\/settings-general).",
"example-page-3-slug": "siga-os-meios-de-comunicacao-oficiais-do-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Siga os meios de comunicação oficiais do Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Receberás notícias, avisos sobre actualizações, novos temas e plugins através das redes sociais do Bludit: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> e <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a>. Veja também o <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a> oficial.",
"example-page-3-content": "Receberás notícias, avisos sobre actualizações, novos temas e plugins através das redes sociais do Bludit: <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> e <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a>. Veja também o <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a> oficial.",
"example-page-4-slug": "sobre",
"example-page-4-title": "Sobre",
"example-page-4-content": "A página Sobre habitualmente é uma das páginas mais visitadas dos sites. Sugere-se inserir informações de bastante interesse do público. Assuntos como: quem é o autor do projeto, qual a equipa que compõe o site, motivações para o projeto existir, meios para contactar a equipa do site, etc.",
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Обновите настройки своего сайта в [панели управления](.\/admin), вы можете изменить название, описание и социальные сети в [Настройки > Общие](.\/admin\/settings-general).",
"example-page-3-slug": "следуйте-за-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Следуйте за Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Получите информацию о новостях, новых релизах, новых темах или новых плагинах в наших социальных сетях <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> и <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> или посетите наш [Блог](https:\/\/",
"example-page-3-content": "Получите информацию о новостях, новых релизах, новых темах или новых плагинах в наших социальных сетях <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> и <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> или посетите наш [Блог](https:\/\/",
"example-page-4-slug": "о-нас",
"example-page-4-title": "О нас",
"example-page-4-content": "Ваша страница «О нас», как правило, является одной из самых посещаемых страниц вашего сайта, должна быть простой с несколькими ключевыми вещами, такими как ваше имя, кто вы, как с вами связаться, небольшая история и т.д.",
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Sitenizin ayarlarını <a href=\".\/admin\/\">yönetim panelinden<\/a> güncelleyin. Başlığı, açıklamayı ve sosyal ağları <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Ayarlar > Genel<\/a> adresinden değiştirebilirsiniz.",
"example-page-3-slug": "bludit-takip-et",
"example-page-3-title": "Bludit'i takip edin",
"example-page-3-content": "Haberler, yeni sürümler, yeni temalar veya yeni eklentiler hakkında sosyal ağlarımızı <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> takip edin ya da <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog'muzu<\/a> ziyaret edin.",
"example-page-3-content": "Haberler, yeni sürümler, yeni temalar veya yeni eklentiler hakkında sosyal ağlarımızı <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> takip edin ya da <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog'muzu<\/a> ziyaret edin.",
"example-page-4-slug": "hakkinda",
"example-page-4-title": "Hakkında",
"example-page-4-content": "Hakkında sayfanız genellikle sitenizdeki en çok ziyaret edilen sayfalardan biridir. Adınız gibi birkaç önemli şeyle basit olmanız gerekir, kimsiniz, sizinle nasıl iletişim kurabilir, küçük bir hikaye, vb.",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Оновіть налаштування вашого сайту у [панелі управління](.\/admin); ви можете змінити назву, опис та соціальні мережі <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "слідуйте-за-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Слідуйте за Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Отримайте інформацію про новини, нові випуски, нові теми або нові плагіни в наших соціальних мережах <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> та <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> чи відвідайте наш [Блог](https:\/\/",
"example-page-3-content": "Отримайте інформацію про новини, нові випуски, нові теми або нові плагіни в наших соціальних мережах <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> та <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> чи відвідайте наш [Блог](https:\/\/",
"example-page-4-slug": "про-блог",
"example-page-4-title": "Про блог",
"example-page-4-content": "Сторінка Про блог, як правило, є однією з найбільш відвідуваних сторінок вашого сайту, і повинна містити декілька основних простих речей, таких як ваше ім'я, рід занять, як зв'язатися з вами, невелику біографію, тощо.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"example-page-2-content": "Update the settings of your site from the <a href=\".\/admin\/\">admin panel<\/a>, you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-slug": "follow-bludit",
"example-page-3-title": "Follow Bludit",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content": "Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-slug": "about",
"example-page-4-title": "About",
"example-page-4-content": "Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
@ -386,7 +386,6 @@ function install($adminPassword, $timezone)
'github'=> '',
Add table
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