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<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');
class HTML {
public static function css($files, $base=DOMAIN_THEME, $attributes='')
if (!is_array($files)) {
$files = array($files);
$links = '';
foreach ($files as $file) {
$links .= '<link '.$attributes.' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$base.$file.'?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'">'.PHP_EOL;
return $links;
public static function javascript($files, $base=DOMAIN_THEME, $attributes='')
if( !is_array($files) ) {
$files = array($files);
$scripts = '';
foreach($files as $file) {
$scripts .= '<script '.$attributes.' src="'.$base.$file.'?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
return $scripts;
public static function js($files, $base=DOMAIN_THEME, $attributes='')
return self::javascript($files, $base, $attributes);
public static function favicon($file='favicon.png', $typeIcon='image/png')
return '<link rel="icon" href="'.DOMAIN_THEME.$file.'" type="'.$typeIcon.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function keywords($keywords)
if (is_array($keywords)) {
$keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
return '<meta name="keywords" content="'.$keywords.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function jquery()
// https://jquery.com/
return '<script src="'.DOMAIN_CORE_VENDORS.'jquery/jquery.min.js?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
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public static function bootbox($attributes='')
// https://bootbox.com/
return '<script '.$attributes.' src="'.DOMAIN_CORE_VENDORS.'bootbox/bootbox.all.min.js?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
public static function jsBootstrap($attributes='')
// https://getbootstrap.com/
return '<script '.$attributes.' src="'.DOMAIN_CORE_VENDORS.'bootstrap/bootstrap.bundle.min.js?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
public static function cssBootstrap()
// https://getbootstrap.com/
return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.DOMAIN_CORE_VENDORS.'bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function cssBootstrapIcons()
// https://icons.getbootstrap.com/
return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.DOMAIN_CORE_VENDORS.'bootstrap-icons/bootstrap-icons.css?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function jsSortable($attributes='')
// https://github.com/psfpro/bootstrap-html5sortable
return '<script '.$attributes.' src="'.DOMAIN_CORE_VENDORS.'bootstrap-html5sortable/jquery.sortable.min.js?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
/* Generates a dynamiclly the meta tag title for the themes === Bludit v4
@return string Returns the meta tag title <title>...</title>
public static function metaTagTitle()
global $url;
global $site;
global $page;
global $WHERE_AM_I;
if ($WHERE_AM_I=='page') {
$format = $site->titleFormatPages();
$format = Text::replace('{{page-title}}', $page->title(), $format);
$format = Text::replace('{{page-description}}', $page->description(), $format);
} elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='tag') {
try {
$tagKey = $url->slug();
$tag = new Tag($tagKey);
$format = $site->titleFormatTag();
$format = Text::replace('{{tag-name}}', $tag->name(), $format);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Tag doesn't exist
} elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='category') {
try {
$categoryKey = $url->slug();
$category = new Category($categoryKey);
$format = $site->titleFormatCategory();
$format = Text::replace('{{category-name}}', $category->name(), $format);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Category doesn't exist
} else {
$format = $site->titleFormatHomepage();
$format = Text::replace('{{site-title}}', $site->title(), $format);
$format = Text::replace('{{site-slogan}}', $site->slogan(), $format);
$format = Text::replace('{{site-description}}', $site->description(), $format);
return '<title>'.$format.'</title>'.PHP_EOL;
/* Generates a dynamiclly the meta tag description for the themes === Bludit v4
@return string Returns the meta tag title <meta name="description" content="">
public static function metaTagDescription()
global $site;
global $page;
global $url;
global $WHERE_AM_I;
$description = $site->description();
if ($WHERE_AM_I=='page') {
$description = $page->description();
} elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='category') {
try {
$categoryKey = $url->slug();
$category = new Category($categoryKey);
$description = $category->description();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// description from the site
return '<meta name="description" content="'.$description.'">'.PHP_EOL;
/* Returns the short version of the current languages of the site === Bludit v4
@return string Returns the language sort version, for example: "en" or "de"
public static function lang()
global $language;
return $language->currentLanguageShortVersion();
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public static function socialNetworks()
global $site;
$socialNetworks = array(
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foreach ($socialNetworks as $key=>$label) {
if (!$site->{$key}()) {
return $socialNetworks;
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// --- CHECK OLD
public static function charset($charset)
return '<meta charset="'.$charset.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function viewport($content)
return '<meta name="viewport" content="'.$content.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function src($file, $base=DOMAIN_THEME)
return $base.$file;
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public static function title()
global $site;
return $site->title();
public static function description()
global $site;
return $site->description();
public static function slogan()
global $site;
return $site->slogan();
public static function footer()
global $site;
return $site->footer();
public static function rssUrl()
if (pluginActivated('pluginRSS')) {
return DOMAIN_BASE.'rss.xml';
return false;
public static function sitemapUrl()
if (pluginActivated('pluginSitemap')) {
return DOMAIN_BASE.'sitemap.xml';
return false;
// Returns the absolute URL of the site
// Ex. https://example.com the method returns https://example.com/
// Ex. https://example.com/bludit/ the method returns https://example.com/bludit/
public static function siteUrl()
// Returns the absolute URL of admin panel
// Ex. https://example.com/admin/ the method returns https://example.com/admin/
// Ex. https://example.com/bludit/admin/ the method returns https://example.com/bludit/admin/
public static function adminUrl()
public static function metaTags($tag)
if ($tag=='title') {
return self::metaTagTitle();
} elseif ($tag=='description') {
return self::metaTagDescription();