"edit-or-delete-your-categories":"Edit or delete your categories",
"create-a-new-page-for-your-site":"Create a new page for your site",
"create-a-new-category-to-organize-your-content":"Create a new category to organize your content",
"confirm-delete-this-action-cannot-be-undone":"تائید حذف - این عملیات قابل بازگشت نمیباشد.",
"do-you-want-to-disable-the-user":"Do you want to disable the user ?",
"new-password":"پسورد جدید",
"you-can-change-this-field-when-save-the-current-changes":"You can change this field when save the current changes.",
"items-per-page":"Items per page",
"invite-a-friend-to-collaborate-on-your-site":"Invite a friend to collaborate on your site",
"number-of-items-to-show-per-page":"Number of items to show per page.",
"website-or-blog":"Website or Blog",
"scheduled-pages":"Scheduled pages",
"there-are-no-scheduled-pages":"There are no scheduled pages",
"there-are-no-draft-pages":"There are no draft pages",
"order-content-by":"Order content By",
"edit-or-delete-content-from-your-site":"Edit or delete content from your site",
"order-the-content-by-position-to-build-a-website":"Order the content by position to build a Website or order the content by date to build a Blog.",
"page-not-found-content":"Hey! look like the page doesn't exist.",
"page-not-found":"Page not found",
"predefined-pages":"Predefined pages",
"returning-page-when-the-page-doesnt-exist":"Returning page when the page doesn't exist, leave it blank if you want to returns a default message.",
"returning-page-for-the-main-page":"Returning page for the main page, leave it blank if you want to show all the pages on the main page.",
"full-url-of-your-site":"Full URL of your site. Complete with the protocol HTTP or HTTPS (only if you have enabled SSL on your server).",
"with-the-locales-you-can-set-the-regional-user-interface":"With the locales, you can set the regional user interface, such as the dates in your language. The locales need to be installed on your system.",
"chat-with-developers-and-users-on-gitter":"گفتگو با توسعه دهندگان و کاربران در [Gitter](https:\/\/gitter.im\/dignajar\/bludit)",
"this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site":"این یک توضیحات کوتاه درمورد خود یا سایت شما میباشد ، برای تغییر این متن به کنترل پنل مدیریت \/ تنظیمات \/ پلاگین ها ، رفته و پلاگین درباره را پیکربندی کنید.",
"read-the-documentation-for-more-information":"برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر [مستندات](https:\/\/docs.bludit.com) را مطالعه کنید",
"new-page-created":"New page created",
"new-version-available":"New version available",
"new-category-created":"New category created",
"category-deleted":"Category deleted",
"category-edited":"Category edited",
"new-user-created":"New user created",
"user-edited":"User edited",
"user-deleted":"کاربر حذف شد",
"recommended-for-recovery-password-and-notifications":"Recommended for recovery password and notifications.",
"authentication-token":"Authentication Token",
"current-status":"Current status",
"upload-image":"آپلود تصویر",
"this-token-is-similar-to-your-password-you-should-not-share-it":"This token is similar to your password, you should not share it.",
"the-changes-have-been-saved":"تغییرات ذخیره شد",
"this-title-is-almost-always-used-in-the-sidebar-of-the-site":"This title is almost always used in the sidebar of the site.",
"password-must-be-at-least-6-characters-long":"پسورد حداقل باید 6 کاراکتر باشد",
"ip-address-has-been-blocked":"آدرس IP مسدود شده.",
"try-again-in-a-few-minutes":"لطفا ً چند دقیقه دیگر دوباره تلاش کنید."