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2015-05-05 01:00:01 +00:00
<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');
2018-08-03 18:59:23 +02:00
class Pages extends dbJSON {
2015-05-05 01:00:01 +00:00
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
protected $parentKeyList = array();
protected $dbFields = array(
'username'=>'', // Username key
'type'=>'draft', // published, static, draft, sticky, scheduled
'category'=>'', // Category key
function __construct()
public function getDefaultFields()
return $this->dbFields;
2021-09-12 22:06:29 +02:00
* Returns the table row associated to a particular page. The page's content is not included.
* For example in SQL, SELECT * FROM pages WHERE key = $key
* @param string $key The key of the page to be fetch
* @return array Return an array with the database for a page, FALSE otherwise
public function getPageDB(string $key): array
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
if ($this->exists($key)) {
return $this->db[$key];
return false;
/* Check if a page key exists in the database
@return boolean Return TRUE if the page exists, FALSE otherwise
public function exists($key)
return isset ($this->db[$key]);
2021-09-12 22:06:29 +02:00
* Creates a new page.
* @param array $args The array $args supports all the keys from the variable $dbFields. If you don't pass all the keys, the default values are used.
* @return boolean|string Returns the page key if the page is successfully created, FALSE otherwise
2021-09-14 17:38:19 +02:00
public function add(array $args)
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
$row = array();
// Predefined values
foreach ($this->dbFields as $field=>$value) {
if ($field=='tags') {
$tags = '';
if (isset($args['tags'])) {
$tags = $args['tags'];
$finalValue = $this->generateTags($tags);
} elseif ($field=='custom') {
if (isset($args['custom'])) {
global $site;
$customFields = $site->customFields();
foreach ($args['custom'] as $customField=>$customValue) {
$html = Sanitize::html($customValue);
// Store the custom field as defined type
settype($html, $customFields[$customField]['type']);
$row['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $html;
} elseif (isset($args[$field])) {
// Sanitize if will be stored on database
$finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]);
} else {
// Default value for the field if not defined
$finalValue = $value;
// Store the value as defined type
settype($finalValue, gettype($value));
$row[$field] = $finalValue;
// Content
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$contentRaw = (empty($args['content'])?'':$args['content']);
// Parent
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$parent = '';
if (!empty($args['parent'])) {
$parent = $args['parent'];
$row['type'] = $this->db[$parent]['type']; // get the parent type
// Slug from the title or the content
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
if (empty($args['slug'])) {
if (!empty($row['title'])) {
$slug = $this->generateSlug($row['title']);
} else {
$slug = $this->generateSlug($contentRaw);
} else {
$slug = $args['slug'];
// Generate key
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$key = $this->generateKey($slug, $parent);
// Generate UUID
if (empty($row['uuid'])) {
$row['uuid'] = $this->generateUUID();
// Validate date
if (!Valid::date($row['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT)) {
$row['date'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT);
// Schedule page
if (($row['date']>Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT)) && ($row['type']=='published')) {
$row['type'] = 'scheduled';
// Create the directory
if (Filesystem::mkdir(PATH_PAGES.$key, true) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to create the directory: '.PATH_PAGES.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Create the upload directory for the page
if (Filesystem::mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$key, true) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to create the directory: '.PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Create the index.txt and save the file
if (file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES.$key.DS.FILENAME, $contentRaw) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to create the file: '.FILENAME, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Checksum MD5
$row['md5file'] = md5_file(PATH_PAGES.$key.DS.FILENAME);
// Insert into database
$this->db[$key] = $row;
// Sort database
// Save database
return $key;
2021-09-12 22:06:29 +02:00
* Edit a page.
* @param array $args The array $args supports all the keys from the variable $dbFields. If you don't pass all the keys, the default values are used.
* @return boolean|string Returns the page key if the page is successfully edited, FALSE otherwise
2021-09-14 17:38:19 +02:00
public function edit(array $args)
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
// This is the new row for the table and is going to replace the old row
$row = array();
// Current key
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$key = $args['key'];
// Check values from the arguments ($args)
// If some field is missing the current value is taken
foreach ($this->dbFields as $field=>$value) {
if ( ($field=='tags') && isset($args['tags'])) {
$finalValue = $this->generateTags($args['tags']);
} elseif ($field=='custom') {
if (isset($args['custom'])) {
global $site;
$customFields = $site->customFields();
foreach ($args['custom'] as $customField=>$customValue) {
$html = Sanitize::html($customValue);
// Store the custom field as defined type
settype($html, $customFields[$customField]['type']);
$row['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $html;
} elseif (isset($args[$field])) {
// Sanitize if will be stored on database
$finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]);
} else {
// Default value from the current row
$finalValue = $this->db[$key][$field];
settype($finalValue, gettype($value));
$row[$field] = $finalValue;
// Parent
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$parent = '';
if (!empty($args['parent'])) {
$parent = $args['parent'];
$row['type'] = $this->db[$parent]['type']; // get the parent type
// Slug
// If the user change the slug the page key changes
// If the user send an empty slug the page key doesn't change
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
if (empty($args['slug'])) {
$explode = explode('/', $key);
$slug = end($explode);
} else {
$slug = $args['slug'];
// New key
// The key of the page can change if the user change the slug or the parent, -
// - if the user doesn't change the slug or the parent the key is going to be the same -
// - as the current key.
// This variable is not belong to the database so is not defined in $row
$newKey = $this->generateKey($slug, $parent, false, $key);
// if the date in the arguments is not valid, take the value from the old row
if (!Valid::date($row['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT)) {
$row['date'] = $this->db[$key]['date'];
// Modified date
$row['dateModified'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT);
// Schedule page
if (($row['date']>Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT)) && ($row['type']=='published')) {
$row['type'] = 'scheduled';
// Move the directory from old key to new key only if the keys are different
if ($newKey!==$key) {
if (Filesystem::mv(PATH_PAGES.$key, PATH_PAGES.$newKey) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to move the directory: '.PATH_PAGES.$newKey, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
if (Filesystem::mv(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$key, PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$newKey) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to move the directory: '.PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$newKey, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// If the content was passed via arguments replace the content
if (isset($args['content'])) {
// Make the index.txt and save the file.
if (file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES.$newKey.DS.FILENAME, $args['content'])===false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to save the new content in the file: '.PATH_PAGES.$newKey.DS.FILENAME, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Remove the old row
// Reindex Orphan Children
$this->reindexChildren($key, $newKey);
// Checksum MD5
$row['md5file'] = md5_file(PATH_PAGES.$newKey.DS.FILENAME);
// Insert in database the new row
$this->db[$newKey] = $row;
// Sort database
// Save database
return $newKey;
2021-09-12 22:06:29 +02:00
* Delete a page.
* @param string $key The key of the page to be deleted
* @return boolean Returns TRUE if the page was deleted successfully, FALSE otherwise
public function delete(string $key): bool
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
// This is need it, because if the key is empty the Filesystem::deleteRecursive is going to delete PATH_PAGES
if (empty($key)) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Empty page key.', LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Page doesn't exist in database
if (!$this->exists($key)) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'The page doesn\'t exist. Key: '.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
return false;
// Delete directory and files
if (Filesystem::deleteRecursive(PATH_PAGES.$key) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to delete the directory: '.PATH_PAGES.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
// Delete upload directory
if (Filesystem::deleteRecursive(PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$key) === false) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'An error occurred while trying to delete the directory: '.PATH_UPLOADS_PAGES.$key, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
// Remove from database
// Save the database
return true;
// Delete all pages from a user
public function deletePagesByUser($args)
$username = $args['username'];
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['username']===$username) {
return true;
// Link all pages to a new user
public function transferPages($args)
$oldUsername = $args['oldUsername'];
$newUsername = isset($args['newUsername']) ? $args['newUsername'] : 'admin';
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['username']===$oldUsername) {
$this->db[$key]['username'] = $newUsername;
return $this->save();
// This function reindex the orphan children with the new parent key
// If a page has subpages and the page change his key is necesarry check the children key
public function reindexChildren($oldParentKey, $newParentKey) {
if ($oldParentKey==$newParentKey){
return false;
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if (Text::startsWith($key, $oldParentKey.'/')) {
$newKey = Text::replace($oldParentKey.'/', $newParentKey.'/', $key);
$this->db[$newKey] = $this->db[$key];
// Set field = value
public function setField($key, $field, $value)
if ($this->exists($key)) {
settype($value, gettype($this->dbFields[$field]));
$this->db[$key][$field] = $value;
return $this->save();
return false;
// Returns a database with all pages
// $onlyKeys = true; Returns only the pages keys
// $onlyKeys = false; Returns part of the database, I do not recommend use this
public function getDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns a database with published pages
// $onlyKeys = true; Returns only the pages keys
// $onlyKeys = false; Returns part of the database, I do not recommend use this
public function getPublishedDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['type']!='published') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns an array with a list of keys/database of static pages
// By default the static pages are sort by position
public function getStaticDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['type']!='static') {
uasort($tmp, array($this, 'sortByPositionLowToHigh'));
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns an array with a list of keys/database of draft pages
public function getDraftDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']!='draft') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns an array with a list of keys/database of scheduled pages
public function getScheduledDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']!='scheduled') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns an array with a list of keys of sticky pages
public function getStickyDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']!='sticky') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
2021-09-12 22:06:29 +02:00
* Returns an array with all unlisted pages
* @param boolean $onlyKeys If TRUE returns only the pages' keys
* @return array
public function getUnlistedDB(bool $onlyKeys=true): array
$tmp = $this->db;
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']!='unlisted') {
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
// Returns the next number of the bigger position
public function nextPositionNumber()
$tmp = 1;
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$fields) {
if ($fields['position']>$tmp) {
$tmp = $fields['position'];
return ++$tmp;
// Returns the next page key of the current page key
public function nextPageKey($currentKey)
if ($this->db[$currentKey]['type']=='published') {
$keys = array_keys($this->db);
$position = array_search($currentKey, $keys) - 1;
if (isset($keys[$position])) {
$nextKey = $keys[$position];
if ($this->db[$nextKey]['type']=='published') {
return $nextKey;
return false;
// Returns the previous page key of the current page key
public function previousPageKey($currentKey)
if ($this->db[$currentKey]['type']=='published') {
$keys = array_keys($this->db);
$position = array_search($currentKey, $keys) + 1;
if (isset($keys[$position])) {
$prevKey = $keys[$position];
if ($this->db[$prevKey]['type']=='published') {
return $prevKey;
return false;
2021-09-12 22:06:29 +02:00
* Get a list of pages' keys.
* @param integer $pageNumber Page number for the paginator
* @param integer $numberOfItems Amount of items to return, if -1 returns all the items
* @param boolean $published
* @param boolean $static
* @param boolean $sticky
* @param boolean $draft
* @param boolean $scheduled
* @return boolean|array Returns an array with the pages' keys or FALSE if it out of range
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
2021-09-14 17:38:19 +02:00
public function getList(int $pageNumber, int $numberOfItems, bool $published=true, bool $static=false, bool $sticky=false, bool $draft=false, bool $scheduled=false)
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
$list = array();
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$fields) {
if ($published && $fields['type']=='published') {
array_push($list, $key);
} elseif ($static && $fields['type']=='static') {
array_push($list, $key);
} elseif ($sticky && $fields['type']=='sticky') {
array_push($list, $key);
} elseif ($draft && $fields['type']=='draft') {
array_push($list, $key);
} elseif ($scheduled && $fields['type']=='scheduled') {
array_push($list, $key);
if ($numberOfItems==-1) {
return $list;
// The first page number is 1, so the real is 0
$realPageNumber = $pageNumber - 1;
$total = count($list);
$init = (int) $numberOfItems * $realPageNumber;
$end = (int) min( ($init + $numberOfItems - 1), $total );
$outrange = $init<0 ? true : $init>$end;
if (!$outrange) {
return array_slice($list, $init, $numberOfItems, true);
return false;
// Returns the amount of pages
// (boolean) $onlyPublished, TRUE returns the total of published pages (without draft and scheduled)
// (boolean) $onlyPublished, FALSE returns the total of pages
public function count($onlyPublished=true)
if ($onlyPublished) {
$db = $this->getPublishedDB(false);
return count($db);
return count($this->db);
// Returns an array with all parents pages key. A parent page is not a child
public function getParents()
$db = $this->getPublishedDB();
foreach ($db as $key=>$pageKey) {
// if the key has slash then is a child
if (Text::stringContains($pageKey, '/')) {
return $db;
public function getChildren($parentKey)
$tmp = $this->db;
$list = array();
foreach ($tmp as $key=>$fields) {
if (Text::startsWith($key, $parentKey.'/')) {
array_push($list, $key);
return $list;
public function sortBy()
if (ORDER_BY=='date') {
return $this->sortByDate(true);
return $this->sortByPosition(false);
// Sort pages by position
public function sortByPosition($HighToLow=false)
if($HighToLow) {
uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByPositionHighToLow'));
} else {
uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByPositionLowToHigh'));
return true;
private function sortByPositionLowToHigh($a, $b)
return $a['position']<=>$b['position'];
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
private function sortByPositionHighToLow($a, $b)
return $b['position']<=>$a['position'];
2021-09-05 16:18:01 +02:00
// Sort pages by date
public function sortByDate($HighToLow=true)
if($HighToLow) {
uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByDateHighToLow'));
} else {
uasort($this->db, array($this, 'sortByDateLowToHigh'));
return true;
private function sortByDateLowToHigh($a, $b)
return $a['date']<=>$b['date'];
private function sortByDateHighToLow($a, $b)
return $b['date']<=>$a['date'];
function generateUUID() {
return md5( uniqid().time() );
// Returns the UUID of a page, by the page key
function getUUID($key)
if ($this->exists($key)) {
return $this->db[$key]['uuid'];
return false;
// Returns the page key by the uuid
// if the UUID doesn't exits returns FALSE
function getByUUID($uuid)
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$value) {
if ($value['uuid']==$uuid) {
return $key;
return false;
// Returns string without HTML tags and truncated
private function generateSlug($text, $truncateLength=60)
$tmpslug = Text::removeHTMLTags($text);
$tmpslug = Text::removeLineBreaks($tmpslug);
$tmpslug = Text::truncate($tmpslug, $truncateLength, '');
return $tmpslug;
// Returns TRUE if there are new pages published, FALSE otherwise
public function scheduler()
// Get current date
$currentDate = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT);
$saveDatabase = false;
// The database need to be sorted by date
foreach($this->db as $pageKey=>$fields) {
if($fields['type']=='scheduled') {
if($fields['date']<=$currentDate) {
$this->db[$pageKey]['type'] = 'published';
$saveDatabase = true;
elseif( ($fields['type']=='published') && (ORDER_BY=='date') ) {
if($saveDatabase) {
if( $this->save() === false ) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.');
return false;
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'New pages published from the scheduler.');
return true;
return false;
// Generate a valid Key/Slug
public function generateKey($text, $parent=false, $returnSlug=false, $oldKey='')
global $L;
global $site;
if (Text::isEmpty($text)) {
$text = $L->g('empty');
if (Text::isEmpty($parent)) {
$newKey = Text::cleanUrl($text);
} else {
$newKey = Text::cleanUrl($parent).'/'.Text::cleanUrl($text);
// cleanURL can return empty string
if (Text::isEmpty($newKey)) {
$newKey = $L->g('empty');
if ($newKey!==$oldKey) {
// Verify if the key is already been used
if (isset($this->db[$newKey])) {
$i = 0;
while (isset($this->db[$newKey.'-'.$i])) {
$newKey = $newKey.'-'.$i;
if ($returnSlug) {
$explode = explode('/', $newKey);
if (isset($explode[1])) {
return $explode[1];
return $explode[0];
return $newKey;
// Returns an Array, array('tagSlug'=>'tagName')
// (string) $tags, tag list separated by comma.
public function generateTags($tags)
$tmp = array();
$tags = trim($tags);
if (empty($tags)) {
return $tmp;
$tags = explode(',', $tags);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
$tagKey = Text::cleanUrl($tag);
$tmp[$tagKey] = $tag;
return $tmp;
/* Change all pages linked to the old category key to the new category key === Bludit v4
@oldCategoryKey string The old category key
@newCategoryKey string The new category key
@return boolean Returns TRUE if the database was saved, FALSE otherwise
public function changeCategory($oldCategoryKey, $newCategoryKey)
foreach ($this->db as $key=>$value) {
if ($value['category']===$oldCategoryKey) {
$this->db[$key]['category'] = $newCategoryKey;
return $this->save();
// Insert custom fields to all the pages in the database
// The structure for the custom fields need to be a valid JSON format
// The custom fields are incremental, this means the custom fields are never deleted
// The pages only store the value of the custom field, the structure of the custom fields are in the database site.php
public function setCustomFields($fields)
$customFields = json_decode($fields, true);
if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
return false;
foreach ($this->db as $pageKey=>$pageFields) {
foreach ($customFields as $customField=>$customValues) {
if (!isset($pageFields['custom'][$customField])) {
$defaultValue = '';
if (isset($customValues['default'])) {
$defaultValue = $customValues['default'];
$this->db[$pageKey]['custom'][$customField]['value'] = $defaultValue;
return $this->save();
2019-09-02 18:24:34 +02:00
2018-08-01 18:16:12 +05:30