"edit-or-delete-your-categories":"Edit or delete your categories",
"create-a-new-category-to-organize-your-content":"Create a new category to organize your content",
"confirm-delete-this-action-cannot-be-undone":"Conferma l'eliminazione. Questa azione non può essere annullata.",
"do-you-want-to-disable-the-user":"Do you want to disable the user ?",
"new-password":"Nuova password",
"you-can-change-this-field-when-save-the-current-changes":"You can change this field when save the current changes.",
"items-per-page":"Items per page",
"invite-a-friend-to-collaborate-on-your-site":"Invite a friend to collaborate on your site",
"number-of-items-to-show-per-page":"Number of items to show per page.",
"website-or-blog":"Website or Blog",
"order-content-by":"Order content By",
"edit-or-delete-content-from-your-site":"Edit or delete content from your site",
"order-the-content-by-date-to-build-a-blog":"Order the content by date to build a Blog or order the content by position to build a Website.",
"page-not-found-content":"Hey! look like the page doesn't exist.",
"page-not-found":"Page not found",
"predefined-pages":"Predefined pages",
"returning-page-when-the-page-doesnt-exist":"Returning page when the page doesn't exist, leave it blank if you want to returns a default message.",
"returning-page-for-the-main-page":"Returning page for the main page, leave it blank if you want to show all the pages on the main page.",
"full-url-of-your-site":"Full URL of your site. Complete with the protocol HTTP or HTTPS (only if you have enabled SSL on your server).",
"with-the-locales-you-can-set-the-regional-user-interface":"With the locales, you can set the regional user interface, such as the dates in your language. The locales need to be installed on your system.",
"bludit-installer":"Installa Bludit",
"choose-your-language":"Scegli la tua lingua",
"complete-the-form-choose-a-password-for-the-username-admin":"Compila il modulo e scegli una password per l'utente « admin »",
"show-password":"Mostra password",
"login":"Inizia sessione",
"back-to-login-form":"Torna indietro alla pagina di accesso",
"get-login-access-code":"Richiedi un codice accesso",
"email-access-code":"Email access code",
"whats-next":"Passi successivi",
"username-or-password-incorrect":"Nome utente o password non corretti",
"follow-bludit-on":"Segui Bludit su",
"visit-the-forum-for-support":"Visit the [forum](https:\/\/forum.bludit.org) for support",
"manage-your-bludit-from-the-admin-panel":"Amministra Bludit dal [pannello di amministrazione]({{ADMIN_AREA_LINK}})",
"this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site":"Questa è una breve descrizione del tuo sito. Per cambiare il testo vai nel pannello di amministrazione, impostazioni, plugins e configura il plugin about.",
"read-the-documentation-for-more-information":"Leggi la [documentazione](https:\/\/docs.bludit.com) per ulteriori informazioni",
"example-page-1-content":"Start writing your own content or edit the current to fit your needs. To create, edit or remove content you need to login to the [admin panel](.\/admin) with the username `admin` and the password you set on the installation process.",
"example-page-2-title":"Set up your new site",
"example-page-2-content":"Update the settings of your site from the [admin panel](.\/admin), you can change the title, description and the social networks from [Settings > General](.\/admin\/settings-general).",
"example-page-3-content":"Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks [Facebook](https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/bluditcms\/), [Twitter](https:\/\/twitter.com\/bludit) and [GooglePlus](https:\/\/plus.google.com\/+Bluditcms) or visit our [Blog](https:\/\/blog.bludit.com).",
"example-page-4-content":"Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc."