/* --- 00. COLORS --- */ /* * La gestion des couleurs dans le theme. Cette partie de la stylesheet est * automatique et n'a pas besoin d'être modifiée */ // FUNCTIONS TO GET MORE EASILY COLORS @function get-color($name) { @if map-has-key($semantics, $name) { @return map-get($palette, map-get($semantics, $name)); } @else { @return map-get($palette, $name); } } @function list-colors() { $newmap: map-merge($palette, $semantics); @return $newmap; } @function luminance($color) { $c_red: red($color); $c_grn: green($color); $c_blu: blue($color); $luminance: $c_red*0.299 + $c_grn*0.587 + $c_blu*0.114; @return $luminance } @function getTextColorFromBackground($background-color) { @if (luminance($background-color) < 255 * $whiteness_value) { @return $color-font-light; } @else { @return $color-font; } } // Couleurs du theme $color-link: get-color("link"); $color-selection: get-color("selection"); $color-mark: get-color("mark"); $color-font: get-color("font"); $color-font-light: get-color("font-light"); $color-primary: get-color("primary"); $color-secondary: get-color("secondary"); $color-warning: get-color("warning"); $color-danger: get-color("danger"); $color-info: get-color("info"); $color-success: get-color("success"); $color-muted: get-color("muted"); $color-background: get-color("background"); $color-background-alt: get-color("background-alt"); // fonction texte et background @mixin text-color($text-color) { color: $text-color; } @mixin background-color($background-color) { background-color: $background-color; color: getTextColorFromBackground($background-color); } // Colorize important elements // Direct uses of colors a, a:hover, a:active { color: $color-link; } ::selection { @include background-color($color-selection); } ::-moz-selection { @include background-color($color-selection); } mark { background-color: lighten($color-mark, 30%) } blockquote, pre { border-color: $color-primary; } .bg { @each $name, $color in list-colors() { &-#{$name} { @include background-color(get-color($name)); } } } .text { @each $name, $color in list-colors() { &-#{$name} { @include text-color(get-color($name)); } } }