'Flag', 'labels' => array( 'name' => 'Flags', 'singular_name' => 'Flag', 'all_items' => 'Tous les flags', 'edit_item' => 'Éditer le flag', 'view_item' => 'Voir le flag', 'update_item' => 'Mettre à jour le flag', 'add_new_item' => 'Ajouter un flag', 'new_item_name' => 'Nouveau flag', 'search_items' => 'Rechercher parmi les flags', 'popular_items' => 'Flags les plus utilisés' ), 'hierarchical' => false ) ); register_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'flag', 'post' ); // Add field to be able to change the flags function flags_taxonomy_custom_fields($tag) { // Check for existing taxonomy meta for the term you're editing $t_id = $tag->term_id; // Get the ID of the term you're editing $term_meta = get_option( "taxonomy_term_$t_id" ); // Do the check ?>
term_id; // Get the ID of the term you're editing $term_meta = get_option( "taxonomy_term_$t_id" ); // Do the check ?>
