<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="<?php echo Theme::lang() ?>"> <head> <?php include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'head.php'); ?> </head> <body> <?php include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'icons.php'); ?> <div class="bg-dark skip small-text"> <a href="#skip">Accéder au contenu</a> </div> <?php include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'mainmenu.php'); ?> <!-- Load Bludit Plugins: Site Body Begin --> <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyBegin'); ?> <div id="wrapper"> <!-- Navbar --> <?php include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'header.php'); ?> <div class="container-blog"> <?php // Bludit content are pages // But if you order the content by date // These pages works as posts // $WHERE_AM_I variable detect where the user is browsing // If the user is watching a particular page/post the variable takes the value "page" // If the user is watching the frontpage the variable takes the value "home" if ($WHERE_AM_I == 'page') { include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'page.php'); } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'category') { include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'category.php'); } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'tag') { include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'tag.php'); } elseif ($WHERE_AM_I == 'search') { include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'search.php'); } else { include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'home.php'); } ?> <?php include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'footer.php'); ?> </div> </div> <button id="mobile-button" class="menu-button"><svg class="icon icon-bars" alt=""><use xlink:href="#icon-bars"></use></svg> <span class="sr-only">Afficher le menu</span></button> <!-- Footer --> <?php echo Theme::js('js/mobile-sidebar.js'); ?> <!-- Load Bludit Plugins: Site Body End --> <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyEnd'); ?> </body> </html>