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2019-10-08 13:06:59 +02:00

943 lines
32 KiB

/* ------------------ CUSTOM STYLE ------------------- */
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/* ------------------ PARTAGE RESEAUX SOCIAUX ------------------- */
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/* ------------------ PREVIEWS ------------------- */
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/* ------------------ COULEURS ------------------- */
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/* CARDS */
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #8fd246;
color: #FFF; }
/* social */
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color: #FFF; }
/* BADGES */
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #111; }
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color: #111; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #b5835a;
color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #e9654f;
color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #72b8f6;
color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #8fd246;
color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #4e63c9 !important;
color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #7951c0 !important;
color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #e33d22 !important;
color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #eb790a !important;
color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #75b82d !important;
color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #42a0f3 !important;
color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #f6d32d !important;
color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #986a44 !important;
color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #42a0f3 !important;
color: #FFF; }
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background-color: #75b82d !important;
color: #FFF; }
/* ALERTS */
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color: black; }
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background-color: #ded4ef;
color: black; }
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color: black; }
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color: black; }
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color: black; }
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color: black; }
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color: black; }
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color: black; }
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background-color: #ddc5b2;
color: black; }
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color: black; }
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/* TEXT */
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