const path = require("path"); const eleventyImage = require("@11ty/eleventy-img"); module.exports = eleventyConfig => { function relativeToInputPath(inputPath, relativeFilePath) { let split = inputPath.split("/"); split.pop(); return path.resolve(split.join(path.sep), relativeFilePath); } // Eleventy Image shortcode // eleventyConfig.addAsyncShortcode("image", async function imageShortcode(src, alt, widths, sizes) { // Full list of formats here: // Warning: Avif can be resource-intensive so take care! let formats = ["avif", "webp", "auto"]; let file = relativeToInputPath(, src); let metadata = await eleventyImage(file, { widths: widths || ["auto"], formats, outputDir: path.join(eleventyConfig.dir.output, "img"), // Advanced usage note: `eleventyConfig.dir` works here because we’re using addPlugin. }); // TODO loading=eager and fetchpriority=high let imageAttributes = { alt, sizes, loading: "lazy", decoding: "async", }; return eleventyImage.generateHTML(metadata, imageAttributes); }); };