local Battler = require("scenes.battlesystem.actors.battler") local Hero = Battler:extend() local gui = require "game.modules.gui" -- INIT FUNCTIONS -- Initialize the hero function Hero:new(world, x, y, charid, charnumber) Hero.super.new(self, world, x, y, 0) self.isHero = true self.turnAction = nil self.startx, self.starty = self.x, self.y self.dx, self.dy = self.x, self.y self.direction = 1 self.directionPrevious = 1 if charid == nil then core.debug:error("FATAL ERROR: charid not set") end self.charid = charid self.charnumber = charnumber or 1 self.actionPerTurn = game.characters.list[self.charid].turns self:initSprite() end -- INFO FUNCTIONS -- All functions to get information from the character function Hero:getStats() return game.characters.list[self.charid].stats end -- ACTIVITY FUNCTION -- Function to set or unset activity to the character function Hero:setActive() core.debug:print("cbs/hero", "hero " .. self.charid .. " is now active") local gridsize = game.characters.list[self.charid].move if (gridsize == nil) then gridsize = 3 core.debug:warning("cbs/character", "move value is nil") end self.world.cursor:setGrid(self.x, self.y, "circle", gridsize, 1, self) self.startx, self.starty = self.x, self.y self.world.cursor:set(self.startx, self.starty) self.currentAction = "selectDirection" self.directionPrevious = self.direction end -- UPDATE FUNCTION -- Update the hero function Hero:update(dt) self:updateSprite(dt) self.keys = self.scene:getKeys(1) if (self.currentAction == "moving") then self:updateMoving(dt) elseif (self.currentAction == "selectAttack") then self:updateActionSelection(dt) elseif (self.currentAction == "selectDirection") then self:updateDirectionSelection(dt) end end function Hero:updateMoving(dt) -- Store previous position, in order to be able to go back here more easily -- when needed self.xprevious = self.x self.yprevious = self.y -- Move the player toward its destination self.x = (self.x) + ((self.dx) - (self.x)) * dt*10 self.y = (self.y) + ((self.dy) - (self.y)) * dt*10 -- Calculate speed to calculate animation speed local xspeed, yspeed = math.abs(self.x - self.xprevious), math.abs(self.y - self.yprevious) local speed = math.sqrt(xspeed*xspeed + yspeed*yspeed) * 32 self:setCustomSpeed(speed * 10) -- Handle direction local direction = utils.math.sign(self.x - self.xprevious) if direction ~= 0 then self.direction = direction end -- If the hero is near enough its final destination, switch to -- action selection if (math.abs(self.x - self.dx) < 0.01) and (math.abs(self.y - self.dy) < 0.01) then self.x = self.dx self.y = self.dy self:changeAnimation("idle") self.currentAction = "selectAttack" self.scene.menu:set( self ) end end function Hero:updateActionSelection(dt) -- Change direction by pressing left or right when selecting the next action if (self.keys["left"].isPressed) then self.direction = -1 elseif (self.keys["right"].isPressed) then self.direction = 1 end end function Hero:updateDirectionSelection(dt) self.xprevious = self.x self.yprevious = self.y self.x = (self.x) + ((self.startx) - (self.x)) * dt*10 self.y = (self.y) + ((self.starty) - (self.y)) * dt*10 local xspeed, yspeed = math.abs(self.x - self.xprevious), math.abs(self.y - self.yprevious) local speed = math.sqrt(xspeed*xspeed + yspeed*yspeed) * 32 self:setCustomSpeed(speed * 10) local direction = utils.math.sign(self.x - self.xprevious) if direction ~= 0 then self.direction = direction end if (math.abs(self.x - self.startx) < 0.01) and (math.abs(self.y - self.starty) < 0.01) then self.x = self.startx self.y = self.starty self:changeAnimation("idle") self.direction = self.directionPrevious end end -- SIGNAL FUNCTIONS -- All functions related to signal receiving function Hero:receiveSignal(action_type, id) if id == nil then core.debug:print("battler/hero", "action selected : " .. action_type) else core.debug:print("battler/hero", "action selected : " .. action_type .. " (" .. id .. ")") end if (action_type == "defend") then self.turnAction = "defend" self.world:switchActiveBattler( ) elseif (action_type == "attack") then self:changeAnimation("hit1") else self.world:switchActiveBattler( ) end end function Hero:receiveBackSignal() self.currentAction = "selectDirection" self.world.cursor:set(self.x, self.y) self:changeAnimation("walk") end -- ACTION FUNCTIONS -- All functions related to actions function Hero:validateAction() if (self.currentAction == "selectDirection") then self:changeAnimation("walk", true) self.currentAction = "moving" self.dx, self.dy = self.world.cursor.x, self.world.cursor.y self.world.cursor:unset( ) end end -- SPRITE FUNCTIONS -- Handle the hero sprite function Hero:initSprite() self.assets:addSprite(self.charid, "datas/gamedata/characters/" .. self.charid .. "/sprites") self.assets.sprites[self.charid]:setCustomSpeed(16) self:setSprite(self.charid, 32, 48, true) self:cloneSprite() self:changeAnimation("idle") end function Hero:animationEnded(animation) if (animation == "hit1") then self:changeAnimation("hit2") elseif (animation == "hit2") then self:changeAnimation("hit3") elseif (animation == "hit3") then core.debug:print("cbs/hero", "normal combo finished, switching actor") self:changeAnimation("idle") self.world:switchActiveBattler( ) end end -- DRAW FUNCTIONS -- Draw everything related to the hero function Hero:draw() x, y = self.maputils.gridToPixel(self.x, self.y, true) --love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x - 8, y - 32, 16, 32) self:drawSprite() end function Hero:drawIcon(x, y) local iconID = 1 self.assets.tileset["charicons"]:drawTile(iconID, x, y) end function Hero:drawHUD() local HUDBASE = 8 local HUDSEP = 152 local x = HUDBASE + (self.charnumber-1)*HUDSEP local y = 36 self.assets.images["e_speedster"]:draw(x, y) love.graphics.setScissor(x, y-16, 32, 40) self.assets.sprites[self.charid]:drawAnimation(x+14, y+14) love.graphics.setScissor( ) self.assets.images["m_speedster"]:draw(x, y) self.assets.images["statusbar"]:draw(x+12, y-6) local hp = game.characters.list[self.charid].stats.hp local pp = game.characters.list[self.charid].stats.pp local hpmax = game.characters.list[self.charid].stats.hpmax local ppmax = game.characters.list[self.charid].stats.ppmax local bar1 = math.floor((hp/hpmax)*107) local bar2 = math.floor((pp/ppmax)*108) love.graphics.setColor(248/255, 160/255, 0, 1) gui.drawBar(x+29, y+5, bar1, 7) love.graphics.setColor(0, 248/255, 248/255, 1) gui.drawBar(x+17, y+17, bar2, 7) utils.graphics.resetColor() self.assets.fonts["hudnbrs_small"]:set() love.graphics.print(hp .. "/" .. hpmax, x+34, y+5) love.graphics.print(pp .. "/" .. ppmax, x+28, y+17) local lvl = game.characters.list[self.charid].stats.level if lvl < 100 then lvl = "0" .. lvl end love.graphics.print(lvl, x+122, y-5) end return Hero