local World = Object:extend() local maputils = require "scenes.battlesystem.utils" local Map = require "scenes.battlesystem.map" local Cursor = require "scenes.battlesystem.cursor" local POSITIONS = { {x = 3, y = 4}, {x = 2, y = 2}, {x = 2, y = 6}, } local gui = require "game.modules.gui" -- INIT FUNCTIONS -- Initialize the battle world function World:new(scene, battlefile) self.scene = scene self.assets = scene.assets self.obj = require "scenes.battlesystem.actors" self.actors = {} self.globalID = 0 self.turns = {} self.turns.current = 1 self.turns.number = 0 self.turns.isFinished = true self.turns.changeBattler = true self.battlers = {} self.actionlist = {} self.BattlerCursor = self.turns.current self.heroNumber = 0 self.ennNumber = 0 self.map = Map(self, "city") self.cursor = Cursor(self) self:initHeroes() self:initEnnemies() self:initHUD() end function World:initHeroes(battlefile) for i, hero in ipairs(game.characters.team) do self:addHero(POSITIONS[i].x, POSITIONS[i].y, hero, i) end end function World:initEnnemies(battlefile) self:addEnnemy(10, 3, "motobug") self:addEnnemy(10, 5, "motobug") end function World:registerActor(actor) self.globalID = self.globalID + 1 table.insert(self.actors, actor) actor.id = self.globalID end function World:destroyActor(actorToDestroy) for i, actor in ipairs(self.actors) do if actor == actorToDestroy then table.remove(self.actors, i) end end end -- INFO FUNCTIONS -- Get info from the world function World:caseIsEmpty(x, y) local isEmpty = true for i, actor in ipairs(self.actors) do if (actor.x == x) and (actor.y == y) then isEmpty = false else isEmpty = true end end return isEmpty end function World:getActorInCase(x, y) for i, actor in ipairs(self.actors) do if (actor.x == x) and (actor.y == y) then core.debug:print("cbs/world", "one actor found in case <" .. x .. ";" .. y .. ">") return actor end end return nil end -- BATTLER FUNCTIONS -- Handle the actual battle participants function World:addHero(x, y, id) self.heroNumber = self.heroNumber + 1 local hero = self.obj.Hero(self, x, y, id, self.heroNumber) table.insert(self.battlers, hero) end function World:addEnnemy(x, y, id) self.ennNumber = self.ennNumber + 1 local enn = self.obj.Ennemy(self, x, y, id, self.ennNumber) table.insert(self.battlers, enn) end function World:generateActionList() self.actionlist = {} for i,v in ipairs(self.battlers) do for i=1, v.actionPerTurn do local action = {} action.actor = v action.number = i table.insert(self.actionlist, action) end end end function World:countHeroes() local count = 0 for i, battler in ipairs(self.battlers) do if (battler.isHero) then count = count + 1 end end return count end function World:countEnnemies() local count = 0 for i, battler in ipairs(self.battlers) do if (battler.isEnnemy) then count = count + 1 end end return count end -- UPDATE FUNCTION -- Update all actors function World:update(dt) for i, actor in ipairs(self.actors) do actor:update(dt) end self:updateTurns(dt) self:moveBattleCursor(dt) self.cursor:update(dt) end function World:moveBattleCursor(dt) local cursorSpeed = 16 if (self.turns.current == 1) then cursorSpeed = 16 * 4 end if math.abs(self.BattlerCursor - self.turns.current) > (cursorSpeed * dt) then self.BattlerCursor = self.BattlerCursor - utils.math.sign(self.BattlerCursor - self.turns.current) * cursorSpeed * dt else self.BattlerCursor = self.turns.current end end -- TURNS FUNCTIONS -- Handle everything related to the turn system function World:recalculateTurns() self:generateActionList() table.sort(self.actionlist, maputils.sortBattlers) end function World:updateTurns(dt) if (self.turns.changeBattler) then self:switchActiveBattler( ) end end function World:switchActiveBattler() if (self.turns.isFinished) or (self.turns.current >= #self.actionlist) then self.turns.current = 1 self.turns.isFinished = false self.turns.number = self.turns.number + 1 self:recalculateTurns() else self.turns.current = self.turns.current + 1 end self.actionlist[self.turns.current].actor:setActive() self.turns.changeBattler = false end function World:sendSignalToCurrentBattler() self.actionlist[self.turns.current].actor:validateAction() end -- DRAW FUNCTION -- Draw the world function World:draw() local activeGrid = self.cursor:getGrid() self.map:draw(activeGrid) self.cursor:drawBottom() self:drawShadows() self:drawActors() self.cursor:drawTop() self:drawHUD() end function World:drawActors() for i, actor in ipairs(self.actors) do actor:draw() end end function World:drawShadows() for i, actor in ipairs(self.actors) do actor:drawShadow() end end function World:initHUD() self.frame = gui.newBorder(424, 30, 4) end function World:drawHUD() for i,v in ipairs(self.actionlist) do v.actor:drawIcon(4 + (i-1)*(20), 6) end local cursorx = self.BattlerCursor * 20 - 6 self.assets.images["menucursor"]:draw(cursorx, 26, math.rad(-90), 1, 1, 4, 8) for i,v in ipairs(self.battlers) do v:drawHUD() end local x, y = 362, 3 love.graphics.draw(self.frame, 424, 20, 0, -1, -1) self.assets.images["hudturn"]:draw(x, y) self.assets.fonts["hudnbrs"]:set() local turnnbr = self.turns.number if (turnnbr < 10) then turnnbr = "0" .. turnnbr end love.graphics.print(turnnbr, x + 33, y + 1) end return World