local FighterControllerParent = Object:extend() function FighterControllerParent:new(turnSystem) self.turnSystem = turnSystem self.world = turnSystem.world self.list = {} end function FighterControllerParent:get(id) return self.list[id] end function FighterControllerParent:add(fighter) table.insert(self.list, fighter) end function FighterControllerParent:count() return #self.list end function FighterControllerParent:countAlive() local aliveCount = 0 for i, fighter in ipairs(self.list) do if (fighter:canFight()) then aliveCount = aliveCount + 1 end end return aliveCount end function FighterControllerParent:getTargets(onlyAlive) local targetList = {} for i, fighter in ipairs(self.list) do if (fighter:canFight() or (not onlyAlive)) then table.insert(targetList, fighter) end end return targetList end function FighterControllerParent:applyDeath() for i, fighter in ipairs(self.list) do fighter:applyDeath() end return self:countAlive() end function FighterControllerParent:setActive(activeActor) self.activeActor = activeActor activeActor:setActive() end function FighterControllerParent:update(dt) for i, fighter in ipairs(self.list) do fighter:updateAssets(dt) end end function FighterControllerParent:endAction() self.owner:nextAction() end function FighterControllerParent:putActions(actionList) for i, fighter in ipairs(self.list) do for i=1, fighter:getNbrActionPerTurn() do local action = {} action.fighter = fighter action.number = i table.insert(actionList, action) end end end function FighterControllerParent:draw() --Aucun dessin par defaut, ils sont géré différements end function FighterControllerParent:removeFighter(fighterToRemove) -- remove the actor from the battler liste for i, fighter in ipairs(self.list) do if fighter == fighterToRemove then table.remove(self.list, i) end end -- Also remove all actions related to the actor self.turnSystem:removeAllActionsFromFighter(fighterToRemove) end return FighterControllerParent