local Parent = require("scenes.battlesystem.actors.parent") local Battler = Parent:extend() local MOVEMENT_NONE = "none" local MOVEMENT_TWEENER = "tweener" local MOVEMENT_MOTION = "motion" local ZGRAVITY = 0.2 local MIDDLE_ARENA = 6 local outputColor = { good = {0, 1, 0}, bad = {1, 0, 0}, pp = {0.3, 0.8, 1} } function Battler:new(world, x, y, z, owner) Battler.super.new(self, world, x, y, z) self.direction = utils.math.sign(MIDDLE_ARENA - x) self.start = {} self.start.x = x self.start.y = y self.start.direction = self.direction self:initMovementSystem() self.isBattler = true self.speed = 3 self.isActive = false self.debugActiveTimer = 0 self.output = {} self.output.string = "0" self.output.isBad = true self.output.type = "" self.showOutput = false self.outputY = 0 self.isSelected = false self.owner = owner self.isDefending = false self.tags = {} self.choregraphy = nil end function Battler:destroy() Battler.super.destroy(self) end function Battler:getOutputY() return self.sprHeight or 32 end function Battler:avoidedAttack() self:newOutput("", "MISS") end function Battler:setDamageNumber(number, isPP) local type = "good" if (isPP == true) then type = "pp" end if (number < 0) then type = "bad" end local string = math.abs(math.floor(number)) self:newOutput(type, string) end function Battler:newOutput(type, string) self.output.type = type or "" self.output.string = string or "error" self.outputY = self:getOutputY() - 8 self.showOutput = true self.tweens:newTween(0, 0.4, {outputY = self:getOutputY()}, "outQuad") self.tweens:newTimer(0.5, "removeOutput") end function Battler:getOuputColor(type) return outputColor[type] or {1,1,1} end function Battler:setActive() core.debug:print("cbs/actor","actor " .. self.id .. " is active") self.isActive = true self.debugActiveTimer = 0 end function Battler:update(dt) Battler.super.update(self, dt) if (self.isActive) then self.debugActiveTimer = self.debugActiveTimer + dt if self.debugActiveTimer >= 0.5 then core.debug:print("cbs/battler", "counter ended, switching active battler") self.isActive = false self.world:switchActiveBattler() end end self:updateMovement(dt) end -- MOVE FUNCTIONS -- All functions handling the moving local MOVEMENT_DURATION = 0.20 function Battler:initMovementSystem() self.xprevious, self.yprevious, self.zprevious = self.x, self.y, self.z self.xspeed, self.yspeed, self.zspeed = 0,0,0 self.direction = self.start.direction self.directionPrevious = self.start.direction self.directionLocked = false self.movementType = MOVEMENT_NONE self:initJump() end function Battler:updateMovement(dt) if (self.movementType == MOVEMENT_TWEENER) then self:updateTweenerSpeed(dt) elseif (self.movementType == MOVEMENT_MOTION) then self:updateMotion(dt) end self.gspeed = math.sqrt(self.xspeed^2 + self.yspeed^2) self:updateDirection(dt) self:updateJump(dt) self:updatePreviousPosition(dt) end function Battler:updatePreviousPosition() self.xprevious = self.x self.yprevious = self.y self.zprevious = self.z end -- Tweener movement functions function Battler:goTo(dx, dy, duration, easing) local easing = easing or 'inOutQuad' if duration > 0 then self.tweens:newTween(0, duration, {x = dx, y = dy}, easing) end self.tweens:newTimer(duration + 0.02, "goTo") self.tweens:newTimer(duration + 0.02, "resetMovement") self.movementType = MOVEMENT_TWEENER end function Battler:jumpTo(dx, dy, sizeFactor, duration, spinjump, easing) local easing = easing or 'inOutQuad' local dist = utils.math.pointDistance(self.x, self.y, dx, dy) local jumpHeight = dist * 8 * sizeFactor self.tweens:newTween(0, duration, {x = dx, y = dy}, easing) self.tweens:newTimer(duration + 0.02, "jumpTo") self:setJump(jumpHeight, spinjump, duration) end function Battler:updateTweenerSpeed(dt) self.xspeed = (self.x - self.xprevious) / dt self.yspeed = (self.y - self.yprevious) / dt end -- MOTION HANDLING function Battler:setMotion(xspeed, yspeed) self.xspeed = xspeed self.yspeed = yspeed self.movementType = MOVEMENT_MOTION end function Battler:updateMotion(dt) self.x = self.x + (self.xspeed) * dt self.y = self.y + (self.yspeed) * dt end function Battler:endMotion() self.movementType = MOVEMENT_NONE self.xspeed = 0 self.yspeed = 0 end -- Direction handling function Battler:updateDirection() -- Handle direction if math.abs(self.xspeed) >= 0.01 then if (self.directionLocked == false) then self.direction = utils.math.sign(self.xspeed) end end end -- Jump system function Battler:initJump() self.jump = {} self.jump.useDefaultAnimation = true self.jump.isJumping = false self.jump.bounceNumber = 0 self.jump.isJumpingBack = false end function Battler:setJump(power, bounceNumber, useDefaultAnimation) self.zspeed = power self.jump.spin = (useDefaultAnimation == false) self.jump.bounceNumber = bounceNumber self.jump.isJumping = true end function Battler:jumpBack() self:setJump(4, 0, true) local dir = utils.math.pointDirection(self.x, self.y, self.start.x, self.start.y) local hspeed, vspeed = utils.math.lengthdir(8, dir) self:setMotion(hspeed, vspeed) self.jump.isJumpingBack = true end function Battler:updateJump(dt) if (self.jump.isJumping) then self.zspeed = self.zspeed - ZGRAVITY self.z = self.z + self.zspeed if (self.z <= 0) then if (self.jump.bounceNumber > 0) then self.zspeed = self.zspeed * -0.5 self.jump.bounceNumber = self.jump.bounceNumber - 1 else self.z = 0 self.jump.isJumping = false self.jump.spin = false self:timerResponse("jump") if (self.jump.isJumpingBack) then self:endMotion() end self:changeAnimation("idle") end end end end -- CHOREGRAPHY FUNCTIONS -- All functions related to the choregraphy system function Battler:blockChoregraphy(isBlocking, currentlyBlocking, blockedBy) if (isBlocking) then self.currentlyBlocking = currentlyBlocking self.blockedBy = blockedBy end end function Battler:addTaggedAction(tag, choregraphy, taggedBy) if (not utils.string.isEmpty(tag)) then self.tags[tag] = taggedBy self.choregraphy = choregraphy end end function Battler:unlockTag(taggedBy) for tag, actionTag in pairs(self.tags) do if (self.choregraphy ~= nil) and (actionTag == taggedBy) then self.choregraphy:finishTagAction(tag) self.tags[tag] = nil end end end function Battler:unblockChoregraphy() self.currentlyBlocking:finish() self.currentlyBlocking = nil end function Battler:timerResponse(signal) if ((self.currentlyBlocking ~= nil) and (signal == self.blockedBy)) then self:unblockChoregraphy() end self:unlockTag(signal) if (signal == "resetMovement") then self.movementType = MOVEMENT_NONE elseif (signal == "removeOutput") then self.showOutput = false end end function Battler:choregraphyEnded() self.direction = self.start.direction self.x = self.start.x self.y = self.start.y self.xspeed = 0 self.yspeed = 0 self.movementType = MOVEMENT_NONE end function Battler:getHurt() end function Battler:die() self:destroy() end -- DRAW FUNCTIONS function Battler:drawOutput() if (self.showOutput) then local x, y = self.world.map:gridToPixel(self.x, self.y, true) local color = self:getOuputColor(self.output.type) love.graphics.setColor(color[1], color[2], color[3], 1) self.assets.fonts["hudnbrs_small"]:print(self.output.string, x, y - self.outputY - self.z, "center") utils.graphics.resetColor() end end function Battler:draw() local x, y = self.world.map:gridToPixel(self.x, self.y, true) love.graphics.setColor(1, 0, 0, 1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x - 8, y - 32, 16, 32) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) end function Battler:initSprite() if (self.assets.sprites[self.owner.name] == nil) then self.assets:addSprite(self.owner.name, self:getSpritePath()) end self.assets.sprites[self.owner.name]:setCustomSpeed(16) self:setSprite(self.owner.name, 32, 48, true) self:cloneSprite() self:changeAnimation("idle") end function Battler:animationEnded(animation) if (self.currentlyBlocking ~= nil and self.blockedBy=="animation") then self:unblockChoregraphy() end self:unlockTag("animation") self:getNewAnimation(animation) end function Battler:getNewAnimation(animation) end function Battler:validateAction() end return Battler