local cwd = (...):gsub('%.flowbox$', '') .. "." local Menu = require(cwd .. "parent") FlowBox = Menu:extend() local menuutils = require(cwd .. "widgets.utils") function FlowBox:new(menusystem, name, x, y, w, h, slots_hor, slots_vert) self.slots = slots_hor * slots_vert self.slots_hor = slots_hor self.slots_vert = slots_vert ListBox.super.new(self, menusystem, name, x, y, w, h) self.begin = 1 self.widget.h = math.floor( self.h / slots_vert ) self.widget.w = math.floor( self.w / slots_hor ) self.h = slots_vert * self.widget.h -- On fait en sorte que la hauteur self.w = slots_hor * self.widget.w -- et la largeur -- soit un multiple du nombre de slot et de leur dimensions end function FlowBox:updateWidgetSize() self.widget.h = math.floor( self.h / self.slots_vert ) self.widget.w = math.floor( self.w / self.slots_hor ) end function FlowBox:update(dt) local col, line = self:getCoord(self.widget.selected) local begincol, beginline = self:getCoord(self.begin) if line < beginline then beginline = line end if line > beginline + self.slots_vert - 1 then beginline = line - self.slots_vert + 1 end if beginline < 0 then beginline = 0 end self.begin = beginline * self.slots_hor + 1 end function FlowBox:getCoord(id_selected) id_selected = id_selected - 1 -- On simplifie les calcul en prenant 0 comme départ local line, col line = math.floor(id_selected / self.slots_hor) col = id_selected - (line * self.slots_hor) return col, line end function FlowBox:moveCursor(new_col, new_line) local col, line = self:getCoord(self.widget.selected) local lastcol, lastline = self:getCoord(#self.widget.list) if new_line < 0 then new_line = lastline end if new_line > lastline then new_line = 0 end if (new_line == lastline) then if new_col < 0 then new_col = lastcol end if new_col > lastcol then if (line == lastline) then new_col = 0 else new_col = lastcol end end else if new_col < 0 then new_col = self.slots_hor - 1 end if new_col == self.slots_hor then new_col = 0 end end self.widget.selected = (new_line * self.slots_hor) + new_col + 1 end function FlowBox:keyreleased(key, code) local col, line = self:getCoord(self.widget.selected) if key == 'left' then self:moveCursor(col - 1, line) end if key == 'right' then self:moveCursor(col + 1, line) end if key == 'up' then self:moveCursor(col, line - 1) end if key == 'down' then self:moveCursor(col, line + 1) end if key == "A" then if (self.widget.selected >= 1 and self.widget.selected <= #self.widget.list) then self.widget.list[self.widget.selected]:action() end end end function FlowBox:mousemoved(x, y) local col, line = self:getCoord(self.widget.selected) local begincol, beginline = self:getCoord(self.begin) local newcol, newline, widget_selected newline = beginline + math.floor(y / self.widget.h) newcol = math.floor(x / self.widget.w) widget_selected = (newline * self.slots_hor) + newcol + 1 if widget_selected >= 1 and widget_selected <= #self.widget.list then self.widget.selected = widget_selected self:getFocus() end end function FlowBox:mousepressed(x, y, button, isTouch) local col, line = self:getCoord(self.widget.selected) local begincol, beginline = self:getCoord(self.begin) local newline, newcol, widget_selected newline = beginline + math.floor(y / self.widget.h) newcol = math.floor(x / self.widget.w) widget_selected = (newline * self.slots_hor) + newcol + 1 if widget_selected >= 1 and widget_selected <= #self.widget.list then self.widget.selected = widget_selected self:getFocus() self.widget.list[self.widget.selected]:action() end end function FlowBox:draw() local widgety = self.y local widgetx = self.x for i,v in ipairs(self.widget.list) do if (i >= self.begin) and (i < self.begin + self.slots) then v:draw(widgetx, widgety, self.widget.w, self.widget.h) if self.widget.selected == i and self:haveFocus() == true then v:drawSelected(widgetx, widgety, self.widget.w, self.widget.h) else v:draw(widgetx, widgety, self.widget.w, self.widget.h) end widgetx = widgetx + self.widget.w if widgetx == (self.x + self.w) then widgetx = self.x widgety = widgety + self.widget.h end end end end function FlowBox:drawCursor() if (self.widget.selected >= 1 and self.widget.selected <= #self.widget.list) then local w, h = self:getWidgetSize() local col, line = self:getCoord(self.widget.selected) local x = (col) * h local y = (line) * h menuutils.drawCursor(self.x + x, self.y + y, w, h) end end return FlowBox