local Chunk = Object:extend() local ChunkTerrain = require "game.modules.world.maps.tools.chunkterrain" function Chunk:new(map, data) self.map = map self.data = data self.grounds = {} self.areGroundsPrepared = false end function Chunk:getFakeData() local fakedata = {} local emptyline = {00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00} fakedata.objects = {emptyline, emptyline, emptyline, emptyline, emptyline} fakedata.terrain = {emptyline, emptyline, emptyline, emptyline, emptyline} fakedata.grind = {emptyline, emptyline, emptyline, emptyline, emptyline} return fakedata, false end function Chunk:update(dt) end function Chunk:spawnGrounds(x) if (self.areGroundsPrepared == false) then self:prepareGround() end self:generateGround(x) end function Chunk:prepareGround() for i=1, 5 do for j=1, 8 do if (self.data.terrain[i][j] ~= 3) and (self:haveNoGround(j, i)) then self:calculateGround(j, i) --self.map.world:newCollision("floor", x+(j-1)*31, (i-1)*20, -48, 31, 20, 48) end end end self.areGroundsPrepared = true end function Chunk:generateGround(basex) for i, ground in ipairs(self.grounds) do local x, y = ground.x, ground.y local w, h = ground.w, ground.h self.map.world:newCollision("floor", basex+(x-1)*31, (y-1)*20, -48, 31*w, 20*h, 48) end end function Chunk:haveNoGround(x, y) for i, ground in ipairs(self.grounds) do if ground:isInside(x, y) then return false end end return true end function Chunk:addGround(x, y, w, h) table.insert(self.grounds,ChunkTerrain(x, y, w, h)) end function Chunk:calculateGround(x, y) local groundHeight = 1 local groundWidth = 1 local maxHeight = 5-y local maxWidth = 8-x -- Creation de la première ligne local lineEmpty = true for i=0, maxWidth do if self:testTerrain(x + i, y) and (lineEmpty) then groundWidth = i + 1 else lineEmpty = false end end -- Pour optimiser, on commence à la seconde ligne cette boucle for i=1, maxHeight do lineEmpty = true for j=0, (groundWidth-1) do if self:testTerrain(x + j, y + i) == false then lineEmpty = false end end if (lineEmpty) then groundHeight = i + 1 else break end end self:addGround(x, y, groundWidth, groundHeight) end function Chunk:testTerrain(x, y) return (self.data.terrain[y][x] ~= 3) and (self:haveNoGround(x, y)) end function Chunk:spawnObjects(x) for i=1, 5 do for j=1, 8 do local id = self.data.objects[i][j] if (id ~= 0) then self.map.world:newObjFromIndex(id, x+(j-1)*31+12, (i-1)*20, 0) end end end end function Chunk:draw(x) for i=1, 5 do for j=1, 8 do if (self.data.terrain[i][j] ~= 0) then local tiley = (i-1)*20 local tilex = x + (j-1)*31 + (i-1)*10 local tileid = self.data.terrain[i][j] self:drawTile(tilex, tiley, tileid) end end end end function Chunk:drawTile(x, y, type) self.map.world.scene.assets.tileset["sptiles"]:drawTile(type, x, y) end return Chunk