local Base = require "core.modules.world.actors.actor2D" local Entity = Base:extend() -- On créer la classe des entitées, c'est la classe de base function Entity:new(world, type, x, y, w, h) -- On enregistre une nouvelle entité, avec par défaut sa hitbox. self:initPhysics(world, type, x, y, w, h) self.destroyed = false self.registered = false self:setDebugColor(0,0,0) end function Entity:initPhysics(world, type, x, y, w, h) self:setManagers(world) self.camera = self.scene.camera self.type = type self.gacc = 550 self.xsp = 0 self.ysp = 0 self.bounce = 0 self.grav = 0 self.frc = 0 self:initHitbox(x, y, w, h) self.onGround = false self.playerID = -1 self:register() end function Entity:update(dt) end function Entity:canBounce(bounce) self.bounce = bounce end function Entity:setMotion(xsp, ysp) self.xsp, self.ysp = xsp, ysp end function Entity:setMotionDirection(dir,spd) -- On commence par convertir l'angle en radians local dir = math.rad(dir) local xsp, ysp, cos, sin cos = math.cos(dir) sin = math.sin(dir) xsp = (spd * cos) ysp = (spd * sin) self.xsp, self.ysp = xsp, ysp end function Entity:gravity(dt) self.ysp = self.ysp + self.gacc * self.grav * dt end function Entity:friction(dt) if (math.abs(self.xsp) <= self.frc) then self.xsp = 0 else self.xsp = self.xsp - (self.frc * utils.math.sign(self.xsp)) end end function Entity:changeSpeedToCollisionNormal(nx, ny) local xsp, ysp = self.xsp, self.ysp if (nx < 0 and xsp > 0) or (nx > 0 and xsp < 0) then xsp = -xsp * self.bounce end if (ny < 0 and ysp > 0) or (ny > 0 and ysp < 0) then ysp = -ysp * self.bounce end self.xsp, self.ysp = xsp, ysp end function Entity:purge() self:remove() end function Entity:checkGround(ny) if not (self.grav == 0) then if ny < 0 then self.onGround = true end end end function Entity:move(dt) self.onGround = false local xsp, ysp = self.xsp * dt, self.ysp * dt local cols, cols_len self.x, self.y, cols, cols_len = self.world:moveActor(self, self.x + xsp, self.y + ysp, self.filter) for i=1, cols_len do local col = cols[i] if (col.type == "touch") or (col.type == "bounce") or (col.type == "slide") then self:changeSpeedToCollisionNormal(col.normal.x, col.normal.y) self:checkGround(col.normal.y) end end return cols, cols_len end function Entity:getDirection() if not (utils.math.sign(self.xsp) == 0) then self.direction = utils.math.sign(self.xsp) end end function Entity:isInsideView() return self.camera:isInsideView(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) end function Entity:draw() -- Cette fonction en contient rien par défaut end return Entity